If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

Other videos are good in this series too (there’s bad ones too), but this one is the best by far.


livestock generate majority of greenhouse gases. people need to eat more beef if they really care about the environment


Supply creates Demand?

Basic market principal says the opposite.


I worked kill floor for two years and still drool thinking of ribeye or liver and onions.
Guess I’m heartless?
Oh well.
Cows are yummy!


In Canada this is a hot topic. We have insane vegan-extremists who give the normal plant eaters a bad name.


In terms of enjoying food, Vegans are at an extreme disadvantage. In terms of overall health, some do better than others. When they finally do end up in a hospital, Vegans fair poorly when they have practiced poor eating habits, which is not uncommon.


they just breed too fast :wink:

theres a kill your own cow farm here, its probably the cheapest source of beef next to raising a cow and muslims love it cause they can make it halal. also got sheep and chickens and stuff too.


Yes, I guess many vegans just go vegan because of ideological reasons and don’t really pay attention to the nutritional value of their diet.

I have a friend who has a vegan wife, and their kids are raised with vegan diet. However she meticulously calculates nutritional values of their food so they get everything they need from the vegan way of life.

I doubt that that is the case in many vegan families, and that is a nightmarish thought, that many vegan raised kids are missing essential nutrients from their diet because their parents are lazy while they think “we’re saving the world”.


or when they try to feed their cat a vegan diet, and it almost dies cause they’re obligate carnivores


Feeding animals the wrong diet isn’t a vegan issue it’s a stupid people issue. I’m in the UK and old enough to remember CJD or mad cow disease, probably the single biggest issue caused by feeding animals shit diets, that was definitely not caused by vegans.


no one except vegetarians would try feeding a cat a vegetarian diet. unfortunately it happens quite often. cats are obligate carnivores that will eventually die without meat in their diet. but youre right it is definitely a stupid people issue.

i think mad cow was caused by feeding cows other cows, possibly raw.


My ex was a vegetarian and she still got mad cow disease :rofl::hocho::cow2:


CATTLE are vegetarian and mad cow was caused by feeding ground bone and meat products contaminated with brain and spinal matter in their grain.
Now hogs will even eat other hogs.


I have never seen a sprig of broccoli devour another sprig of broccoli, :laughing:



If you take all the numbers as gospel, accept that eating meat has a far larger carbon footprint than a plant based diet, then look at all the other things that increase your carbon footprint, you know just to get some perspective, then what you find is that having a child is a carbon footprint of over 58 tons per year but being vegan only saves 0.8 tons per year. I crunched the numbers and discovered that a meat eating person (0.82T) who drives a car (2.4T) and goes on two transatlantic flights a year (1.4-4.8) has a carbon footprint many times smaller than a vegan carless person who does not fly but who has a single child (58.6T).

You could either have one vegan being able to have a child or over 7 people eating meat, driving cars, and going on international flights.

I eat meat, I drive a car, and I go on holiday abroad twice a year (not transatlantic) but I have no kids. As such I have a carbon footprint 11 times smaller than a vegan who has a child.

Before you get to ‘eat a plant based diet’ in the list of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint there are a few options.

1, Have one fewer child (58.6T)
2, Live car free (2.4T)
3, avoid one transatlantic return flight (1.6T)
4, Buy green energy (1.47T)
5, go from electric car to car free (1.15T)
6, eat a plant based diet (0.82T) (hooray! here we are!)
7, replace typical car with hybrid (0.52)
8, wash clothes in cold water (0.25T)
9, hang dry clothes (0.21T)
10, recycle (0.21T)
11, upgrade light bulbs (0.1T)

So, instead of giving up meat, you could almost be as green by doing cold clothes washes then hanging your clothes to dry, recycling, and getting energy saving lightbulbs.


44 posts were split to a new topic: Climate Change debate

It’s a shame most people focus on the animal issues over just eating a more healthy diet in general. I mean one could certainly eat lean meat, but who does and that’s really the issue. It’s really not even so much the meat as it is all the other ingredients that go in to making the processed food. Animal fats are used in tons of processed foods.

I know at least in the US, if more people ate a vegan lifestyle I’m betting we wouldn’t be the most obese nation in the world.

Truth is, I can’t stand to listen to about 90% of the Vegans out there myself. It’s like a fuckin cult.


I have not eaten red meat or fowl for almost 40 years. I eat eggs, cheese and fish.

As our friend and mentor @LED_Seedz says, it is about quality.

It is also life style. If you spend all day sucking bongs on a couch, guess what?



@LED_Seedz I Lost 135# on Atkins & kept it off for years. I Only gain when I add carbs so for me I use my canines and skip the “white” carbs.


when you do though, please try and document this. thanks. :seedling::herb:

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