SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Beautiful they look very happy!


Here’s a few pics of your SSDD f2 and thanks for the the great work you did on her preservation
They are 2 sticky girls of the 2 phenoms I believe there the same I call them sisters but one is a shortie they’re the stickiest at the age they are 33 days in flower
Stacking nicely
And hairs are turning color earlier then expected
I feel she’ll be the 1st to finish

There is a very enticing sent that I can’t place

Very frosty also
Thanks my friend


Man those look very much like their mom! Maybe closest I’ve seen so far :heart_eyes: looks great!

I’ve definitely seen some quick finishers from the Starlite DayDream father, and the mom is ready by day 56 on a good run. I expected at least a good portion to finish around then, with outliers at 42 and 77. Hopefully not too much longer to go ^^


day 35 doing great really starting to fill out and frost up :innocent: hope everyone has a great weekend much love and happy growing :v::heart::seedling:


Damn @DesertHeartGardens , you got a carpet! That is one fine canopy bud, they sure are filling in nice! Looking similar to my #1
They look real real happy :smiley:


:joy: best kind of carpet it looks like my number 2 most squat is going to finish first starting to get some orange hairs hopefully not to much of a difference time wise then the others :crossed_fingers: number 5 in the back right is the most dense buds of the bunch has a coffee thing going on all the others have varying degrees of blueberry smells number 4 smelling more tart sour blueberry number 2 sweet blueberry and rubber and number 3 smells like blueberry/skunky floral thing not quite as loud as the 2 though can’t wait to get them Jared up and cured :drooling_face: @BeagleZ


so nice your getting something a little different from them all. My tall gal is straight buttered blueberry muffin as of last night. #1 the squat sister, is something else, i think it might be the sour butter but im still not sure what that smells like lol…
Will post an update here later on my 2


I get so much out of seeing all y’all’s plants grow along with mine. It’s like I have 10 more lights of it running! It’s like 10 runs experience in 1, atleast 10x exposure to learning moments, @DesertHeartGardens that training is fire buddy! I think training seperates the very best from regular growers, hopefully I will learn to do better.


Agreed truly awesome to see everyone’s grows haven’t had an experience like that before ! And thank you so much for the kind words :relaxed:, have been blessed with having access too great equipment,amazing community’s like og and a few other places that have beyond wealths of information to learn from some of the best out there along with amazing genetics like these beans from @HolyAngel breeding with intention and a large pots helps tons with my style of growing gives my human error a buffer :joy: best advice for training is start young and aggressive you will get a hang of it in no time much love @Vigor


Absolutely beautiful work


Week 7 update

SSDDbx #1, what I think might be the sour butter. Great structure and packing in nicely.
Just beginning to fade.

SSDDbx #2 , the most pleasant blueberry muffin aroma :slight_smile: she’s a lot more airy than #1 but she’s trying to fill in the spears for me. Super fast stretcher and stacking nicely now.
Still putting out the weird foliage and showing more signs of fade.

Little droopy as they are scheduled to go out drinking tonight.


#1 girl heading to the drying line tonight


Nice job, will there be a follow-up smoke report.?


Yes. I’ll absolutely give some updates after it’s dry and also after some curing time. I’ve tried a little that was cut down a couple of weeks ago. It’s definitely some very good smoke. @HolyAngel has done a wonderful job with this one


@HolyAngel ’s choice of his male really has pumped up the yields compared to the F1 SSDD.
All plants i’ve seen here on OG look just awesome!


Day 34 flower, I believe I have found an early standout. My 15 gal is one of the chunkier ones and has a nice blue butter aroma as of now. I wouldn’t quite say blueberry muffin. And I know all of that will likely change over the next month. But she frosted up seemingly overnight! Much more so than all of her sisters. Maybe this plant is just quicker and the others will turn into diamonds as well? Time will tell I suppose. I’m already tired of mmy current harvest and can’t wait to get these in my bong!


Ssdd 2

Ssdd 3 image

Ssdd 4

Ssdd 5

Day 45 flower backed off on the light a bit and gave them a bit more feed a few days ago and starting to look a bit better much love and happy growing :v:


All looking fantastic guys! Love seeing these grown out! Can’t wait to read the smoke reports!

Looks like the big yielding blueberry plants are the most common pheno :thinking:

I’m going to rename the male side of this BX1 from Starlite Daydream to just StarShine as with the Starlite in the lineage, there is no daydreaming on this stuff :joy: It’s all daytime effects. Starlite is also showing her dominance in here. It’s the reason for these big yielders showing up, and the slightly airy buds on a few. I’ve also yet to see any tight, fat bracht/calyx, kushy lookin buds like the mom has.

It’s going to take careful selection from here on out so I decided to soak the very last 3 beans of StarShine, aka Starlite Daydream, in existence, to see if there’s anything left in there before I proceed with making a BX2 of this line. If I get lucky then I’ll make a BX1 V2 first and decide from there which or both to use. And maybe some StarShine F2’s while I’m at it :yum: Otherwise we’ll move forward with these and see how BX2’s look!

Once I can get the mom somewhat in seed form, I’ll start looking at taking her into more nighttime territory with Blue Tara, Kryptonite, or something else. Maybe a bodhi SSDD cross since his male seems to pass the more evening effects. Stardawg guava, chem91, or kush4 sound like good candidates there for me. See what happens when I get there ^^


Keep up the fantastic work. You’re literally changing lives working this line!! Thank you so much!


Here’s a couple of pics from trim jail. I’ll get some better pics and a little early smoke report in the next few days

#1 Sweet Blueberry smell

#2 Sour creamy smell