St Judes Auction for Children

One. Gods Pink $30 @CanuckistanPete

Fortyfive. Ruby Runner $20 @Piter

  1. Gods Pink 10 @yardgrazer for $40
  2. Purple Unicorn f5 10 @Tao for $30
  3. Biker Slush 12 @ix3u for $20
  4. Chem 91 BX 10 @Faithisyours for $30
  5. Purple Thai 10 @Tejas for $40
  6. GSC Forum Cut x
    A5 Haze/Mirakel 10 @Dirt_Wizard for $30
  7. Babylon Buster Dreadbread x 88G13 Hp 20 @Greenup for $20
  8. Lazy Lightening
    Headband x 88G13Hp. 10 @InTheWoods for $30
  9. Island Crippy 10 @Mrgreenthumb for $30

Not a big thing but I would appreciate lot numbers as it makes it far easier for me to find these strains to make the changes.


It’s the system actually, I had put it down for lots 1 and 45 but it turned it to 1 and 2, just like a wiki would.


@Granola $40 for Lot #36, GSC x A5Mirakel


When a person bids I will acknowledge thier bid and let you know it was notated by liking your post.


I do something similar for St. Jude. Not wanting to hijack so feel free to let me know if you’re not interested, and I’ll delete this post; but I’d toss a pack of freebies for any bids that go over $50. Maybe some extra incentive to drive the bid in the last day and raise a few more bucks for Jude

Winning bids over $50 can contact me directly. and we’ll send a pack of anything off the latest list direct to them, and I’ll cover shipping.

More info here: Beans 4 St. Jude

EDIT: Sorry all, no freebies according to old joints… Wander over to my thread and I’m sure we can find something :wink:


Thank you for your kind offer but I will pass on this.

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Lot #57 Island Crippy $35 @CanuckistanPete


Ok folks so we are down to our last day of the auction.

I would like to thank our very generous donators who have made all this possible:

@Budderton @Tracker @boatbum325
@BlackWaterBudd @TopShelfTrees1
@ELG @darkillusion @buckaroobonsai
An anonymous member has added some packs and wishes to add 5% to the grand total of all bids in the auction.

A big thanks to all that have participated and the very awesome way everyone has responded to helping children with a devastating disease.

So get your sniper weapons ready and bullet proof vests on as this winds down.

I will post who made the very last bid allowed before time runs out at 3:59.59 PM.
Please understand I do not have access to the functions of this site and can only go buy what I see here on this machine. So please no arguments over when the last bid occurred. This auction is not supported so we can not have LJ come and make that decision.

So let’s have some fun and in the process help families with their loved ones!

Once all funds have been collected I will post in this thread with a receipt of the funds donated. Please stand by your bids and pay promptly.

I will be messaging every winner with the information to make payments for the strains they have won and contacting the donators with the info needed to send out your winnings.

Peace and love to all and i once again thank you everyone for their participation………. OJ


12 hours left……… central time zone!


12 hours?? Then the timestamp in first post is not correct. It is not a timestamp. I have the timezone configured properly and for me it ends in four hours.

I am going by Central US timezone not by whatever timezone you are in.

It is 5:43 AM here right now

This is what I’m referring to.

The time posted there is not a timestamp. It is a fixed time. Only valid for central US. If it where a timestamp, then should show different times depending on the users timezones.

But it doesn’t and I can’t change that. I am going by the timezone I am in simply because this is my auction. Simply convert the time difference to your local time.

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I knew I’d seen this discussion before, took me a minute to find it… apparently you can change it to a timestamp by editing the original post with a calendar function.


If I win a few lots I win, and if I lose… more money for a great organization so win-win either way, but wouldn’t all of the ending-time confusion be solved by simply posting the end time in whatever timezone and saying what time zone it is? Then we can use Google if it’s not an obvious conversion.

ETA: In other words, simply saying it ends at… 4pm let’s say, US Central Time… we can convert from that.

I thought they’d already stated end time was 4pm (3:59:59) Central US.
So it’ll be 22:00 (21:59:59)GMT for me.


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I have done that and there is still confusion. Happens every auction!

We are using Central Time US

Please convert your time for 3:59 In Central Time to your local time.


Yes it was stated several times…….