Stacked Mother Lode . 2022 . The Genesis

In case you’re wondering what flowering basil looks like;

Top right: Might have some bell peppers in a couple of months. :upside_down_face:

Bottom: Something has been chewing on the leaves of the NL5xAfghan.

My mother always said: If you’re hungry, eat.

If it happens then that means the plant is growing too fast and it being chewed on a little is a good thing, keeping it in check a little so it remains strong and potent.
How about that perspective?
They only touch the leaves anyway, and they’re plenty green.
I don’t see any fucks being given by the plant, so why should I give a fuck?


Note on the Quantum Board:

Even with the dimmer on zero it still gives a faint glow.
At first I just thought it was afterglow, a capacitor unloading slowly perhaps, if that’s even in there?
So I left it overnight, and in the morning it was still faintly glowing, so I unplug it completely every day now.


If it has a HLG series Meanwell driver, they only dim down to 10%. :nerd_face:


As ReikoX said…

Normal operation, don’t worry about it. :+1:



Union Light - Fahrenheit Project, Part Four


I think that fungus is Penicillium.

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Made an adjustment.
The stacked pots in the corners weren’t reaching the bottom of the container and were drying out too fast from below. So took them out and put another fabric pot in there and then filled it with organic bagged potting soil and put the pots with the seeds on top of it, with some extra potting soil around, and topdressed with bananapeel.

Siamese twin version of stacked pots.
No seeds were lost in the process.

A little bit of roots were torn, but the damage was very minor, they’ll be fine.
Topdressed the big pot with some pottingsoil too and some dried leaves I found from walnut trees while I was leaning on them with one arm around them, like they’re my best buddies. It doesn’t need to be a full on hug. Just like, you’re pretty cool, I like you tree, kinda vibe you know. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Did some chopping as well.
The cilantro was delicious, and the basil is mildly spicy, very nice.
The woodsorrel tastes good too, it has a very unique fresh zing to it.

^ On the right: Chopped the smallest of the bellpeppers and let the two biggest ones go on.
Dropped the leaves from my fresh mint tea in there.

^ Two new kids on the block.

Full moon in Capricorn is coming up.
Ignore the drama and chew on something.

Harvested because it suddenly smelled like hay, weather has been rather dry and warm last few days. Looking bit rough, but this ain’t a beauty contest, it’s medicine.

I am harvesting just about every month now I think… or every month and a half, something like that?
Always have at least one in flower and always something in my jars.
I am grateful for being able to grow these magnificent herbs.



I started adding a sprinkling of dried sage to my daily food.

Sage contains 160 kinds of antioxidants or something, and a whole bunch of other good stuff.

"In healthy adults, sage was shown to improve memory in low doses.

Higher doses also elevated mood and increased alertness, calmness and contentedness.

In both younger and older adults, sage appears to improve memory and brain function."


^ Buncha sprouts ganging up.

^ Drizzled some cayenne pepper over the sprout to keep the rollie pollies away. Plenty of mulch laying around for them.

^ Slowly but surely some new growth on the Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry F2.
I think that might be some mint or nettle sprouting under it. :green_heart:
Spot the fungus gnat. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Gonna back off from watering again.

And we loved, again, this world.

Meanwhile, flowers still bloom.
The moon rises, and the sun.
Babies smile and somewhere,
Against all the odds,
Two people are falling in love.
Strangers share cigarettes and jokes.
Light plays on the surface of water.
Grace occurs on unlikely streets
And we hold each other fast
Against entropy, the fires and the flood.
Life leans towards living
And, while death claims all things at the end,
There were such precious times between,
In which everything was radiant
And we loved, again, this world.

— Tom Hirons, “In the Meantime” (FB, Family Integrative Health, July 1, 2022)


Look at them go!
Rising stars. :star_struck:

^ I count 8 sprouts, 12 plants total in the Stacked Mother Lode pot.
That’s the official name from now on.



After a few days of adding sage to my food i gotta say the effect of the cannabis is stronger and yet more clear thinking going on. Leans more towards psilocybin effect, but with a more rooted feeling.

Sage is amazing.

Opens the heart a good notch too.

Breathing is easier and lighter and body feels cooler in this heat.

Bloodpressure has been low the past few days, mildly dizzy when getting up fast.
Nothing bad, but a good reminder to never be in a hurry, that’s good.
When you heed what your body is telling you, you’ll be ok.

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Stack em deep!

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We got a bit of a stretch going on.
It’s all good, you go girl!

The midget flowering ones on the right are like that because I let it all get too dry.

Bellpepper plants top right are going for it!


Has anyone riffed off the title of this thread yet? Why did it just occur to me now to say “I’d like to give your stacked mother a load”? :laughing:



Don’t remember if you’ve mentioned this but do u have drain holes in the tub?


No, there’s a little bit of space around the fabric pots here and there and in two corners, so I mostly pour water in those gaps so that it is absorbed from the bottom.
Plenty of aeration going on from the sides.

I like to keep the top soil as dry as possible to prevent fungus gnats, but now and then I gotta pour some water on the top, then I get a gnat or two and then they disappear again.


The Many Benefits of Trees