Stacked Mother Lode . 2022 . The Genesis

This is how we roll in Rogue land.

You can see the couple of leftover spirulina tablets in there too,
being devoured by white fungi (looks pink on photo).
Leaf looks bit burnt on the sprout, stress testing it early with nitrogen abundance.


They are responding beautifully to the topping.
Unbothered and brimming with joy!
A garden full of gloriousity!

Topdressed with sliced up core of oxheart cabbage.


This is a great thread Rogue, I’ve learned a ton of usefull practices in the first few posts.
I’m gonna be a little sponge down here and soak up some goodness, probibly laugh too.
Thanks, pine


I’m just making it up as I go.
Changing my mind often and without hesitation.


Why do they bend that way?

For the fun of it.
Slow motion dancing.
These plants show us how to have FUN.

It also allows for more light to reach the lower leaves and other plants.


I had always get a kick out of how wild it looks if a branch flops over and the plant just kind of accommodates the new position.


This just keeps getting better and better…
Not the slightest sign of any trouble.
What more can I say?
So easy…


Yet another update from Pink Paradise. :nerd_face:

Life is good, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Contemplating… might douse the little blueberry ones with the pollen, once they are mature and the three large ones are at the end of flowering. Should give the offspring more vigor.


Alright, alright, alright.

Did some kissy face all around with the dried up male I have in a brown paper bag.

Will probably go for another round on the Mr. Nice NL5xAfghan later on when she’s grown a few more white hairs. The scent of this cultivar blows me away every time.
Such complex perfume… stunning!

There’s 6 plants going on in the blue pot now.
11 in total, divine ecstasy!!!



All one needs to invest in to get started is many different seeds and sow them by the fistful, then only the best will aways survive. Include nitrogen fixing cover crops for fertilisation.

Harvest only half of what you get and let the rest go back to the soil, then for the next season you won’t even need to sow, it’ll all just sprout by itself from the seeds that went into the soil from half the harvest you left there.

The seeds will sprout at different times, so even with rough weather early on there will always be those that sprouted later that’ll survive. Or vice versa, you may lose the later sprouts while the early sprouts thrive.

Walking paths can be created throughout the land in geometric patterns with a thick layer of bark/wood chips mixed with a variety of mushroom mycelium. Mycorrhizal species can be selected for maximum yields, since they entangle themselves with the roots of the crops, creating a symbiotic relationship with the plants and the soil life.
They feed not only the plants but also the bacteria and other microbes necessary for the cycle of life.

Mycorrhizal fungi provide the crops with an array of nutrients and water which they absorb like a sponge, very much acting like the nervous and circulatory system of the soil.
Fungi thrive on carbohydrates, which are provided by the fruitbodies from the crops that are not harvested and instead are left behind to feed the soil life.

When left alone, life creates more life.

It’s so simple and easy.
Every new generation of crops will be stronger and more flavourful.

After sowing once, all that is needed, is to harvest only half, for the rest of your life, and your children’s lives, and their children’s lives… That’s it.

You’ll leave behind a legacy of fertility and food security along with an increase in fertile soil and stronger genetics, adapted to the local soil and weather.

This method can also provide peaceful and safe jobs for the traumatised and depressed.

Very beneficial for children as well and anyone who desires to establish a closer connection with that which created us, that which feeds and nourishes us.

The creative intelligence that is living organic soil.


You have no idea how interesting it will be to see this transpire 2-6 months from now.

I mean this method has worked flawlessly with the chives in the planter I leave on my porch all year- but I’m excited to see your self-spawning cannabis.


I am not yet sure when I’ll leave half of the harvest behind, that will depend on how much I have left in my jar. Once I still have a full jar at the same time as a harvest, then I’ll leave half of it to decompose. Building a buffer first, working my way to overabundance of the jar.

I intend to always have a full jar at any given time.


Or 10 :wink: lol



That’s 9 jars to give away…!!!


Hi @Rogue … You said “The Genesis” i’m in >>> Amazing flow > Positive vibe mode

Repost from Insta @growsseria … aka Rudegrower

Life after dead >>>


Loveeee your style Rogue!!! I have truly
Enjoyed your grows man! Much Love!


We have a Cherry Festival male and female!
The Crème de la Chem ones are both female.

Anyone up for some Chem de la Cherry F1 seeds?

The growth continues!

Curious to see what happens when I refrain from adding any seeds from outside this gene pool.
I guess it will eventually stabilize into a new cultivar as the outrageous incestual affairs go on?


Sounds tasty!!
Looking good bud :slight_smile:


Lol, absolutely love the vocabulary. You could stabilize it but you’ll have to choose which direction you want to go, photo or auto, in the F2’s. Otherwise it would probably continue to be a mix of both through the generations.

Plants are looking supremely healthy :v:


Hmm… I’m running more or less 12/12 light continuously, give or take an hour.
I’ll never even know the difference! :smile:

That’s settled then.