Standard nutrient flushing (clearing) formula

If you are growing with chem ferts like GH flora or similar, you should clear the nutes during the last week of flowering. It will help the plant to use up its reserves stored away in its foliage, this lack of food will force the plant to translocate the extra nitogen and other elements stored in its tissues which will help the final smoke taste much better. No harsh chemical or "green" taste from the excess chlorophyll, nitrogen and other elements in the final smoke.

The best way to accomplish this clearing is to feed only water for about the last week (or LESS) of flowering.

If you have been growing the plant on organic nutrients then there is seldom a need to clear the plant since it has not taken up any foul tasting chemical nutrients. The extra N stored in the foliage will have been used up (translocated for budding fuel) as part of the natural process of final budding.


Note: These days there are several products on the “grow store” market which say they help the plants clear chemicals. Botanicare Clearex is one of these which users report great results using. My take is, if its not broke why fix it. Good old water does the trick. :slight_smile:

Hi, i was looking into flushing products like clearex and flora clean, and it seems that they are made up of glucose and sucrose, and those are useful in promoting bacterial growth for soil and also have some chemical properties that break down salt buildup and help flushing the medium. Although plants are not know to uptake them directly, some people recommend using them for the flush and claim they aid in flushing and replace harsh chemicals with sweetness, and it is somehow easier for the plant than doing a water only flush. MY opinion on water only flush is that it is quite harsh, and i have noticed the crop loosing quality the veins darkening loosing vigour and becoming tougher, and the final quality compromised all in all. I would like to discuss the use of sugars particularly in flushing hydroponic grows, any experience or knowledge about that would be good.