Starcube seed run

Aww. That sucks bro.
Sorry to hear it!
Way to see the silver lining though.
Guess we can’t win em all, aye?:wink:


Ahhhh man… Sorry to hear that.
What a bad luck… But at least you could find the good side… A sinsemilla grow…

Things happend.

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sorry to hear that man! heads up!

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Fsck! Sorry too. Shit happens. Hope this won’'t spread and you’ll have good smoke to tell us about :slight_smile:

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@Ottafish, I now have 5 girls and one starcube guy …
There is a cycle with girls now …
F2 seeds and some crosses are approached in the spring.
I see how many people are interested in getting F2 seeds, so if it is relevant for you, then I will be able to send you a Starcube pollen. Such pollination is unlikely to give the required amount of seeds, but it’s better than nothing … I think so.


Thanks brother. I still have the seeds you gave me too so I will try those next time.


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