Strayfox email

Does anyone know Strayfox email or a way to contact him directly? Thanks in advance

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@MonsterDrank just posted about knowing stray for a while. Not sure if he could help you out.

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His Instagram used to have a contact email if I remember right. I’ll check it out later tonight and see if it’s current.


I’ll go check, didn’t think about that.

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But now we gotta ask: Why are you contacting Strayfox?!

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I’m curious also after that post by @MonsterDrank

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id take a few jars of that liquid gold!

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Same here bud. :+1:

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He’s on Instagram… thats how I talk to him. I’ve known him for a long long time, like I said in my thread. I don’t just go giving out people’s email addresses sorry.


Lol, like it’s a big secret. I found it and contacted him, thanks

Damn, I don’t do social media. Overgrow is as close as it gets! Lol


Just some genetic questions, used to chat on another forum but I’m no longer a member.

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@moderators please close I’ve solved the issue

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I highly doubt u found “his” email. If you’re talking about the one u likely found using Google… its not his. He doesn’t give out his actual email to the general public, like most breeders.

:+1:t2: thank you for your help , :v:t3:


And in fact like 5 people dm’d me his email :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: