Super Bowl giveaway (US only)

What a fun thread!

I’m hoping for a close game. Eagles 28 - Chiefs 32

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Chiefs 106. Eagles 81



I am too. Being the super bowl, they should keep it as close as possible. Will definitely be a nail biter the whole time and a really good match up

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This ain’t basketball :rofl::rofl::rofl:


24 chiefs 20 eagles

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What a cool idea for a contest!
I’ll take Chiefs-30 Eagles 24. Thanks for the great giveaway.


Now that’s a spread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl: lol (1) :rofl: rofl :rofl: lol (1) :rofl:


Eagles 17 - Chiefs 20

Since @Rhai88 already has my numbers…


Of course the real winners of any NFL game are as follows
→ Television & Cable Networks, Fortune 500 advertising companies, Alcohol producers, Junk Food producers, Pharmaceutical companies (that sell potions to manage the damage from junk food & booze).

And most importantly Politicians & the Wealthy benefit from NFL.

Just as the Roman’s used Bread & Circus to pacify the forgotten, enslaved, poor masses… today the NFL/NBA/Nascar are used for the same purpose.

Enjoy the game! :laughing:
P.s. seriously thanks Cyr_Grow nice giveaway!


Yeah, @Gonzo got mine. Waving hello


I went with a lower number. In case it’s a Price is Right kinda thing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


eagles -21 /chiefs 24 just like the example lol :slight_smile: :sunglasses: final answer!

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Chiefs 44 eagles 24

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Eagles: 30 Chiefs:42. :thinking::grin:

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I compiled a list of all guesses so far for you to make things easier, and so nobody picks the same scores.
I gotta run to practice with my band out of state so I can’t do anything more or I would keep going, but I hope this helps a bit.

Good Luck Everyone !!


Rhai88: Chiefs 21 - Eagles 17
Blendmedmedman: Chiefs 34 - Eagle’s 14
Crunch berries: Chiefs 14 - Eagle’s 35
imstinky: Chiefs 34 - Eagle’s 20
Pleasentrees420: Chiefs 24 - Eagle’s 31
Tokeymcweedy: Chiefs 28 - Eagle’s 24
Happytrees23s: Chiefs 17 - Eagle’s 32
Sfzombie13: Chiefs 14 - Eagle’s 17
Tripl3fastaction: Chiefs 31 - Eagle’s 21
wbSamadhi: Chiefs 28 - Eagle’s 34
Gonzo: Chiefs 31 - Eagle’s 28
mota: Chiefs 32 - Eagle’s 28
Jetdro: Chiefs 106 - Eagle’s 81
Smooth: Chiefs 24 - Eagle’s 20
FirstCavApache64: Chiefs 30 - Eagle’s 24
blowdout2269: Chiefs 20 - Eagle’s 17
tresbundles: Chiefs 24 - Eagle’s 21
Cannaology: Chiefs 44 - Eagle’s 24
Natea: Chiefs 42 - Eagle’s 30
Gman: Rhai88: Chiefs 21 - Eagles 17
Blendmedmedman: Chiefs 34 - Eagle’s 14
Crunch berries: Chiefs 14 - Eagle’s 35
imstinky: Chiefs 34 - Eagle’s 20
Pleasentrees420: Chiefs 24 - Eagle’s 31
Tokeymcweedy: Chiefs 28 - Eagle’s 24
Happytrees23s: Chiefs 17 - Eagle’s 32
Sfzombie13: Chiefs 14 - Eagle’s 17
Tripl3fastaction: Chiefs 31 - Eagle’s 21
wbSamadhi: Chiefs 28 - Eagle’s 34
Gonzo: Chiefs 31 - Eagle’s 28
mota: Chiefs 32 - Eagle’s 28
Jetdro: Chiefs 106 - Eagle’s 81
Smooth: Chiefs 24 - Eagle’s 20
FirstCavApache64: Chiefs 30 - Eagle’s 24
blowdout2269: Chiefs 20 - Eagle’s 17
tresbundles: Chiefs 24 - Eagle’s 21
Cannaology: Chiefs 44 - Eagle’s 24
Natea: Chiefs 37 - Eagle’s 38
Gman: Cheifs 38 - KC 37
Elpolloloco: Cheifs 28 - Eagle’s 17
PeaceCoast: Cheifs 21 - Eagles 42
MisterBee: Cheifs 31 - Eagles 37
420noob: Cheifs 24 - Eagles 14
LedZeppelin: Cheifs 21 - Eagles 31

Maybe someone can make a wiki for you and just stick to
Cheifs - Eagles format


Chiefs 38 - KC 37


28 chiefs - 17 eagles

Thanks this will make the game even more interesting!


Eagles 42 , chiefs 21


Eagles 37 Chiefs 31 SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: