Super soil or Soil less with Hydro Nutes?

Less nutes in soil. More nutes in feed.

Cannabis will hyper accumulate aka waste lots of immobile nutes. You put in 12 weeks of calcium for the entire grow? Great, the plant puts it into useless immobile structures by week 6. Calcium is immobile. Calcium is immobile. Calcium is immobile. Everyone seems to miss that. Most of the pretentious organic soil growers put out gross weed. No one wants to say it, I’ll say it. If you don’t feed nutes with every watering your bud will suck. Even the hydro experts at JR Peters can’t grasp the difference between a tissue test and a sap test. Tissue test shows immobile nutrients that haven’t been in play for weeks. Ask a Jack’s rep or an youtube notill guru what the purpose of calmag is. They don’t know. They think 10% immobile Ca in tissue means you can’t possibly have a Ca deficiency.

Avoid all soil gurus. Avoid all hydro gurus. The best weed comes from old men who don’t get on grow forums.

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