Super soil or Soil less with Hydro Nutes?

high guys!

Just wanted to have a discussion on what works the best to breed cannabis plants indoors, I am looking fwd to start mine soon…
Super soil? or Soilless medium with Hydro nutes?

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What are your goals, my friend? Breeding, okay. What makes you feel like the media will impact that? It is really whatever is easiest for you to get good results.

I’d probably go hydro. Rockwool to cram plants in. Or coco. Soil may get a bit tedious depending. Though if you’re trying to keep moms, they’ll keep better in some soil mix usually. More info would help though. Explain your thoughts a bit?


As a new grower, I’ve been happy starting in soil. Using Build A Soil stuff, and also experimenting with Mother Earth Groundswell – but more interested in the BaS.

I feel like hydro can be a wonderful method as well, but if it were me, I’d do some more homework and then pick a path. You’ll surely learn in any case!


I breed/preserve using a simple soilless mix with a good all purpose organic dry amednment blend. Pride Lands + Promix. Best of both worlds


I’d say it all depends on the amount or work/time you’re willing to put into the garden.

For breeding, I prefer soilless media due to the control. I’d say you have better control and way less bugs. But your time in the garden definitely increases with daily watering/setting up your nutes. etc…

However, if you’re looking for a more natural growing environment and are less concerned precise control, soil might be the better option. It boils down to your specific goals, time, and money.


I might suggest you start soilless and use salts. The think with organic soil is that most new growers don’t have a clue what they’re looking at, no matter all the online info. At least when you’re feeding everyone to the plant vs the plant pulling the notes from the soil, you can see the results of your actions. It can give you a better idea what you’re looking for. Cause and effect per se’. Then move to soil if inlined to do so. I feel like you learn the plants faster by using nutes to feed, whatever they might be.

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what are your suggestion if I have in my resources a 20-20-20 mineral based fertiliser?
I am all new to indoors…
I have 20-20-20 in my resources + peat moss + pearlite

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Are you going to be hand watering or will you have some sort of automated setup? I’d go soilless since it seems to be where you’re geared anyway. Here is a good recipe from a good cat.

You may not have everything right away but you can make substitutions and adjustments as needed. If you’re just breeding you may be able to get by backing off on the rates a little.


I will be hand watering the whole grow

Id focus on learning to grow first before planing to be a breeder :slight_smile:

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I have grown a lot, but outdoors, breeding is not an issue I got loads of Indian landraces.

I am looking forward to start playing around with Hydro nutes/ mineral based nutes.
It would be a hobby to me.

Theres no really right or wrong… its whatever works better and easier for you… i grow all organic but many people find it easier to grow with salts…

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If i were starting over I would stay away from bottles for a bit at first in my opinions, less upkeep, find something you can top dress say once a month that way you can focus on learning to water properly and read your plants needs.


what would be the suggestion for a blend of super soil?
I got basic soilless supply of Peat moss + perlite

Thanks for the suggestion, I already make my soil for outdoors and all organic but, indoors it would kind of erupt with all sorts of life, the insects and all that. that would be an issue.

I would make it the same way honestly, just keep your indoor soil for indoors and never take it outside.

I love life in my pots, microbes, mold mites, spring tails ect. These are beneficial. If there not on my plants I don’t worry about them.

I personally use Gaia green organics right now, and as my base soil is fox farm ocean forest. I up pot them untill they are ready to flower. Then I top dress once or twice in flower with Gaia greens and worm castings. I do a few other things if I’m feeling up to it, teas, lactose bacillus bacteria, some molasses, but not always. I’m pretty played back with it.

If you find my grow it will show how I personally mix my soil.

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Thats my current mix ive been using for the past5 years or so, pretty happy with the results


You might have to invest a bit more in advance, but on the long run u cant compare the prices to synthetic nutee

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If you already got a promix style, all you need is a good all in one dry amendment. I swear by pride lands, but theres tons of good cheaper options too. DTE Bio Live, Dr Earth, Buildasoil, Gaia Green. Just Mix it in the soil, and top dress every couple weeks and youre golden.