Different nutrient line to use

hey there all!

I’ve been using megacrop for my runs and I’ve been thinking maybe it’s time for a change…

can you guys link me to what you use and leave some insight on possible suggestions and why you like using them? not that a one part mix is bad… but I feel I could be accomplishing so much more

thanks in advance y’all!


Nectar For The Gods. Great organic* nutrient line and a good community. They have a Facebook group called Nectar For The God’s Growers that is very supportive. Scott Ostrander is super knowledgeable and very interactive with his customers. You can get a free sample of their line, all you have to do is pay shipping.

The downside is you will have to get very familiar with taking pH and TDS readings. It’s a calcium based line and pH is VERY critical. You will be taking a lot of slurry tests to make sure your numbers are where they need to be. There is a lot of measuring and mixing; you can put your Shake Weight in the garage because you won’t need it anymore. Also, it’s not cheap. But it’s worth it in my opinion.

The Bible was too big to upload. Here’s a link to my Dropbox: Dropbox

For the sample kit: https://www.oregonsonly.com/samples/

Good store to buy from: https://oregonsconstantgardener.com


Maxi grow and maxi bloom.

You can use it as a base and dial it in adding;

Cal mag
Epsom salts
Humic and fulvic acids


I’ll chime in for the few pure organic growers on OG. Consider just adding soil amendments to make a super rich organic soil that you can feed (if you need to) with either compost tea or super soil. It’s a bitch at first (experimenting with different mixes) but once you got a good mix you can use that for practically any heavy feeding plant (cannabis, tomatoes, melons, corn, peppers) and get good to great results. If you’re into gardening lol.
Just my 2c.


I have a friend that grows in living soil am d i like his results



Remo Nutrients. Urban Remo has been an active grower in BC Canada for years. He also helped push Medical Marijuana growing through our courts successfully. I am only 27 days in on a grow with Remo but so far, so good. The pH holds & the plants are loving the nutes. It is a family run business as well.



I’m not a fan of one part products. In my limited experience (six grows), I’ve had the healthiest plants using MC along with GH Kool Bloom & Flora Licious+ and Calmag+.
I’ve used MaxiGro & MaxiBloom. Too many newb errors to give it a fair evaluation.
2nd & 3rd grows: I used AN Sensi Grow & Bloom & all the extras. I was mixing 7 - 9 bottles every feeding. Hard for me to dial in, but no pH measurements. Biggest yields though.
4th: GH 2 part Flora M&B, Kool Bloom & Calmag+
5th: MC as stated above
Presently using GH 3-part Flora G/M/B, Kool Bloom, Flora Licious+ & Calmag+. It works as well as MC + extras. I guess it all depends on how much mixing is too much.


I dont see any reason to change from Mega Crop. Im still new and have only done two grows though.

The first grow was in soil. I started out using Fox Farms and had constant issues. Once I switched to Mega Crop, no more ugly leaves and I got an above average yield.

My second grow was a complicated three way hydro experiment that had issues - mostly due to my poor design of the system. I used Mega Crop from day one on it and again had zero leaf issues. The plants looked great from day one all the way to harvest - even when I over fed them. Yields were also very good on that grow despite root rot that made me harvest early.

I cant imagine improving things enough to justify the extra work and cost of changing nutes. Mega Crop is just stupid easy, affordable, and works as it should.

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Done in the correct ratios you can get almost anything to work, I used my own soil blend (super soil) , roots organic, blue planet, vermifire. Pictures say a lot more than words, in the last three years barring any insect issue( which has only been one) switching to GH 3 part with liquid koolbloom has worked flawlessly, plants are fed every watering and fed almost every day, if I was in full blown coco they would get fed every day as well. Every other day atm. Everyone has their own opinion and recipe. There are many roads to good quality and yields. Plus a plant from seed won’t really give you a true run till about the third run from clones so just another thing to keep in mind, the longer that plant stays in your environment( providing all is close to perfect) the better the plant will perform. I know a few growers that won’t flower the seed plant it get cloned once the clones are rooted the seed plant is tossed. Just my penny, try and read the plant and keep the ph proper.
Peace OG


One or 2 grows does not really give you a full picture,but glad you are happy so far. Every plant isn’t the same as far as nutrient demands. I can guarantee you that my Food has everything the plants need, I am watching people that do this commercially switch back to what they changed from. It takes longer to fill my watering can than to mix nutrients.
Everyone has their own style and in the end if you are happy that is all that really matters.Peace OG


My suggestion is:
Get a 5lb bag of bio live from down to earth for veg topdress.
Get a 5lb bag of Dr. Earth bud and bloom for flower topdress.
Start and utilize a worm bin.
Add water


@PrimalPractitioner living soil work is awesome brother Jake

I’m the anti organic. no matter what else I try I always end up using advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom pH perfect line. Results are good although the bloom is still N heavy and I’ve not quite dialled it back to perfection yet. I’ll keep trying though :wink:


@DavesNotHere is that a dry amendment that can be worked right into the top then?

Yep. It’s made from Fish bone meal, feather meal, potassium sulphate, alfalfa meal, kelp meal and seaweed extract.