Support Tor traffic! Anonymous Browsing

Hi there,

for our safety, we want upload images and browse anonymously.

You could use proxies, usually paid for fast browsing


you could use Tor.
It´s pretty fast and safe, but i could be faster!

Just add some line to your installed Tor Browser.

find “torrc” file located …Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor


ORPort 443
    Exitpolicy reject *:*
    Nickname yournick
    ContactInfo emailifyouwant
RelayBandwidthRate 1000 KBytes # if you want, restriction to using of your internet capacity to 1MB/sec
RelayBandwidthBurst 5000 KBytes # allow higher bursts but maintain average


Then check for open port 443

start/end both 443
if its open


if not, set Port Forward at your router

this should help

usually just add your IP, something like 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x and port 443

ORPort 443

So basically what are you doing is donating bandwidth to others by running Tor Relay. It means that your relay will be used for relaying traffic inside the Tor network. Be warned Tor will use all your bandwidth if you don’t set limits for it.

More on running Tor Relay:

Relay will speed up Tor for others, I highly doubt that it can speed up Tor for you.

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yes and then you’re also routing all sorts of seedy tor traffic through your isp

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