Switching light schedule from day to night

HLG Blackbird (600w) 4x4, but a pretty cheap one

A cheap Blackbird? Reconditioned or old? I can put my hand on my heat sink and not get burned. HLG 600R Spec

I wouldn’t say its a cheap light. It was new when I bought it. I meant the tent is cheap, lol sorry

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I totally misread all that while I’m in the dentist chair


Gonna agree either as others have said about just giving it the extra 12 hours of dark as it won’t mess with it like the extra light time would. Have had to do it a few times before especially during summer.

I just made the switch and everything seems ok except one plant might have an issue with heat after that. Everyone else seems to be fine, but a few leave on one curling on me. Never had any issues with that before. Could be the genetics. Who knows

I’m just gonna drop it to 80% says I hit 93 overnight. I’m guessing we got too hot. My problem is different cultivars and different stages.