Switching light schedule from day to night

Ok, so for some reason when I first got going, I set up my light to go on in the early am and off at night. It’s been getting warm during the day and extra humid at night with lights out, so I’m looking to switch it up to come on in the evening, and out during the day. The thing is, I’m already 4 weeks into flower. Can I change mid grow? Would I achieve this by just leaving it dark in-between?

I’ve been getting conflicting information from friends, so I kinda wanna see where you all sit. Some say it’ll fk with the plants and some say it’ll be fine. What do you all think about it? Thanks!!


interesting situ. for one thing, it’s a damn good idea if u have indoor grow to run the heat in cool of night, and no heat from lights during heat of day. But I have no idea, but i’ll guess that you could do it incrementally, changing the time the lights come on by one or two hours a day until you get your target switch-on; or you could just leave 'em on until that target time winds down, then set your timer, kind of a one shot deal. but i’m just guessing, i don’t have a clue.


Leave the lights off for an extra 12 hour period. Then start your new schedule. Should be no problems giving extended dark period. It’s the extended light time combined with a short dark period that can confuse them.


That’s what I was thinking. The extended dark would be the best bet. Thanks


Agree with @ABushOfKush on extending 1 dark period.

Just be aware your humidity will still spike when you turn your lights out, regardless of what the sun is doing outside. It’s just the nature of the beast. Good luck.


Exactly. I don’t think this will fix your problem the way you’re expecting it to. At 4 weeks in I’d just ride it out and increase air flow as much as reasonable.

If you really want to do it extended dark hours would be the way :+1:


Or reduce the difference between lights on temps and lights out temps


Is this to limit precipitation or something else?


Something like that :slightly_smiling_face: dew point and all

The hotter the air, the more water it can hold. So when temperature drops, humidity rises until it reaches the dew point and it rains indoors…


I’ve had to deal with this problem many times before. I don’t know if you have tried to reveg a plant before but it takes quite a bit of time

If you’ve been in flour for four weeks I would just have a six hour break and do the switch. You’re only going to do it once I don’t think it will make any noticeable difference to you yield

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It was about 50 last night, so not as bad, but it’s supposed to rain tomorrow all day. I might just wait. I have a dehumidifier in my lung room and one in the tent connected to my controller. It was really bad the night after I watered. I just know the summers gonna be hot, and this will also help with my temps when the lights on. I’m also working on an AC. I don’t typically use one, but I’m looking for a standup with a dehumidifying function


The relative part of relative humidity is relative to temperature. So while the amount of moisture in the air doesn’t really change, the air’s ability to hold that moisture is relative to the temperature. Higher temp can hold more moisture = lower relative humidty.

What you are really trying to avoid is that situation @Mithridate mentions where the moisture in the air exceeds the moisture holding capacity of the air. That’s the dew point and that’s when it rains in your tent. Not a good thing.

So you’ve got 2 things you can do in your attempt to control humidity - reduce the moisture level in the air, via a dehumidifier, or increase the temperature of the air via a heater. Both can be valid approaches, depends on your environment.


As mentioned the 12hr extended dark period won’t do any harm, I’ve experienced it a few times (two in one grow) due to power outages.


No biggie switching schedules it takes about 2 weeks or so for hormones to switch back to Veg, my first run was a shit show with forgetting lights off and power outages and mine were ok. Just like the others have said extend the dark NOT the light! :pray:


When you say humidity is “really bad”, what does that mean? What’s your lights on and off temps, on and off humidity?


It was 67% overnight when lights were out and about 68°. It’s about 30%-40% daytime 79-82°ish…depends on the weather outside. Last week I was at 90

The past couple nights Ive been at 53% lights out

Agreed. -Long-night on the conversion. -Extra 12-hours of darkness shouldn’t hurt. That’s the way.

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Not sure what you have for a light. When I know it gonna be hot out, I dim my light a little. Switch over and remember to check for light leaks.

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If you’re planning on switching the timer, I’d give them extra 12hrs darkness then proceed as normal. I’ve had to do that a few times just to beat the summer heat with no negative effects to the plant that I’ve noticed