Ill offer up Nurse Helena. (Helena x Peanut Butter Breath)x(Deadzone).
HelenaxPBB is from Brothers In Farms, the PBB used was from Thug Pug. Deadzone is from CSI and is Patient Zero x Chem 91
Vvvv (Nurse Helena photo regs) vvvV
Alien Patient 10-91. Mac#1 x Deadzone. Same male used in the Nurse Helena, Deadzone= Patient Zero x Chem 91 from Humboldt CSI
I blame my dogs for needing to get walked to go poop and pee for missing the Scarlet Fog autos. Things are so spoiled! Expect to eat every day and go potty too. Not like back in the day right all you old timers?
Ill take vvvvv 10 Tremolo regs vvvvv from @Originalweedman in hopes of the triple lemon imparting its high terp level into these seeds.
Ill offer up Nurse Helena. (Helena x Peanut Butter Breath)x(Deadzone).
HelenaxPBB is from Brothers In Farms, the PBB used was from Thug Pug. Deadzone is from CSI and is Patient Zero x Chem 91
Vvvv (Nurse Helena photo regs) vvvV
Alien Patient 10-91. Mac#1 x Deadzone. Same male used in the Nurse Helena, Deadzone= Patient Zero x Chem 91 from Humboldt CSI