Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

there is a thread to specificly ask for beans and get helped.
i am happy this thread exists, but this is not this thread :slight_smile:

there is a thread where people can offer as many (and as to as many) as they want.
i am happy this thread exists too … but this is also not this thread right here :grinning:

this here, is the thread where you put one pack down and leave one.
so, let’s have fun and enjoy, everyone :yum:

still up:



Next up from @royal

vvvv GG x Red Mandarin vvvv


I will take those @royal
Leave Vvvv Mint Chocolate Trip F2 vvvvV regs
Useful seeds Preservation. RIP


I’ll take those @Trial-N-Error . Thanks Useful…
Will leave, and ship anywhere

Vvvvvvv SunkenTreasure GCP (GGx cookie x mendo purps) freebie pack vvvvvvvVvV


Mine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ll take @CaptainNemo BBMF2 and leave

Vvvv 10 of Spencer’s Gift; 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV

1 Like

I try to be spontaneous… so nobody is camping out.

Sort through that vault, send me a trade offer.


Vvvv Spencer’s Gift; 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV


I just got back from the Post Office where I mailed off the two packs “taken” yesterday. While there I checked my PO Box and found a couple envelopes.

Thanks go out to @Cannaology for sending the BBHP f2 and the surprise extra beans.

Thank you to @pharmerfil for sending me the pack of g-unit beans.

Still up from @Scarlyle

vvv Spencer’s Gift, 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria vvv



From @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Gift, 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV


6 Hour BUMP

From @Scarlyle

Vvvv Spencer’s Gift, 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV


I think this perfectly exemplifies why multiple offers help this thread move along quicker and get more seeds out to everyone. It accommodates everyone except those who have difficulty keeping up with a simple format of what has been left already and untaken.

I say this perfectly exemplifies it because yesterday I was chastised for adding a penny, for creating multiple offers. The difficulty in question pointed out by a few members referenced the Warped Shiska that went untaken. Well it just so happens that the timeframe in which the Warped Shiska went untaken was approximately 6 hours. The same time this current has been up for. The difference is, as pointed out to me here by another member is, during the 6 hours the Warped Shiska went untaken 11 different seed offers were exchanged due to the multiple offers format. This is the abundance of which I speak, though as pointed out it’s not the preferred format for this thread and I am not trying to change that if everyone wants things to be one offer at a time, but the difference is actually observable and quantifiable here within the last day. Eleven times more seeds shared with just one additional offer going.

I’ll respect the wishes of the majority in this thread and I won’t just leave a penny again to prove a point twice in a row.

Still up from @Scarlyle

Vvvv Spencer’s Gift, 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV


Big give away guys ! Sign up if you haven’t. International shipping !

Up next:


They are NOT LoveDaAutos seeds.

Next up from @Scarlyle

Vvvv Spencer’s Gift, 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV


I don’t think the problem was you “adding a penny”, its the fact that you were “adding a penny” to a new take a penny leave a penny bin if that’s the analogy were going with. so if someone takes 1 offer, and puts up whatever they were offering, than them and anyone else has to repost 2 things from 2 separate people as still available and i can see how things would quickly get lost in that. we finally have most people remembering to end posts with the current single offer from 1 person, so doubling that up at times and having singles other times just adds to confusion on what should be a pretty simple thread. Seems itd be best if 2 things are up that 1 person claims both, no? Even better, 1 person offers 2 things and 1 claims them. Instead of trying to “sweeten the pot” of another offer, wait for something you’d like to take, and offer what you’d like to offer.
If people have multiples of something to give, like @Scarlyle, they usually just post them as an offer a few times

Still up from @Scarlyle
Vvvv Spencer’s Gift, 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) vvvV


@Scarlyle I’ll take those and leave a mystery bag of autos vvvv 20 reg auto seeds ,mix of forum stomper ,strawberry pie ,3bog , gorilla cookies vvv


I take the vvvv 20 reg auto seeds ,mix of forum stomper ,strawberry pie ,3bog , gorilla cookies vvv
and leave VVvv kush4 x Sunshine daydream F3 vvVV


@darkillusion and @djtrip seeds arrived safe and sound! To them and all others who have sent me seeds these last couple weeks(the names have gotten away from me at the moment, forgive me), thanks so much!! You guys are amazing!! Peace and love y’all :pray:t2:

whoops, sorry, forgot to include the next up seeds. :sweat_smile:


Next up from @turtlewerm

VVvv kush4 x Sunshine daydream F3 VVVvvVV


@turtlewerm I will take kush4 x Sunshine daydream F3
And Leave vvvv Bodhi Blueberry HP f2 regs vvvv