Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

If anyone takes seeds on this list, STOP right there, and message them your info. I have one from a while ago that didn’t send a message, so they didn’t get their seeds. It is the dibber’s job to contact the poster. Still up from @Orbitalnutria420:

Vvvvvv 10 double grape x kraken regular autos vvvvv.


I thank ya’ll for letting those sit there like that. But in the wee hours of the morning with the 123 pick in the OG Draft of 2024 I worked out a trade with Orbitalnutria420 for a 20 pack of his auto seeds. So still up:

from @Orbitalnutria420

Vvvvvv 10 double grape x kraken regular autos vvvvv


I’ll nab them, there, @Orbitalnutria420
And who wants some

vvvVVV Froberry auto fems VVVvvv


@OG619 and @Fortman420 and @herojuana.tom and @willie
your pigeons arrived through my ‘endless channells’, lol.
thank you all a TON, mates :yum: thank you ! :pray:

@joheimgrohen, those sound great and i love growing autofems
in those empty spots of my mom-cab. so, i’ll take them and leave:

“point of balance” =
(cambodia/panama) X (jalalabad/kunduz),
made by canna.hora
10 regs

only for germany !!!

(LOL, just joking … it’s worldwide, of course :wink: )


Cool I’ll take those @santero and leave a pk of
Vvvv Loaded Triangle that i F2d from Strayfox (TK x HPK-I95) vvvV


I’ll take those!

And leave

Vvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized auto flower vvvvvvv


those went out the 19th…that’s pretty fast!

Vvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized auto flower vvvvvvv


I got stopped at the border once……they asked if I had ever been in a club……I said yep a photography club and a sex club……I think she was offended……consequently they have no sense of humor :rofl:


Ya, customs /border officers certainly don’t have a sense of humor. I’ve been strip searched 3 times crossing into the US. I don’t have a criminal record. They had my 8 year old daughter almost in tears at Miami airport. We were catching a connecting flight back home from Costa Rica. We weren’t even staying over there. When I called him a bully he got in my face (just like a bully) and threatened to have me locked up.

I’ve always been polite and respectful to persons in authority, until they don’t deserve it. I swear you have to be a nazi to work for US customs. With my many experiences with them, I have no interest in going there anymore. And it’s certainly nothing to do with its citizens, I have many friends in Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Kentucky, Minnesota, not to mention many helpful, kind and generous folks on here.

Vvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized auto flower vvvvvvv


This is also true for any position of authority. In the US.

I wish I wasn’t living there anymore.
Willing to sponsor me. For citizenship in Your lovely country? :grin:

Still up


Arrived safely @Kyleromero94. Tytyty


Yeah I was in the marines out in cali"…….me and some buddies went to Tiajuana and coming back I said hey this guy doesn’t have a green card with him….he name was Rodriguez…and he obviously looked Latino…….well in the service our I’d cards are green so we called them green cards amongst our selves……fuck I didn’t know he actually didn’t have his I’d on him……what a PITA………it took shore patrol from San Diego and a call to Pendleton to get him back across…totaldouchbags ……the couldn’t accept our explanation an just let him thru


I’ve been stopped and stripped searched 2x going to Canada on the Canada side going from Detroit to Windsor. It’s a trip always sucks when have to go to secondary. I got kicked out and banned from Canada cause I was searched twice then they found out I had a DUI. Nope no more Canada for me lol. Still up @Kyleromero94
Vvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized auto flower vvvvvvv


If the queens banner were Fem or Regs, man.

1 Like

S1 is always fems :grin:


I mean not Automatic buddy :smiley: my bad

Fem or Reg Photoperiod… I love Daz and jason’s gear… would be awesome but i dont fuck with autos indoors.

Germany has expensiv energy


@cYx , please mind the format, bud.
Still up @Kyleromero94
Vvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized auto flower vvvvvvv


I’ll take those Queens Banner S1 fem auto flowers
and leave a 10 pack of…

Vvvv (Strawberry Nuggets x Creme De La Chem) X (Gambian x Blueberry) AUTO regs. vvvV


I’ll take Vvvv (Strawberry Nuggets x Creme De La Chem) X (Gambian x Blueberry) AUTO regs. vvvV

and leave

vvvVVV 15 x Headstrong Photo Regs AND 15 x Chemwalker F2 Auto Fems VVVvvv

:earth_asia: Earth only :wink:


I’ll take those

And leave
VvvvvPurple Lamborghini F3vvvvV