Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward

I’ve been wanting to jump at some of these offers but I need me some autos too lol.

Still available :

vvVV10 pack of Northern Lights x God’s GlueVVvv From @joheimgrohen

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Ok I’ll take these from @joheimgrohen because they look great and I’ll leave these here for @sd9007 or @Gato if possible. These are the only autos i have as they were gifted to me.

VvVvVv 3 seed dinafem Amnesia XXL auto fem VvVvVv

Well that didn’t go as planned so I’ll add these lol

um… more of these ? I ve got plenty

VVVvvvVvVvVvVv Dosidos x Mac F2 vVvVvvVvvVvv


I’ll take those dinafem Amnesia XXL autos from @Nugslinger and leave

VvVvVv 5 pack reg Orange Punch from @Ottafish VvVvVv


mates, your beans arrived …
thank you all very, very much :wink:

i would have written everyone individually,
(but i just toked a joe and now i’m lazy, lol.)

still up:


Just sending more letters . Unsure how many have got my letters but if they haven’t arrived by 3 or 4 weeks let me know and I’ll do a resend

@Ottafish vvv 5 pack reg orange punch vvvv


You can get “greeting card/international” stamps if you want to save 70cents each letter.
13 grams is the allowed weight if I remeber correct.
Two coinflips or a card with 4-5 washers filled can be sent this way.
I know it adds up if you sent quite a bit.

Still up
VvVvVv 5 pack reg Orange Punch VvVvVv
from @Gato


@santero no seeds from me yet? Maybe you got them and I just don’t remember.

15 Hour Bump

Still up
VvVvVv 5 pack reg Orange Punch VvVvVv
from @Gato


VvVvVv 5 pack reg Orange Punch VvVvVv
from @Gato

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I received your wet and crushed seeds marked Sour Biker F2 wrapped in a piece of paper @Villiager, not sure how you thought these would make it through the mail system? And they were supposed to be snow blower x sour biker?

Still up:


I’ll take the Orange Punch off ya hands…
and leave VvvvBaked Alaska #4vvvV


I’ll take the baked Alaska and leave

Vvvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized autoflower vvvvvvvv


They already made it but im waiting for new coinflips.
Sb f2 was an packaging mistake while i swnd some more.
Do you think that i send wet mail? Or ripped letters?
Have like a conversation with your mail people its definitely not my fault if your mail arrives wet and totally crushed.

Always impressive your mail system.

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Still up…

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I was a mail sorter, we toss the crap out of everything. Even the ones that say fragile handle with care. Usually the foam and padding will cushion the products but we have no intentions to destroy any parcel rather please our bosses as they push for efficiency…or get fired. Just wanted to shed some light on how most carriers operate.
So if those seeds were wrapped in paper, they stood no chance.
Vvvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized autoflower vvvvvvvv


^ older video but similar type stuff.

Vvvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized autoflower vvvvvvvv


My dad used to work on them I took a tour of the mail sorting facility 1 time with him

Vvvvvvv queens banner s1 feminized autoflower vvvvvvvv

Is still in play


I’ll take those Queens banner, I know a buddy who would love them. I’ll leave

Vvvv red eye jedi f2 vvvV


I take the red eye Jedi

And drop a flip of

Vvv Strawberry Glue Fems vvV


I’ll take the strawberry glue fems and leave

Vvvv Scarlet fog. auto femsVvvv
My creation scarlet grapes x fog dog !
I germinated 6 and went 6/6 they r ready to grow
Vvv Scarlet Fog Vvvv


I’ll take the scarlet grapes x and leave

vvv Ice cream punch x chocolate diesel vvv regs