Tap Water Remediation

Odd, yes?

Maybe Austria since they speak German but wouldn’t their water be “Austrian”?

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Haha @vernal doesn’t know semaphore either.


I definitely don’t haha. I don’t have boat money lol.

As far as flags, do folks get a flair for their country? I don’t see any.

“I was told 15 pieces of flair was the requirement” sorry anytime the word flair comes up I am compelled and honor bound to mention Office Space.


Part of the Canadian citizenship exam is you have to show up with at least (least) 10 pieces of Canadiana flair.


And here my mind went to pic related.


They’re both perfectly cromulent.


I find this embiggening


Same here I only use tap my tap water is 220 ppm hard water ( not ice) lol

I do lit the water sit for 24 hours before I use it so as to deplete the Chlorine naturally

I also add an air pump and air stone if I need it quicker . Run a pump for 30 minutes chlorine all gone

@Slick1 haven’t seen you around posting you all good ?my friend


What do you think about nitric acid?I bought this for my Coco grow because using citric I am observibg lot of edges in different leaves becoming Yellow/orangeish spotted,like the op said @RatsboggleBiological ,having a calcium problem since my water has a lot of bicarbonates in It.What do you suggest?Bringing water at 6 pH before adding canna Coco A&B could help with unlocking more calcium?
My tap has 38 Cal 25 Magnesium.

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Never used nitric, it probably wouldn’t be ideal in flower due to the nitrogen. I would add nutrients first, then pH down. Bicarbonates won’t lock up calcium until the water evaporates.


Shit I bought nitric because canna said directly to me to buy their Grow ph- and use for all the cycle,so I did…anyway,thank you so much :heart:
I have this 220,215 ppm hard water and It Is a pain in the ass.

Use it in grow, then switch it up to phosphoric in bloom? :man_shrugging:

The relative amounts of phosphorous, nitrogen, sulfur in pH down acids aren’t really huge in the amounts used. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Sure my phosphoric acid is 50% P but I’m only using 1.25mL in 5 gallons of very hard water.

Dyna Gro pH down is partially nitric acid. So it’s safe. But no need to reinvent the wheel, phosphoric acid is readily available and cheap at the hydro store even with the “green tax” markup on grow goods.


Hey not sure if your water comes from the same source as mine but even if not it comes from the same town. They use Chloramine now which doesn’t evaporate off.

I’m hanging in there. Mostly come on in the mornings and try to catch up before work. How’s life on the other side of town?

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Hardness is measured in German or French units, even in Spain or Greece.

Get that.

But not when talking about rubber.

Then it’s measured in shore! Say what now???

But if we circle back to the topic of what I add to my tap water to make it more palatable to my plants; I’d like to offer my personal, totally exquisite, top of the line, elite secret stash water recipe, that goes as follows:

starts ozone generator
take out about 1/10th of the water, pour into a big ole jar, hang a bubbler in there, and let the ozone generator bubble ozone through it for about an hour. It makes ozone at about 600mg/h. At least, mine does. Ebay sells em from China for about 70 bucks.

Meanwhile, in another jar of water I mix up some veg or bloom nutes, some calmag, some yuccah, some root or bloom boosters and perhaps some molasses and some magnesium sulfate (epsom) if I see the need for some magnesium or sulfur.

I use straight Chicago tap water and don’t do shit with it…I don’t even do/chase the PH…the ppms are 165-178 straight from the tap…

Since I’ve moved outa Chicago I’ve been using this one towns tap water 25 miles away and again I don’t do shit with it…the towns ppms are 125-138, better than Chicago tap water…

The town I live in now has way over 700 ppms… …needless to say, I dont use it…I will sometimes use rainwater which is at 30-37 ppms…

Seems you’re Belgian. Which also does not fluoridate their water, therefore fluoride isn’t the issue.

What are German units? Completely unfamiliar with this. ppm and EC/microsiemens is German? SI should be universal, no? dGH seems universal, it’s based on ppm.

Oh boy.

I’m not Belgian. I live in Belgium. But let’s not start calling names.

Belgium, as a country, does very much so use fluoride in the water, they’re friggin proud of it even!

Calling you Belgian is not calling names lol. It means person from Belgium. Belgian is not pejorative but feel free to feign offense.

All the information I can find suggests Belgium does not fluoridate their tapwater.

This Atlantic article specifically mentions “nonfluoridated nations like Belgium”

This study suggests very low tapwater fluoride levels that definitely say they don’t fluoridate water: Fluoride Intake through Consumption of Tap Water and Bottled Water in Belgium - PMC

Is it possible they don’t fluoridate?

You didn’t answer the question about German measurements.

Are you quite certain of that? :wink: