Tap Water Remediation

Wankel rotary engine is quite rude.

German units are just simply a way of measuring things, like you could measure temp in degrees C or F. Simple as that. I thought you thought I was German cause I said dibs and posted my flag in another thread, not because of the units. (German and Belgian flags have same colors in em)

Well I’ll be damned. I’ve been believing Belgium has fluoride in the tapwater for ages now, and so does everyone else here for all I know. It seems to be a bit of an urban myth around these parts here I guess…

So excuse me as I wipe this half omelet off my face, but apparently there is only naturally occuring fluoride in the water here.

And Belgian is very much so a rude word. Anyone who would defy that hasn’t truly understood the Belgians. I should know so cause my father is one and I fathered one. But I don’t feel like one.

Let’s just say it’s complicated!

More like…uhhh…smellgian. Sorry best I can do on short notice.

IDK…I cannot think of a single Belgian stereotype, positive or negative.

You have…big horses? Somewhat oversized waffles? Carry on I guess.

Everything I know I saw on In Bruges and what I can remember from college which is basically the capital and basic demographics. Walloons lol.


Tripel swilling abbey dwellers.


Oh shit that’s where Lindeman’s Framboise comes from I can absolutely demolish those.

I love Bleggum now.

6.8 and 40ppm right out the faucet. Ain’t gotta do a thing.

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Yeah, we make beer, and we drink it (I don’t, at least not much), and that’s when we get jolly, or not so much for some, and until I was about 25 yrs old I thought that getting yourself caned by your father was just an everyday sort of thing for most families one generation older than me. I got lucky. My father had the sense to mitigate his drinking and only hit me with a flat hand in the face and only when I was getting on his nerves too much, but if you want to have a look at a movie that shows you Belgium behind closed doors, you ought to watch movies like De Helaasheid der Dingen. My father had more that sort of life. Where his dad would come home and you’d rather pretend to be asleep rather than come peeking round the corner.

Belgium stands for gluttony basically, and it’s a bit of a gore country if you ask me. The parts of nature that man hasn’t demolished are good here, but that’s about it XD

And even those parts, most of it’s really just trees to cull for wood anyway.

De Helaasheid der Dingen is a movie set in the past though, we have evolved from there of course, so don’t take that movie as a present day situation, but I think a lot can be learned from a country by getting a glimpse into it’s past.

Chloramine and sediment filter + darke geometry and chanting.


What chant are you using? I was doing the “All we owe, we owe her” one but I got mixed results at best.



But in Gregorian Chsnt.

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Oh no! Last time I tried that some cereal hating entity appeared and it took me a week to get rid of him. I even tried switching to alpha-bits thinking with the vowel thing it might appease it. Nope. Still knocked the bowl right out of my hand and threatened my mortal soul.


Have you hit yourself in the head with the tablet?
OR boarded the entity; with the tablet?

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I supose it depends on the strain, anyway are weed and will grow.
Sometimes you may not reach that top yeld as if you were giving them the perfect conditions but usually if it is good to drink, they will. Obviously depending on your supplier and treatments that are done, sometimes I can taste some products and I know it may cause some symptoms, nothing to worry.

I only checkd the tap water ph once, and never thought of that again, everything is going great.