Techniques for The Germination of Older Seeds

Gonna give a technique that has germinated FIFTY/50+ YEAR OLD SEEDS!! It’s called "The Lentil Soak Method"

Step One - Take a 6 - 8 inch Fan of an Aloe Vera Plant. Slit with a Razor lengthwise along the edge. Fold “skin” and scrape the Gel. (don’t discard plant material). Get a Jar w/Lid, add DISTILLED WATER halfway. Add Gel. Chop plant material into small pieces, add to jar also. Add Lid, shake it up, set aside.

STEP 2 - Get a SECOND JAR, add DISTILLED WATER halfway. Now, Take 25 - 45 Beans/Peas (I use Queen :honeybee:'s “15 Bean Soup Mix”…Shhhhh!!) Again, add Lid, again, shake the Jar. Set aside.

STEP 3 - EACH DAY, give each Jar a good shake.

STEP 4 - After 4 - 7 days, combine the contents into ONE Jar. Let set for 48 hours. You can add a small amount of GA3 to this Jar for seeds estimated to be +35 years old.

STEP 5 - You can now use the solution as you would for “normal germination”. A very good friend/Greenhouse Operator popped seeds he gathered while in the Peace Corp/The Gambia during the 60’s!! The oldest seeds I personally germinated were 35+ years old. Plus, you can save the mixture you prepared, store it in the Fridge for 6 months - 1 year.

Hope it helps, it’s a negative to be unable to germinate excellent genetics!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: