Temp and Humidity Sensor Help

I need something that I can read remotely. Connects to wifi but can be accessed from not on the wifi since I wont be near the house.

Is this possible?


I found this one that uploads data to a cloud you can access from anywhere, should be the only way to have it … :sunglasses:


Ok so this is possible…

I need humidity as well…bonus if it controls equipment.


I known you grow remotely.

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You can run like 8 sensors per unit. The sensors detect temp and humidity, and they will graph it out so you can find trends. If you make an account on their site, you can access the data from anywhere. The system also has moisture sensors for your pots. It is what we use, and it pretty cheap to get started.


Does it cost money for an account?

I know some of these clouds for security cams make u pay

This is what I use for my tents
They sponsored me, when I asked them a question on getting the readout on a computer.

To get a reading outside the house you will need a Gateway, which connects to your internet.
The gateway will connect via Bluetooth to the sensor.

That’s my stream which is running the SensorPush

For the sensorpush, it does not.


No, it sounds similar. You need the gateway either way with ecowitt.


So the GW1000 does up to 8 multi channel WH31 temp/humidity and up to 8 WH51 soil sensors?

The GW1000 can be setup indoors?

Still happy with ecowitt. No monthly charges. Glad to answer any questions.

For monitoring AND making changes…
If I had to start all over I would probably try Trolmaster.