Temperature humidity & possible problems when growing under LED organically

A major major difference between HID growing and LED growing is leaf surface temp.

Ambien air temp isn’t nearly as important as monitoring leaf surface temp. The room could be a nice 79°f but the surface of your leaves could be much higher under HID but also much lower under LED :man_shrugging:

Not saying this is your issue, but just something to consider since you’re switching lighting types


With a lazer gun you would probably see very little difference in leaf temp compared to room temp showing slowed uptake

So transperation low ie hindered uptake compared to sun or hps ( lack of extra radiant heat )
Leafs should be cooler surface temp than the room , indicating good uptake from having to cool down



Oiii must be freakin worried about this sht…

Well, i think everyone threw im valueable info

my 2cents…

  1. your fan can be aggresive especially when its close to plants. Its way more aggresive than we can imagine amd this will not neccesarily reflects on relative humidity.
  2. dim down the light. strong light might be the limiting factor
  3. collect your drain (fresh one). measure EC, pH then I can say more about watering in this condition

i can say it with confidence its a water stress but def have to check few things to guess what caused it

anyway, hope you can find mental peace soon👍


This just my opinion here but I think it might be over watering? When you are outside plants can dry out a lot faster compared to inside. Are you watering the same as you would if they were outside? From the photos the soil looks pretty dark. Having a fan to move around air them will help them dry back.


Agreed, those roots look great :woman_facepalming:
I’ll keep reading if you try things and want to share. This sort of mystery drives me nuts, even secondhand, must be super irritating for you.

If they get worse over time rather than adapting they may at least get easier to diagnose. :roll_eyes:

Good luck with this! I hope something you try works and they turn around, you’ve good some gorgeous plants and I hope you can manage to keep them that way. :slight_smile:

Well left the tents open overnight with half of them out in front of tent still very much in the light, tent fully unzipped, all look much better.

I got iff The phone with build a soil, they’re telling me to use my tap water with a basic carbon block, and that “ro water is man made, osmosis means life, reverse osmosis means its killing the life of my plant’s” that distilled would be better.

I reiterated i use ro all my life, and never had these issues. And that distilled water is doing The same

They also said 1 gallon pots aren’t enough to feed the plants because the LED is driving them much harder.

I tried not to be argumentive, but I asked why do they kook overfeed ir soil is too hot.

Also told him my tap is over 1.0 ec and pH around 9.

He said that’s fine, the plant’s need the life in the water. I responded, but the chlorines are there ti kill any microbiological thing’s in the water. And wouldn’t an out if balance ppm of around 600 … he stopped me Short and says “ppm, ro im in a synthetic mindset because ive been lied to all my life from manufacturers of filters because it used to be illegal”

Told me to disconnect my ro membrane and Just run the 3 stage pre-filters.

Asked then why outside are they fine? He responded " because when you water out side its pulling in beneficial micro life From the air into the soil. Also says the microbes from the living soil will "filter " the high tds ppm out and its beneficial to them. I kinda wanted to tell him im 15 Miles from the East Palestine train derailment, and i doubt anything in the air is beneficial.

But as i kinda was just asking these questions and giving more info it turned into a “you’re calling us with a problem, if you want to listen, you should” so i stopped talking. But was also told ro membranes are chemicaly separating the water molecules and 8ts man made. Also said to drink ro water for a week and give them a call back with how i feel

I said, ive been exclusively drinking my ro since 2003, ir bottled water if i didn’t have a faucet tank full

They kinda lost all credibility with that convo.

Asked why i look very overfed, he said he’d like to see pics. So i emailed them some.

But prior to getting off the phone i was told a set of summarized instructions to disconnect my ro membrane, pot up to at least 3 gallons to make the living soil work right.

Heres pics of ro grown super soil From my last run in 2014, ro Water, nothing else under a 400 eye blue mh and 315 cmh

Also shot them with the aci laser gun, leaf temps are around 80.

The following are them now after lights on at 9am with tents open and some outstanding tent
Also the temp probes hooked to the pro 69 controllers have top hats, a umbrella of sorts to make them less effected by radiation heat from light.

Im thinking possibly that the idea of piping a humidifier into tents as well as a heater with soft constant ventilation to the outside are trying to over manage environment, so about 5 day’s ago i stopped trying to manage such a small micro environment in the tents, and went to treating lung room overall, keeping it at 78-80 with 65-60 rh.

But opening them up, did make a difference.but i noticed a big difference in what laser temp says about ambient rh and temp vs what the sensors are telling me, tge sensors are the one’s calling the shots as far as vpd, temp and humidity.

I sincerely appreciate all the welcome help from you guys, im on my Way to get some 4 gallon pots as i only have 2gal and 3gal on hand and I want a good bit of fresh medium under these ladies. Ny better judgement tells me 3gal would be fine3, but my learned experience hasn’t done jack shit for me so far, so I’ll listen to build a soil in those regards. But im mixing it (the super soil fron BAS) to a ratio of 60/40 bagged Roots lush to bas. I May do a lil experiment, some get 50/50, 60/40, 75/25 and straight bagged


The one i moved outside at 9am This morning, its 310 pm now.

Im really leaning to had humidity to High, shutting down transpiration and photosynthesis abd causing soil to be too hot due to effect of high rh? Does that make Sense, or am i off Base?

These are looking mighty appealing right now, my 8 of 10 Left over 1ks from my glory hole days, i mean glory days… Get your mind out the gutter, i ain’t that way. :joy:


Yeah, local conditions do vary. :wink:

I’ve never bothered with RO water, but ours is around pH7, though loaded with extra iron which sucks. I don’t see how the RO could be your issue. You’ve got plenty of microbial life from the outdoors. RO water works fine for coral reef aquariums, and it doesn’t get much more sensitive than that.

I agree, bigger pots have always gone better for me. A more buffered and less sensitive system.

Opening up your tents to manage humidity and temp more broadly also seems good. A bit of the same principle - larger systems are more stable, plants like stability. Could check in case some of your sensors are reading wrong.

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You should be able to set a leaf temp offset in the AC Infinity app settings, so it’ll calculate VPD based on that. I finally gave up trying to find my old IR thermometer and ordered a new one, and my plants seem happier now that I changed that offset.

I don’t have a lot to offer on the rest, but hopefully adjusting it in the app helps a bit!


The heater might be overkill, unless you’re struggling to keep the temp above 70*. You could try less the heater and see if that would make a difference. 80* is on the high end of ideal conditions, so that may be stressing them. You could also add a low point trigger for the humidifier on your 69 controller, if you don’t already have that set up. That way it only turns on if it gets too low, and doesn’t just pump excessively. That might help if it’s too humid or running too much. Although it sounds like your humidity is good, so I would look at the heater first.


What??? :laughing:


Yeah @northern I almost wanted my wife to grab the other phone and record the conversation so I can like DM somebody it cuz I guarantee no one would believe that shit that I heard.
They bro science the fuck out of me on that call.

I want to say no osmosis isn’t breaking the fucking water down to a molecular level would Liz it’s osmosis under pressure which reverses it where the salt which rapper to the membrane brine solution under pressure and leave the source water with a ultra low PPM and with a booster pump you can really bump the efficiency up of those filters I mean I’m running a six-stage filter.

I have a pre-filter second stage is a catalytic kdf 85 carbon block third stage is a coconut block into the RO membrane then to a deionization filter final with a UV pass.

And I’ve just had a Epiphany about VPD.

I found four charts online all with pretty drastically different figures regarding VPD in regards to what’s acceptable versus what’s not.
And if BPD is such a sensitive thing each one of those charges telling you the other ones wrong and you have to follow it I’ve never seen more fucking headaches cuz I did a lot of reading before I started to grow again this time around about VPD.

I’m kind of a little bit to be honest with you I think the whole building soil team in Jeremy himself are a bit of a pompous assholes quite honestly have you ever listened to any of his podcasts very condescending and cocky. Listen to the pot cast episode with his interview.

And even though I know they say everything is Clackamas to improved and he’s aware of this or using his name and all that you know coot is the kind of guy because I used to know him on the forums back in the day cuz I was on icy mag when I started this as well as this website, even if he was slighted by someone using his reputation to overcharge the fuck out of people for soil amendments, he wouldn’t say much it would just let it ride. .

But this isn’t about build a soil or the team that’s behind them I like care about is me in the end.

And being that I gave two squats about chasing BPD this morning and evening sorry I’m driving 60 miles an hour and I don’t feel like correcting the BTD typo lol there’s another one. But anyway you can get the point. Since I stopped the train myself with it just for the very short 12 hours or so everything seems to be taking a turn for the better. He also told me that water was also man-made man-made hydrogen and man-made oxygen. Which can blew my mind what about in space like other planets that have ice on them we made that shit too?


I should clear that last statement up

He said water’s man-made hydrogen and oxygen molecules are man-made and that it has to be mixed with something natural like water from your TAP that’s groundwater I was sitting there thinking like what the fuck is natural inside my tap water also told me go in my line wasn’t natural like that’s mind elements from the Earth so you get your amendments from that place keep it at that not take their advice in any way shape or form unless you want to be like like if I was a new grower I would have been oh then came a bunch of product recommendations so who the fuck knows was it upsell was it just a knowledgeable employee was it someone that should finish swallowing their face I don’t know but it kind of left me with a very sour taste in my mouth and even when I want to question the morality behind that company at this point


Ya off with that company an on to the next company ur plants look great though hopefully u find out what ur problem is I have no idea as I’m in my 1st grow lol ANYWHO hope u solve ur problem

They had youtube videos a number of years ago. Maybe still around. I don’t recall those being bad. They probably even used RO.

I have to wonder if that customer rep had received some training but didn’t absorb it. They filled in the gaps with an assortment of wind, fire, rain style of spirituality. :laughing:

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Pretty sure Jeremy started selling shovels during prohibition. He was taught to capitalize to feed his family and hes successful. The soil and many of their other products are great. Seasons of grows filled with real time organic information. All cannabis businesses are suspect at best. Try a dispensary. Shitty shitty mid mids. Kids talmbout indica sativa and Thc %. Jeremy feels like the best of the worst. Growing in Earthboxes and recycling soil kinda contradict his business. But ion know who said man made what.

That being said Ive heard ro referred to as dead water b4. Ive used boggie brew and rv filters but they have been discontinued from backyard use. No experience with RO.

Outside is the perfect environment for soil and plant. Even with the train air. LEDs are a different beast.

Grow on


I intentionally gave a plant too much cal mag once to see what would happen the leafs started to look dryed out and light brown started on fans. Kinda like yours but i think you have more then 1 issue.

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Anybody flush like this u don’t have to join just hit the watch video button

@ifish gave you a great answer… dont disregard that 1… led sometimes needs a little more heat to cause uptake at the correct levels… what led you using??

Check leaf surface temps with an ir temp gun… bet they are lower than you thought


Also… ro water is UNSTABLE… if youre running down that rabbit hole youll need to start with a ph stabilizer @Couchlocked

As soon as i rid myself of using ro water… and use tap the issues like that went away…

Ro water has nothing in it and will even grab co2 out of the air itself ( this is where ph fluctuates) its starved of anything at all… and it is actually bad for people to drink… and id assume bad for a plant to drink without a preparation of the water beforehand