Temperature humidity & possible problems when growing under LED organically

Can you elaborate on hyper accumulate manganese and calmag is the only thing that stops it.

I’m here to learn, and that’s The first I’ve heard of it

So, what is the new living soil recommendation for using RO? How is it supposed to be treated in light of the modern research that’s digging up all these findings.

As adding synthetic cal-mag would then require a pH adjustment.?

I’ve always either used a cap of big blooms, or general organics CaMg+ .

Tell me exactly what is supposed to be done with ro for living soil use, and ill do it on a few plants.

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I don’t use RO just because I don’t have the system. Even though my well water ppm is low around 150 the Ca can add up when combined with dry amendments so I’ve had to tweak things by adding a little less Ca in the dry amendments and upping the Mg, K, and S. RO would make it a little easier but I’ve learned to adjust to my water.

I was actually asking chem dom, as your opinion goes directly in line with my opinion, that ro is fine.

I surely hope bay area living soil and chem got a few successful grows under thier belts and can show us some jaw dropping harvest pics using their own advice that’s being given.

@bayarealivingsoil and @ChemDom , have any pics of past harvest?

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Wow thats a clean build … very nice!!

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BAS sells RO systems. They are claiming RO is unnecessary for living soil. You seem to disagree. Why? How? Where?

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Just so everyone knows, using something like pH down won’t affect organic living soil systems. Jeremy and many other knowledge people agree that small amounts of phosphoric acid won’t kill microbes…been doing it for years. A well buffered soil can prevent even the need for ph’ing but I live in an area with close to 9.0 pH tap water and sometimes grow in hybrid system so like to bring it down below 7


What’s the recommended thing to add to to to Make it More living soil friendly?

RO works fine. Water is water.

Tap water = water + whatever happens to be dissolved into it.
RO water = water + next to nothing* dissolved into it.

Both have the exact same solubility limits.

There is no voodoo. Certainly not, “osmosis means life, reverse osmosis means its killing the life of my plant”. That’s a quick and easy thing to say, and fantastical, but it is also being lazy. In the long run, it’s detrimental towards developing useful and accurate knowledge.


Do you have a fresh air duct that’s supplying your tent?

The room gets fresh air via the rooms cold air return and the supply duct that connects to furnace/central AC. Both filtered with merv 8 HEPA filter Media.

Did the plants ever get better? :man_shrugging:

Damn dude, that’s a serious system!

I used to be super into car audio. I had my entire car covered in dynamat sound proofing similar to you. A buddy’s dad worked at an auto plant so I got huge stacks of sound proofing for free. It was awesome! lol

I no longer have any car audio stuff. Now I just do home audio. I have a nice home theater system with 7 speaker surround and two 18”, low tuned (12hz) porter subwoofers.

I’ve recently been dabbling in building my own subwoofers for home theater. It’s a lot of fun!
I plan to eventually add at least two more low tuned 18” subs. Or maybe a couple 24” sealed subs from stereo integrity or OA.

Integrating sealed and ported can be a challenge but I have a miniDSP 2x4 HD, UMIK 1 and I run room Eq wizard, which allows you to integrate everything nicely.

I noticed a big difference when I designated a direct fresh air duct to my tent. My plants grew 100% better. Just mpo

Yes, they’re looking good.

The leaves that were looking classic mag deficient, have started to clear up after a basic Old school tablespoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water foliar spray.

Also got some ir bars coming to add to thr medic grow smart 8 plus in the 5x5.

Bumping temps up to 85 seems the plants love it

They have it.

The rooms is supplied with 2x 8x15 inch vents. plus tents are left Open as well, closing them up and pulling outside air into them or straight from basement is not the Best idea as temperature was too low, that’s Just going to isolate them from the temperature controlled lung room

The reason that seems better in your case is I bet c02 was dipping below Ambient level.

They’re sitting ib 650 ppm ambient co2, temp and humidity controlled room feeding them Thier intake air

To pull from outside or basement would Just re-create the original problem of being too cold and feeding tents nasty basement musty air

Then I’d have to treat the whole basement as jt would be it’s new lung room.

Having to heat it, humidiy or dehum, etc.

That’s all done much easier in a 9x14 bedroom.

You must think of it with logic, if i attached a duct directly to My supply or holes in The floor vs passive holes in the floor feeding room, its no different

Think of a lung room that’s fed from basement with intakes as a premix area to treatment air prior to tents getting it.

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Build a soil does not sell reverse osmosis systems.
I checked through the entire website did Google searches did on-site searches even called them.
Build a soil* edited typo doesn’t say that ro isn’t unnecessary for a living soil they are saying it’s detrimental and will ruin a living soil grow by somehow bleaching Life from rhizosphere or some Snake oil narrative supporting bs. Interesting that now here’s the thing I’m going to use build a soil I’ll use their mixes because it’s all in one place saves time doesn’t save money but it saves time and time is money.

But as far as they’re like everything else it’s quite ironic that BS and BaS are almost the same acronym. Kinda like how they say the devil will Tell you hes evil or crazy people will show themselves. Well i think it applies here, as they’re awesome bullshitters and smoke up the ass blower’s.

But id like to see some finished bud shots from you and chemdom, as you guy’s both kinda beat the drum that build a soil does about ro and they’re waterings dynamics.

I will say This, one should not parrot Thier narrative as gospel unless they’ve done it successfully and produced great smoke using Thier guidelines.

To gorge oneself on Thier info and videos and Just repeat it as the best way without successfully using it in practice and 8n the past, that’s just parroting info without any real world experience or basis in results.

I can confidently say RO, straight RO watering with a few active aerated compost teas throughout the grow cycle in the past has worked extremely well for me for almost 2.5 decades using various taught organic soil recipes

3lb mix - 1 bag each; fox farm ocean Forrest, Fox farm light warrior, fox farm castings and guano amendment bag (red bag called planting mix) with 3 cups of peace of mind dry ferts, flavor depending on where soil is used (mom’s - all purpose, veg - bulb food & tomato, flower -fruit and flower )

Coots mix

Revs mix

Subbys mix

All did stellar with straight RO water

Now if one is using Korean natural methods, i have no experience with that, RO could very well be a bad choice there (can’t see how) so i will not assume anything

But the no till method indoors in pots seems like it’s just a way too look down the nose at others not doing it. As if you’re mixing soils, putting them into containers, that’s effectively tilling.

The idea of reusing pots with dead root systems in it, Just doesn’t appeal to me at all

It kinda goes against everything i always was taught. Heathy thriving root system. No Dead decaying roots. Micro life hass to be perfect on point for them to decompose that dead mass and recycle it without creating anaerobic bacteria.

The risk of something going wrong in that method is just too Omni present.

We put alot of Time and energy and Money into This obsession, and sustainability isn’t at all my concern.

I have no problem mixing up freshly made balanced soils every grow.

Outside gets the old soil for straight garden plants

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Here’s they is currently

Also have these installed in the 5x5’s light.
The aci u4 uv bars

Also have these on the way to add to the 5x5 light as well

Mars ir30 bars

Kinda irked about the medic grow smart 8 plus not having any uv or ir. No wonder it’s sok cheap for what it is. Also reading reviews on medic grow customer service warranty scares me. I bought this unit as per Dr MJ coco’s testing and praise of it. As it is a great light, Samsung lm301h and sosen drivers, built in timer, bloom button, etc. i really would have liked the full story on not having a True full spectrum.

Adding 180$ worth of lighting to round it’s out brings it to $880, that’s in line with the high Grove cypress 8 or ac Infinity Evo 8.

Both with legit spectrum like hid almost

AC Infinity spectrum

High Grove cypress 8 spectrum

Heres the diode recipe on the high Grove

Seems like it is very well thought out, 3k & 5k 301h, evo white and evo mint and emerald Green, 660, 730 and 395 chips. Wish they’d disclose the driver used

I’ve never seen anyone actually post this. nail on the head.

if you want to stick with hand watering small pots, < hempy buckets. and honestly, 5-7 gallons is still small for organic under LED. that’s like 30 day veg, single cola territory. big pots (4+ gallons per sq ft of floor) and automated watering is the way home with LOS.

just because white LED and organics are currently popular, doesn’t mean they go together well.

for a lot of guys, it’s basically this.

You are correct BAS no longer sells RO systems.
But you got one and you like it. :+1:t6: This is my last time with you.

Grow on

I’m just asking for some shots of finished product doing everything build a soil tells you, as it seems from your topic’s started, that you’re still on your first go around.

You’ve seemed to be upset one questions you’re advice? That’s how we all learn

You’re more then welcome to stomp out if this thread all pissy, that’s on you my man.