Temperature humidity & possible problems when growing under LED organically

Theres for sure a balance of having to spot water. I add ferments/compost teas every 3 or 4 days, and that really helps keep everything happy. But in the heat of summer, O find they usually need a very light watering every day. Any excuse to use my badass Haws watering can :joy:

Whatevers cheapest locally lol. I do like to give em a good rinsedown in case theres salts for sure. An old trick I learned was poke a buncha holes in the bottom of the bag, open the top, and soak em down a few times, letting it drain well between soakdowns. Rice hulls might be a better option if you dont have a good place to wet it down like that.


Made some progress installing some low tech upgrades, the t5 ho’s in veg tents. Decided on mixed bloom and veg spectrum bulb recipe.

Waiting on my deep red 36" bars to mate with the 36" IR bars for flower tent. The brackets will take some creativity to mate them to my main light.

Working in tents is a cramped pain in the ass , if I wasn’t built like a tunnel rat it would be impossible with plants in actively growing

Here’s the ladies today after a comprehensive top dress with Crab meal, pride lands veg, ewc and some bas build a flower.

Watered in with photo+ and roots organics calmag (10 drops per gallon)


Thinking of making the maiden flip to 12/12 in a week . Gonna do a light pruning and take a clone of each today, let the light veg top dress runout then flip. Did a light dress. Only 1 tablespoon of PL, crab, and 1 cup of build a flower and ewc


Looking great. Build A Flower is good stuff. It also gave me the idea of making my own pre nuted top dressing. Then if you need to correct a deficiency quick the precooked stuff works faster since it’s already partially decomposed.

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Whaddya mean precooked? As I think i used to do something similar.

Id mix veg dry nutes like fox piece of mind fruit and flowers or all purpose 5-5-5 with ewc and mushroom compost in an Old 2 gallon bucket.
I’d have a veg, bloom and mixed both depending on whatever.

So mixing with the compost pre cook’s The dry ferts?

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Also ordered up some clean straw for mulch layer and some em bokashi. And some gypsum.

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Ya. Just what you’re thinking. I get it moist. Then shake or stir it every so often trying to keep it aerated. Like cooking a soil mix. That’s pretty much what the BAS stuff is. Here’s the recipe for Build A Flower. I’ve tried lots of mixes and it’s hard to mess it up.

Ingredients :memo:

Our recipe includes:

🌿 Premium Compost
🐛 BuildASoil Worm Castings
⚪ Diamond K Ag Gypsum
🌾 High P Organic Rice Bran
🍀 Thorvin Icelandic Kelp Meal
🌱 Organic Mustard Seed Meal
🔥 BuildASoil Pre-Charged Bio-char with Rootwise Mycrobe Complete
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Yeah, i didn’t realize i was actually cooking them and whatnot. I was making basically modified layer blends from rev’s first version of his book. See we used to do the fancy science backed stuff back then, we just didn’t Have concrete answers based in science why’ it worked.

It was just me trying to make garden chores more quick easy and painless.

What do you think would be a Good all purpose veg blend?

I was thinking keep some From bas list, but omit higher p stuff with higher n stuff.

Id Like to research certain dry single ingredient amendments to see what’s more acid vs base to balance the resulting top dress at around 6.8 to 7

Update pics,

The ladies that are under The t5 + LED (2x4) got it for 3 hours before light’s off last night and today since 9 am, it’s 12 noon now

Already can see a difference in them vs control that’s the same lightning setup (2x3) but smaller tent, but 2 plants less. So it’s a pretty good control, same soil same genetics


Pride Lands veg/bloom is “precooked”. Last few years Ive even done a 50/50 with PL and something slow release like Espoma Garden Tone. Helps cover if youre a little late on a top dressing.


Sound’s like it’d be better to just cut all the in between shit out and just do a blend like pl and casting’s. Even further, just keep em separate to tailor them to specific situations

Oh, BTW, i ordered pl veg, pl bloom and pl flowers finisher

Comparing his ingredients list and back of bag to pretty much everything else, everything else falls pretty short on diversity of ingredients used to accomplish The desired npk

From the first application a few days Ago they kick ass. Thanks for the tip


Are those materials for building an aerated compost tea bubbler? A buddy back in the day brewed aerated compost tea for a garden, coco coir media, and watered with fresh made aerated compost tea for each watering. It created some really enjoyable flowers. Many blessings and much love

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Sounds almost identical to the method I use! Except a coco/perlite mix. Sounds like we learned from the same gurus lol

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Agreed! Most mixes are lacking, but GreenGro is amazing. Ive been using their products since the old Growilla mix. I was so mad when it got discontinued, but then they dropped PL right after, and its even better than the old blend.

Yes its to build an airlift brewer.

They’re said to increase microlife multiplication and population More then airstones brewers.

But i use both.

I have an 8 gang and 6 gang.

Both hook up with ⅜" line from a commercial 55 Watt pump.

The 1" diameter air lift only needs a 30 Watt pump, so I take the 8 gang hook it to pump, which leaves me 8 ¼" individual line’s.

I then take the 6 gang, feed 6 of the 8 lines from first gang to the 6 gang. That fully populates the 6 gang back to a ⅜ line that will go to the airlift pvc manifold. The remaining 2 quarter inch line’s run airstones in the airlift brewers bucket.

Figure double down, fine mist bubble’s from the traditional airstone, as well as the heavy percolation of the airlift.

Airlifts are a Nice way to move water with only air. General hydroponics Original water farm was an airlift system. It aerates and moves water like a submersible pump all in ine shot with one piece of equipment.


First pic is how gang manifold is set up

Second is airlift bucket only with airstone on

3rd is airlift bucket with both lift column and stone running

4th is the massive 55 Watt air pump From Amazon for 40$

5th shows manifold setting for bucket (don’t need to be super aggressive, as a school of thought says too aggressive can hurt the microlife? I dunno, but i apply the theory.

6th is my Xtra large fishtank style 8 outlet air pump that runs my additional water bucket’s.

7th pic is the 'remineralization" tea it has a ¼ teaspoon prilled dolomite, tablespoon of alfalfa meal, tablespoon Crab meal, a pinch of myco , cap of Big Bloom organic, and 1.5 gallons water.

8th pic is my regular water, straight ro with 50 drops of roots calmag organic (gypsum and kiserite) or you could use general organics CaMg+ (calcium carbonate magnesium nitrate IIRC) which is also veganic organic.

9th pic is Straight RO nothin added.

Just bubbling water before use makes a big difference. Lots of dissolved oxygen for roots.


What makes you say Pride Lands is precooked? I’m not seeing any precooked veg.

That should work great. Pride Lands looks like good stuff.

Here’s some various AACT’s I’ve used over the last 10+ year’s with great results.

None are set in stone, can add to or eliminate, swap and substitute certain things for other things, but base is always going to be ewc and a sugar like molasses, yucca, coconut power, etc.
I Like to make My tablespoon of ‘molasses’ with 1 tsp molasses, 1tsp roots “rain” wetting agent (pure yucca) and ½ tsp of coconut powder (bas).

Of course just molasses is fine, but if you’ve noticed anything about me by now I like redundancy and attacking things from multiple angles whether it’s lighting, aeration in a compost tea bubbler or carbs in teas.

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Here’s my final two recipes I apologize for the last few being upside down.

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I haven’t made a tea in years. I got tired of the extra work. But they’re great if you’ve got the motivation.