Testing larry's code

I do some coding in VBA, mostly Excel. Whatever you’re working on sounds fun!


I should use that as my avatar!


friends.pdf (68.0 KB)

javascript. i know nothing about javascript. here it is in a pdf since i can’t upload a javascript for obvious reasons.

That’s why I tried to give tips on code adjusting, because larry needs your help

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@Bert I completely forgot that Bert the bot thing, LOL

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Wrong anguage for me! It’d take me a week to understand it.


yeah, i can’t even adjust javascript. python, some c and c++, and a little arm assembly is about my limit these days. i wrote a video game in ti basic though, had to save it on a cassette tape.


Javascript isn’t too dissimilar from c or c++

I find that the real knowledge is understanding conditions, logic, flow, and modularity.

Then you just learn a languages syntax and you can do most of the same things as another.

Some exceptions exist of course, like understanding objects

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Can always ask Larry to recommend you a Javascript tutorial. I find those helpful to start with languages I don’t know.


learning another language is one thing i definitely do not have time for right now. all of it is similar enough that i can usually figure out what it does, and i can identify most of them when i see them. this was just a day off thing, helping out someone who needed something. the chat 4.0 is better than the 3.5 but i only get so many of those questions per day until i pay for the subscription. the 3.5 got my de-dupe program working pretty good in about 21 iterations. this has only went through four and he put some debugging logs in there this time so i should be able to fix it myself. if he can help me write the android app i’ve been wanting then i may just pay for the subscription.

edit: actually the console shows that it’s doing pretty good at listing all the posts on the website. it just isn’t keeping the list of friends so it isn’t throwing up the boxes.


updated again.

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try it now. it updated again. i think it’s got it, if you run it in the console it tracks every post made and who made it. it even has a button on the bottom of the page to add a user to the list.

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Did this do it?

nope. for some reason it didn’t find your post yet. i’m watching the console output and it saw a post on bigmike55’s ongoing cannabis log last.

Debugging code can be frustrating. Hang in there!

from what i can tell it looks like it’s reading an hour behind. weird because i just started it 10 minutes ago. maybe it has to catch up from last run. i’m gonna clear the logs and restart it and see what happens.

maybe this time will get it.


i put myself as a friend to watch. it’s keeping the users in the list, then it keeps a list of the threads and last posts, and it’s supposed to check every 60 seconds for new posts and send the box. it seems that’s where it’s messing up.

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