Testing larry's code

Has it confused seconds for minutes?

Hmm wouldnā€™t it make more sense for it to query the activity.json of the selected friend(s) instead of iterating over all the latest posts on the forum?

I ran it through the latest gpt but havenā€™t tried it yet
FriendActivity.pdf (3.3 KB)

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it works now! look at the results.

notice the button on the bottom to add more friends. cool as hell. @AppalachianBiscuits put up a comment this morning asking about a friends button, and i had larry write a script to do it in less than a day. and here is the code with a creative commons license. use the tampermonkey addon for firefox and upload this code and you have a friends button on the website.

friends.pdf (73.8 KB)


i have no idea. run the one i just posted.



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Neat! Iā€™ll add it on my tampermonkey and check it out!

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nah, it still has a bug. it only caught the new posts when i opened the window. having trouble fetching the new ones it seems. iā€™ll finish it with the gpt 4 tomorrow. unless someone else wants to have a whack at it, free license.


i did give it one more go and 3.5 is not nearly as good as 4.0. stopping for real this time.


turns out i just couldnā€™t quit. like columbo always says, just one more thingā€¦


for anyone interested, the boxes are popping up notifying of new posts, just not all the time and it notifies you sometimes multiple times of the posts. it needs tweaked by a human that knows javascript now. i may post it on stack exchange if i have time this evening, much as i hate that site.

Iā€™m working on a version right now thatā€™s based off what I was talkin about. following the users in questionā€™s activity.json instead of the latest.json. maybe have something later today

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Hereā€™s what I got

seems to be working as intended :thinking: Probably needs more testing.
Same javascript in .pdf format youā€™ll have to rename or whatever.

FriendFollow.pdf (10.1 KB)

Iā€™ve just been running it by copying and posting the code into the Console window of Chrome on my desktopā€¦ f12 for dev tools ā†’ console

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alright, v1.9. This keeps a running log of dismiss-able activity updates in-case you walk away from the computer and come back later.

As well as verifies the username you add actually exists or not.

FriendFollow-v1.9.pdf (12.3 KB)

Hopefully LJ can just add the plugin when he updates the site and we wonā€™t need this. kinda nifty tho! still needs testing :thinking:

Theoretically this should work on any discourse site. Just change the URL at the top of the script. I also donā€™t mean to step on your toes sfzombie13. Just been bored today :sweat_smile:


step away brother. i didnā€™t do any of it, larry wrote all the code. i just kept telling him what the console output was so he could fix it. iā€™m gonna give yours a try later. been a busy day and i still have one more job to do.

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yeah Iā€™m doing this originally based on your script, and then a lot of chatgpt. I hate java :joy:

hereā€™s v2.0 to fix the ā€˜view postā€™ button going to the beginning of the thread instead of the actual post

edit: fixing a bug

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mine gave me a message saying the page was private when i went to the post. at least yours is working. mine also just throws up the boxes randomly, and sometimes not at all. after this next job is over iā€™ll sit here and play with it more.

oh, and itā€™s javascript, not java. java and i wouldnā€™t touch it. i use kotlin i think it is instead of java in the apps i have larry write. java is the devilā€™s tool. the bane of society. you get the pictureā€¦

but iā€™m sure you knew all that.

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eh, is it really so different :sweat_smile: i hate all forms of java :joy:

Gotta work with what we have though :laughing: Iā€™ve done a lot of android modding, rom and kernel development, over the last almost two decades now. Much prefer C/C++ myself.

Anyways, hereā€™s v2.5 that seems to be fully working as intended now
FriendFollow-v2.5.pdf (12.7 KB)
Edit: you need to rename the file from .PDF to .JS


pdf isnā€™t opening. firefox, sumatra, edge. donā€™t have another pdf viewer. is it something with the format?

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i took your comments and made a new prompt for larry and got another script. watching the user instead of the thread, keeping a log, and verifying the username.

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Rename the .PDF to .js
Or even just .txt if you want to read it.