Testing larry's code

ah, i tried to open it. that’s what i did to mine, just made a pdf out of it.

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I got lazy and just changed the extension to PDF for upload :joy:

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that’s how we used to send things but the filters started catching them. some filters check inside zip files. surprised that got through.

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testing it now. the manage users button works.

nice! it works. not bad for a bunch of potheads. @AppalachianBiscuits has a problem yesterday, and today we have a solution.


Y’all are my heros! I thought I was overlooking a setting and y’all went and wrote me a program 🥹


no problem. it works good. my wife loves your username and we’re not far from you. she says you seem pretty cool.


Is that a clone only strain?


i just noticed it didn’t give me notifications from folks that made posts after i closed the page. it’s a small thing and i’ll try to work on it when i get a chance later, well larry will do the work of course.


Them BBQ terps be hittin’! Squaaaaa fire! :fire::fire:

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Now that is some funny shit.

i updated it again using the rss feed to watch for the user’s posts.

edit: needs a way to not find all the user’s previous posts when yo add them. gets a little annoying.


yeah I think that’s why I stuck with the activity.json instead of the activity.rss :thinking:

Here’s another idea

Little notification panel above the manage tracked users button that holds all the notifications and you can click to open or dismiss them as they come up. Instead of a whole window popping up blocking whatever you were doing.


v2.10 with that functionality, proper readable pdf format now
FriendFollow-v2.10.pdf (60.2 KB)

So it seems if you get up to around 20 people, you start getting rate limited by the server :sweat_smile:
Might need to hard code the script to 10 or so people or adjust how it checks them :thinking: Like not check all of them every minute, check them one at a time or a small group at a time then next interval check the next group, etc :thinking:

edit edit: apparently you can only have 3 posts in a row on a thread you didn’t create? or something?

Version 2.12:

I have altered the script to put Tracked Users into groups of 5 that get checked in 1 minute intervals instead of all of the tracked users getting checked every minute. This will give a larger window between notifications depending on the amount of Users you are Tracking, but it will prevent the site from rate-limiting you/the script. So if you have 20 people you’re tracking, after 1 minute it will check the first 5 Tracked Users. 1 minute later it will check the next group of 5. Continuing until all users have been checked, then 1 minute later, it starts over at the beginning.

I added a ‘Dismiss All’ button that will only show if you have multiple notifications. This way if you walk away and come back later, you can just dismiss everything without having to click ‘Dismiss’ on every single notification.

I also added a local storage check to the script so that it will only run on 1 tab of Overgrow.com, and not every single tab of OG you have open. This will also help with rate-limiting and not getting multiple duplicate notifications across multiple tabs.

FriendFollow-v2.12.pdf (28.8 KB)