The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)


Looking good bro. She does look a little wispy? I don’t know why. I am sure once you get her dialed in you can get her producing denser buds. Not that she is a huge yielder… but she produces a quick harvest with a decent yield of what at least I personally consider a good sativa high. I agree before moving her outside you will need to stake her. Always did have weak stems.

I just hope you like the smoke. I find it has pretty unique effects. Gets me high and not stoned. In particular a “floaty” feeling that I don’t get from modern varieties. I hope I don’t skew your smoke report with preconceived notions of what to expect, but I am curious if you get similar effects.

As for seeds, and cuttings… spread them far and wide. I am an OG through and through. I don’t believe in hoarding, profiteering, etc. Free the seed and spread the weed.

@anon3323625 Som is the creator of AllStar Mexican. He is doing a preservation run of it now, that bafflingly has virtually no interest. It is bizarre how some threads just fall through the cracks