The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Here it is pronounced by Mexicans and Spaniards exclaim|nullxnull, hope you will never get short of it… beer3|nullxnull


Oh! Wahaka!


That’s kinda what I thought oh acka? Idk I can barely get English right and that’s my first language!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I was saying it right all these years. I think I owe a debt of gratitude to Cheech and Chong lol. Thanks for the link.


Good luck. Hope you find that male…but they usually show early. Must be a Chinese Landrace?

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The overall impression is a 70’s locker room on a citrus plantation. Sweaty limes. When touched the smell is almost astringent citrus that stays with you. Not sweet but citrus.


Damn I love this description lol
Locker room lime oh no :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:



For those of us that remember the 70’s and I know you do, sweat was a much more prevalent component of everyday life. Like cigarettes. And Adidas. LMAO


Boy this looks like it’ll be a stonker


Ye she is my fav at the moment…more Chunky with less node spacing.she is spreading broadwise nicely.

Now the other Pheno type …is longer nodes and a taller plant…( I would judge her to be more Oxacan leaning.@upstate .

I love them all



Here are the oaxacan volunteers with some f1s along side…[the small ones in front) and some cambodianxgolden tigers in the big pots.

The oaxacan seeds came from @Upstate and cambodian cross from khalifa




Whaaa…they look real :blush: your doing a grand job…

That Cambodian cross is a very nice looking plant. Looks like it’s just flowering…are they long flowerer…



Thanks they were pretty much volunteers from my massive oaxacan open pollination last year…I kept three seedsback and they are the ones in front. There is one weird dark green droppy leaves oaxacan in the third picture down. She doesn’t smell much yet. Most have a chocolaty lime smell. The cambodian cross just started the asymmetrical branching so they will be flowering in late October most likely…I put them in the pots so I can move them into my shop if I need to…depending on the finish.


Gave Oaxaca the chop yesterday, she was pretty much done with most of the green turned brown or golden color pistils we’re red. Hanging out in the barn.


I’d like to strip off a few of those calyxes and throw them in a paper and roll 'em up!


Do the Oaxaca usually grow those sparse buds like that? I was thinking about getting a pack, but damn that’s not much bud.

Sorry for the newb question, I have not grown sativas.


You’d be surprised how some of the pearl types give a decent harvest. I filled up a Couple half gallon jars to the top with only calyxes and smokable stems from just one plant last summer, but it depends on the phenotype. The best of the pearls get clumps of calyxes at the branch tips. Given a decent veg, these can form weeping buds coming off the main branches. In person, it’s a sight to behold.
There are also phenos with nice buds. @TexasTea found a real beauty recently, photo above. It must be smoking good because we haven’t heard from him since, lol. He is missed.
I found my favorite plant of all time my first run growing this Oaxaca. It’s so covered in resin, even on the stems, that the plant looks silver. I named it Old Silversides. I promise you if you get one of these, you won’t think about the yield the same way ever again. You’ll just be hoping you get another one. I chose to work with this particular plant to see if I could find completely stable offspring, as Old Silversides herself will throw some bananas late into flower, with stressors, such as different light cycles/ lights or sun, etc. For me this has been a blessing because i’m not very good about keeping cuttings and I love this plant. :heart_eyes:
Since I was eighteen i’ve always separated different phenotypes. I actually used to think they were different strains, not knowing any better.
The habit has stuck with me over these thirty two years. I’m just about done with breeding my favorite Silversides line, to be used by myself for breeding/ freebies, and next I will move on to the chunky bud phenos. . I figured nobody else would ever bother breeding with something like Old Silversides, and I could keel over dead tomorrow, so I wanted to leave something special behind in that event. My wife has instructions.
My thoughts on the different phenotypes are that the pearl stem plants are feral old Mexican…very old, and the nicer budding plants are what the Mexican breeders have managed to turn it into using another tool, in this case, Lebanese. Lebanese immigrants began moving to the Yucatan peninsula around 1825, and by the 1830’s, had made it over to Guerrero, on the Oaxaca border. The article I read mentioned that they brought medicinal plants with them when they emigrated. While cannabis was not specifically mentioned, It is So engrained into the lebanese traditions that I can’t imagine They would have moved without bringing their favorite seed with them. I think it is this strain that brings the red hair features to mexican and other Central American cannabis. Ie Mexi Red Hair. I also believe the cedar smell/ taste associated with Oaxaca, and the shorter height/ nicer buds also associated with it may descend from this Lebanese contribution. This is just my personal opinion and is based on my personal experience growing both Lebanese and a couple different Oaxaca area landraces, their uniform flowering times, both with tall and short phenotypes, and my limited knowledge of History when it comes to this area of the World.
Of course I could be wrong😁.


Old Silversides. Next summer, she gets grown in the ground under cover🥳
Weird last picture when I took the cover off my phone. All the buds show up pure white.

@Greenfingers fingers crossed it’s a good one!

@Trowertripper I envy you! Looking awesome!
2 of the 3 sisters

I think I managed to kill the third sister replacement. I gave it bat guano…a good bit, and then forgot and hit it again. She’s all droopy. I flushed it as well as I can but now it’s drowning. Only time will tell.


Wow. Thank you @Upstate for the reply.

You just dropped a huge knowledge bomb on me. Very interesting and informative. I had no idea Old Silversides was an Oaxaca. I have seen you mention that plant by name several times but did not know what strain it was.

I have been growing full time for over a decade, but it’s been the same few hybrid strains. I have never really experienced pure or mostly sativa strains. I’m trying to change that. I did have the pleasure of smoking some Durban Poison about twenty years ago.

I remember these stories from my father(rip) and father in law where they reminisce about buds they smoked in the 70’s. I’m trying to go in that direction. 90% of what I grow, stays in the family and we smoke all day. We need something that motivates and is uplifting.

I’m tired of hybrids and indicas for my daytime smoke. I have plenty of packs of those. I do have four packs of some Ace seeds that I’m looking forward to. And I just made a donation to a forum member for some Durban, Thai, Mango haze, Swazi gold, ssh and Angola red. I wanted the Oaxacan red crossed with ”the boys” he had also, but it will have to wait.

But I’m so inexperienced with different strains that I really don’t even know what I’m looking for. Thanks again. I respect your knowledge on the subject @Upstate

Edited to add that yield is definitely not a concern for me as long as I get the desired effects