The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Here’s hoping so…ye he be ok with the plants…I been showing him pics of solotero males lurking…nanners etc…I’ve stopped now. I got to get my holiday hat on and enjoy the break with the daughters and grandkids.



Here here! Bro that’s what it’s all about Bro! If we do it for nothing else , we do it for the fam! :slight_smile: That’s what I call wealth! Much love and respect


You got some really good strains. I really want to try Zamaldelica. I understand that strain can be challenging with insane branching and flimsy branches (at least that’s what I heard) but is supposed to be more than worth the trouble.


It depends on the pheno though. Mine looked nothing like that. It was an insane stretcher in veg (3 weeks to 3 feet) but didn’t stretch much in flower and buds were a lot more dense than I expected. I was out of town for three weeks and nobody was around to take care of it, which is why I remember how long it took to 3 feet. When I got home it was deep into the light.


That’s some scary stuff. I’m glad your grandpa is doing better. I didn’t even realize he was sick. I didn’t say anything, but my organs nearly shut down too. It was a close one. I didn’t use the bathroom for 4 days. I think that dandelion root extract And the raspberry leaves extract saved me @Bobgrows . That, and it just wasn’t my time, thank God. I have too many landraces to grow to due now lol.
Those tick diseases are no joke… if it happens to me again I’ll get my ass to the doctor.


So happy they helped! I believe in the medicinal properties in natural remedies.
The other was red clover. Sweet tasting, it tastes like a handful of raspberries.


Oh yeah, red clover. Raspberry leaves are similar medicine. Thanks again!


So update Oaxacan

And the tall pheno

@upstate you where right tall one final threw balls so yep its a boy or at least Ps I still have this boy haven’t culled yet.:wink:


Teasel root from 1 yr old plants (Dipsacus fullonum) is a specific for lymes disease too… also the flower essence,

This is from Hedgerow Medicine by Julie Bruton-Seal and Matthew Seal:
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, teasel root ‘tonifies the liver and kidneys’ and works on painful lower back and knees, weak legs, cartilage and joints. It is also held to promote circulation and reduce inflammation. American herbalists William LeSassier and Matthew Wood have built on these uses and found in practice that the teasel (introduced from Europe) is, in Wood’s words, ‘invaluable’ for joint injury and chronic inflammation of the muscles. It is indicated for fibromyalgia, chronic arthritis and Lyme disease.


@bonghopper You are my new hero! Thanks! I basically suffer from just about all the symptoms listed, minus weak legs. I’ll have to find some of that stuff. I can hardly move when I get up in the morning. I’m like the Tin man from the Wizard of Oz, lol.
@420noob ahhh bummer it’s a male. Does look like a nice symmetrical plant though…might be good for breeding.


@Upstate also add ashwaganda to your daily regimen, it is a must have it will make you feel young again it will change your life! It is the one thing that allows me to keep going for real so add it can be taken multiple times daily with great benefit I get it off eBay I get a kilo of powder for 30$ I used to get pills but a 2 month supply is 20$ a kilo last me like 8 months so I don’t care how it tastes because it works!


There’s a treatment called Biomagnetism that cured a friend from Lymes. She had it from a young child till her mid twenties, tried everything, conventional and herbal, her mother even studied chinese medicine, finally 6 sessions of biomagnetism is what cured her. She was like a different person when she got better, no longer tired and sluggish.

Just back from the UEL plot with a heavy heart - septoria everywhere… : (
Anyone have any septoria issues and found strains that are super resistant?? That also finish at 53N? And sativa effect? Not demanding at all eh?!


Do you know natural farming? You can overcome it it will make it go dormant I’m driving right now but will help just pm me later @bonghopper


Spraying lacto bacillus? I’m not really into spraying…
did spray one year with copper fungicide, at least every week, in the end it left blue stains on leaves and a funny taste on flowers, even though last spray was at very start of flowering.

I’ve been on the quest to find resistant strains that can handle the septoria pressures - Verde Limon from Hyp3rids, narrow leaf Mextiza S1, Purple Satellite, all show good resistancy,

I’m assuming tropical lines that can handle high humidity excel at resisting fungal attacks.

@Upstate - do you get septoria in your neck of the woods? Hows the Oaxacan and Peshawar for resistancy?


Great company, got some Kava Kava from them before, banned in Europe


No not LAB, is good stuff but not persistent enough for septoria and not spraying soil drench once a week you need a couple of different JLFs and some IMOs but it sounds like you already got your mind made up so good luck

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Cheers for the input, I’ve heard of IMO’s, what are JLF’s? You have me interested now there’s no spraying involved. Everything’s saturated at present, July is wet season typically here. 2018 was the last year with a warm dry summer, not a hint of septoria, this year we got a warm dry early summer, now it’s hovering around 17deg C and raining most days. I’ve resorted to selection being the long term remedy. You ever get it?


I think I did, but I really couldn’t tell you for certain, see I used to grow in south Mississippi and one can run into all kinds of shit down there :slight_smile:
JLF: Jadam Liquid Fertilizer
Basically 3/4 of a bucket of local healthy wild flowering plants preferably also medicinal (that is the key to battling fusarium and septoria) then put a handful of leaf mold soil in bucket then fill with non chlorinated water then cover with breathable lid (like a piece card board , anything that can keep the rain and animals out but still allow air to exchange ) preferably outside and let it sit for 10 - 14 days before you start to use it at a rate of 2:1 so pull the liquid out bucket a half bucket of JLF makes a whole bucket of feed I prefer to have 5-7 different buckets going each bucket have a different medicinal plants in it look for local plants that grow all season naturally that Do Not get septoria that’s a good indicator


How long is my" pew bucket "( anaerobic ) of plants and water good for. Man it stinks to high heaven. Smells like a cow shit in my lap lol. It’s 2 weeks old…does it go bad?
@bonghopper you need plants from wet regions generally, but continually growing anything in your locale will increase resistance every year. Oaxaca and Peshawar don’t get septoria. Dry region plants get it badly. Sudan, Tashkurgan, RSC Lebanese all got it badly. Moroccan holds up very well for a dry region, early flowering pure Sativa
Khalifa genetics has the pure version. Phenohunting is required with any unworked landrace to find potent plants. 10% are something you’d look forward to smoking everyday and another 25% are good enough to smoke. The remaining 2/3 is given away to friends or sits in jars collecting dust. Probably best to make hash with these types if you need the smoke. I just gift it away…
I have to work hard to grow enough headstash, but I don’t recall growing any landrace where I didn’t find anything good, it’s just not common the first generation. Worked versions are different of course.
@drgreensleeves nice tip.


Oaxaca is the ashwaganda of weed😁