The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I know the story of the Oaxaca skull. I am definitely not putting it down. and I definitely look forward to trying it someday, especially the fast version he found, but there is definite contamination in that line, or at least in that pheno. When you take plants out of their home latitude, it changes the onset of the flowering 2-3 days per degree of latitude. So even if there was a nine week Oaxaca pheno in Oaxaca,( there is not), the onset of flowering would occur so late at 42° North, it would never stand a hope of finishing. This Cryptic Oaxaca doesn’t begin flowering until September( mid September ime) at 42 North. Something was in that line that was used to a northern latitude. I do think faster flowering Recessive genetics can be found in tropical land races tbat hail from a more temperate region, but not the first couple or a few generations.

For sure. A good hybrid magnifies the effect of one or both parents. It’s a matter of finding the right match to make it happen.

That would be nice. I’d buy it And I would look for the same pheno he found. It’s an excellent representation Of the region it’s from, wrapped up in a faster flowering package.


He knows it’s his bread & butter , no way he’d release it pure . FWIW people have begged him for years to . Too bad Musta aint releasing any more of his as it’s the real deal . While there’s shorter flowering , potent Mexicans vast majority aren’t pure .


It’s already been swiped from him


12 weekers.


wasnt this 1979 oaxacan included in the cannabiogen - punto rojo wich is a 3way midamerican cross?
probably an interesting choice aswell

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Nice looking plants, how tall are they now? Have they stretched much?


I think its worth it to gamble on Oaxaca seeds where ever you can get them

The Temple Flo using the old Flo genetics that dont rely on the stretch f5 BB

The “BEOL” Oaxaca that deadpan head…originally from RCcola?

RCcola also has the Copalita village Oaxaca

Theres something called the 12 fingers as well

And another Oaxaca was the first ‘freebie’ @ Icmag seedboutique

That was gatherd down in Oaxaca

I think if you smoke a few down in Oaxaca…you could find the farmer…Find the seeds

Even now, I bet its possible in the hill villages

I think I was trying to say the Oaxacan Gold that vermonman Green Mtn whatever is hard to knock it off …

Its within the mountain Gold …yeah, its unlikeling that riddly of tlt could pull that off…but I wouldnt put it past him to grab and go w/anything…

He does have a few obvious knockoffs… I think he gets in with someone who can talk to the farms or chuck the pollen for him

People like that dont get hands dirty …unless its counting money

Anyway…I dont even like talking about that guy or give much free advertising

The real work will be sorting the phenos and bringing out IBLs

Its when you find something…Thats a good time to make it shine thru


You mean the Redsnake?

The Redsnake uses the 79 Oaxaca but different line altogether

That’s what’s found Mextiza …and its a potent resinous Oaxaca

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I think the punto rojo of CBG is a crossing of 2 different punto rojo lines kaiki found in Colombia


no, i ment punto rojo - cannabiogen. somebody mentioned punto rojo had a 1979 oaxacan in it. it was a new info for me aswell… not shure if its wrong info.
however, good that you mention red snake, i think it is the oaxacan79 that is also in resnake. so… a different line then…


That’s news to me

Someone just reproducing it now

Pollen donated from OG

I dont think Oaxaca they had would be in there…because its a big deal when they made redsnake

Resnake is 79Oaxaca x puntorojo


i think thats the one i confused everything. today- jesus :rofl:


Not too much stretch. They are roughly 5 feet tall. The SIPS possibly may cause them to stretch less not sure. I know the plants don’t seem to get too tall in them.


Whose Vietnamese is that if I may ask? Fet repro?

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Hahaha! You couldn’t possibly know how deep that answer may go. VB has a few incarnations floating around here… could be Kiona/Snowhigh/ personal friends who flew in Vietnam…many paths


No. This is a 1970 vb so far as I know. Different line from others, but @romanoweed would have to confirm. Smells a little pissy and tastes like white grape juice. Great potency. This beauty was found by @YoBigdaddy. There’s been several old vietnamese lines quietly being worked on. I get confused about the years…


That was Copalita village Oaxaca so far as I know. A different line. The same one that was released in fem(s1) form( mextiza). Green Mt Oaxaca was a 79 brick or bag weed find, named Oaxaca skull.

That’s @Elchischas creation using 2 different mexi landraces.

My understanding is that it was acquired from him thru dishonesty/ trickery. I learned this in a private forum. I may have been given bad info, but highly doubt it.

My preferred term is dickhead.


The two remaining 3 sisters at week 16 or so.

I did kill the replacement 3rd sister…fed to the chickens. A heartbreaker :broken_heart:. I probably don’t need to say that these don’t appreciate high levels of guano. Died nearly instantly after the second dose, with just a couple waterings. Wasn’t meant to be I guess. Once again, the universe is doing my selecting for me​:rofl:


So beautiful :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::fire:


I don’t see anything Oaxacan in the six I have. Not in structure, odor, growing requirements or effect.