The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Beautiful colors :green_heart:

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No Oaxaca in there. @romanoweed was thinking of red snake


Ah ok :+1: took a minute to unravel that. LOL


More 3 sisters photos. The pink stem is further along, so it’s getting pictured. The best one might be the late sister. She’s going to be a powerhouse, me thinks😁

Look at that resin! Crusty. Looking like the resin on @TexasTea’s plant.


Those are some pretty big buds their and so pretty. I can’t wait until 1,2,3…15, 16 wks!:rofl::rofl:

Just a little thing. Not a very good pic as you can see other leaves in pic. Just topped her and trying to clone top! I hope she’s a winner!


Oaxaca 79 cbg used to make Mextiza is a clone from Canada

And it may have originated dr greenthumb He did offer a pure Oaxaca @ one time

.Mextiza is nice strong looking plant

It did have reg seeds for awhile back then

freezer got ripped off…they stole the whole thing w/the regs seeds

so they were not many of those…but did get reg release

Raves about this strain its a NepJam w/ the Oaxaca


This explains the reg copalita village Oaxaca I see growing. I snoozed on that one. Only saw it in feminized form. Bummer. Added to my list.


So here’s the top of my Oaxacan girl she’s gonna be a nice clone hopefully it’ll be one worth saving or even use as a breeding stock! Wringing hands with creepy smile on face.


Copalita Oaxaca is something RcColas got going…Its coming right out of that village

…Its interesting see where Copalita village

The Oaxaca 79 kaiki used to make Redsnake and Mextiza is an old Oaxaca clone

Maybe from dr greenthumb… since it originated with someone in Canada

Its way more of a worked thing than the Copalita

The Copatita is something by collection RCColas

There is Oaxaca thread Icmag …my information I get thru these and the other Mexican thread

Cannabiogen did nice work with Mextiza hope they get back in production somewhere

I think that Silversides is more interesting …Follow the Resin!

Oaxaca is real nice place Real things to be found there …How long ago I wonder did RC Cola find that Copatila?..(2011).Its seems very raw , unworked

That’s a very good area …Mazunte up to Oaxaca


This might shed more light on the Copalita


Love these phenos in Copalita!!!




mmm I can smell them from here :smiley: nice fade they got going on


I have some cryptic labs reunion haze and demon latcher. Anyone know anything about these?


The Demon Latcher is the Oaxaca haze

Oaxaca pearl pheno x haze-4 dayz ( TFD original haze repro by boneyard )

Here’s good description for Cryptic’s Oaxaca

Cryptic lab’s Oaxacan Gold is a pure landrace cultivar originally from the Oaxaca region in Mexico. Oaxacan gold is somewhat of a long flowering pure sativa, it should mature in roughly 13 to 16 weeks but some phenotypes of this cultivar may want more time around 20 weeks flower. If you are a true pure sativa lover these long flowering plants are what you’re after, with their powerful psychedelic highs that go on for hours. Oaxacan gold has a great structure with a good amount of side branching that will fill out to a nice harvest, but it can become very tall for indoor growth, so proper measures are needed like pinching the terminal bud to keep this cultivar under control and promote more side growth. This line shouldn’t give you too much trouble like some wild Mexican cultivars. It has been selected and bred to itself many times to improve upon flowering times, structure, high and any other undesirable traits that would prevent you from getting many keepers in each pack.
Oaxacan gold has a great sativa aroma from years gone by with its spicy citrus incense smell. Some may have more of a fruity smell like berries but either way you’re sure to find something special for your collection. Like plants of purple color, proper measures are needed to achieve the famed gold color in this variety. It’s best to grow in a balanced organic medium that is not too high in nitrogen. They will turn gold on their own at the end of flower. A proper cure of at least a few months will only help this process along and break down any leftover chlorophyll. There is always girdling the plant like what has been reported to be done by the farmers in Mexico but this can be tricky to perform and takes lots of practice to perfect.


Thanks man, what about the reunion haze?
I can’t find any info on it.


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Reunion island famous for its Zamal

zamal x original haze??


It sounds friggin’ awesome! Like something I smoked at 16 that sent me practically to another dimension or heaven for a couple of hours.


It may also be the haze19 x original haze

… a way of “re-uniting” some hazes…Reunion haze

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This is Cryptic Labs distribution point maybe they would know more

Also goes be Mystic funk @ Icmag if you want to look him up that way