The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Yep. You don’t hear nearly the same excitement around MNS that you used to, and the website is the exact same as it was 15 years ago. No real genetic innovation in a decade, just seems to be on auto pilot.
It’s been at least 10 years since I smoked a strain from them, so I can’t speak from experience… but that stuff was FIRE back then!


Do you think the original yellow packs @ MNS were really made by Nevil?

Its the fact none of these are super stable lines thats interesting…

That makes it very probable to find these freak pheno

Those phenos I believe, their natural tendency in the first place…a freaky haze hybrid

That original haze hybrid…Its a hybrid to make it just barely growable indoors And its because the haze C is male Its only was to express is in hybrid form

Its the haze that comes across like pure sativa, acts like a sativa, has ‘long’ flower time

Problem someone decided to start bring down times and rangle out of control branchy sativa plants

The relentless attempt to get sativa effect into indica structure …Its the failure of the entire global cannabis community …Its bad

We see now fully grow sativa structures provide better yield, smoke better, get you high, resist molds, And dont require the massive amounts of Nitrogen

I think we all Agree Nevil made the seeds that grew the plants that were impressive F1s

After that its like a gamble to find that freak that I believe is what the real intent was anyway…Its just barely growable, yeilds good but takes forever and uses up a lot of space

The smoke ends up being the type of thing You dont even want to give away your old stash…the new stuff is that good…Have to just chuck it in the woods The difference is night/day…

Its flower time…Shanti wont mess with anything over 14 -16 wks?

Its more practical and thats what he finds to be tried and true…

Even so, many many very sativa hazes to be found…and packs have outliers People wonder WTF is going on!

Its a fine balance between stability and diversity in these lines

I think both Arjan and Shanti have worthwhile things…They are like opposite personalitiesLOL!

Also rumors circulate Arjan may have used mr nice packs to make /remake greenhouse strains

Strangely enough it may have help preserve them if its true since some parent plants being lost in the meantime And some like NL5haze may have already been gone. I think the NL5xHaze expresses in the SSH It’s a very hazy long internode Haze… in essence

I personally have invest much more in Shanti side…It does seem to make a difference the person works with these plant…Its an interaction


This interesting to hear about talking about mrnice SSH

From mrnice forums…

Question by ‘joker’

Does SSH still produce frankinsence pheno’s? If so how rare are they?

Answer by ‘axiom’

You will need to look at 100-150 SSH females
If you do this you will find
80% Herbal Clove types
10% skunky types
-5% catpiss types
-5% church/frankincense/incense types
However when you get that catpiss or incense type you will have some of the best weed on the planet.
Definitely worth the effort
Ive grown so many SSH I’ve lost count
Ive had 1 catpiss type
1 skunk type
And 1 church type.
Still raved about Thumbs up :thumbsup:
“Onward thru the fog”

Shantibaba quote

“SSH female parent it took Nev over 1000 seeds flowered out over several years. Then doing the progeny test, which ultimately is the only true test of breeding, took alot of us several attempts to be sure the selection was true . This strain has had alot of breeding work over alot of years and it is not for no reason that it is so close to so many people worldwide.”


I just think its fascinating that Haze C is male plant And it is the dominate influence

Infused into both sides female and male

Yet, smoking the female flower …Its intriguing thought …how it presents itself …The high

Sativa cannabis males And their far reaching influence!

May really be the key understanding these plants is understanding the males


@herbgreen sounds like there may be some great rare sativa phenos in some of that old gear. I love that pissy pot!

“3 sisters”( Old Silversides Oaxaca progeny)looking beautiful.
The other “3 sisters” plant ready to pick.
Check out (side by side) a normal bud and a dready bud… strange how the plant has both in random places. :thinking:


yeah, some sweetness there Old Silver sides!

Now I get the silver sides is from stem right? silver sided stems Is that how it got the name?

That finishes @ your latitude?

What is your latitude ? Upstate NY area?

1 Like

Not really, it has resin from the top all the way down to dirt level! Stem resin! The whole thing covered! It’s a hell of a sight :slight_smile: I haven’t grown it yet but I think @Upstate got me covered for next year outdoor season, see just how big she can get! Oh yeah! :slight_smile:


Yeah, that’s amazing phenotype And the resin itself is different correct?

More stick type resin on it right?

Love to see this sort of stuff…Cryptic used a pearl pheno like that in his Oaxaca x Haze


I’m sure a photo can be dug up pretty quickly :slight_smile:


If you just scroll up @herbgreen the 3 sisters is old silver sides but like 2.0 he’s been working it for years as I understand it :slight_smile: ps absolutely stunning work!


@upstate remember you said to much wood in my this is what they sell as potting soil and organic potting soil, top soil, raised bed soil, miracle grow isn’t as bad but still not what I call dirt. Literally no dirt in the bag of dirt. The bags of amendments look the


I prefer sunshine 4 or pro mix still a bit of sticks and crap but nothing serious.


@420noob this is what I use but I add an extra 10-20% course perilite and about 10% river sand works great


I thought this thread would be a great place to ask this question. You guys seem to be both helpful and chill so seems perfect to me.

I have some Panama seeds (reg) from Ace Seeds. I am wondering if they are the same thing as Panama Red seeds? Same strain or something different. If different can someone explain the pros and cons of each please?


Ya I’ve seen it just don’t have an extra $40 to get a I’ve been eyeing it at Lowes with the myco in it! Thanks I want to get the sunshine mix add worm castings and perlite. Like the river sand idea


Panama from ACE has 2 different panama red in it, a green panama, and I think one of the panama red is referred to as Panama74

It was worked by Cannabiogen and shared with ACE …'.dubi ’ is over @ ICMAg he could answer where they are @ with it now…or email them

Ace Seeds - Marijuana strains shop landrace seeds indica sativa

Panama Red strains from dr greenthumb look promissing and snowhigh has a few

Its Rare

I think All worth looking @ The snowhigh info can be found @ breedbay and Dr grreenthumb @ roll it up…Well documented Panama grow


Yeah, I only mess with bales like that when it comes to buyin’ dirt

Sunshine or Promix

Only way to get clean dirt!!LOL…



Looks like they stuck you with a bag of Mulch !!!


Sensi Seeds had in the early 90s the same Oaxacan Nevil had in his Seed Bank.Of Course they bought his Seed Bank, because Nevil needed the money.
This Oaxacan was early flowering and a great strain for outside.Later on i found it back at the Sativa Seed Bank from Nirvana.


If I’m not mistaken but most if not all “sativa’s” from ace had a hidden afghan influence that’s how they get those flowering times down but @upstate has a panama from the 70s it is still a hybrid but it is the closest he has found to the real deal it still has looong flower phenos I think :slight_smile: