The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I always let readers know which one is pure, if I know, just in case they are seeking the landrace. I’ll always give that info because it bothers me when I buy something that wasn’t what I was looking for.
Hybridization isn’t a bad thing…unless you want the purebred.


I bet you could open up a very successful low key farm if things were more lax. I would make a pilgrimage for a chance to pick those (and other pure sativas)when they’re ripe off the vine(to continue experimenting w/ the cobbing cure) or after 6 months conventional cool cure!

That goes for many of the pearl string types that have been showcased here, there’s something special about the long time wispy ones! Especially the franky phenos.

Okay, let me stop day dreaming.


Lol all the dirt/soil bags here even truck loads from nursery’s are more like amendment and wood chips. Can’t find promix here but next pay check getting 3 cu ft of sunshine #4


Went and dug up the notes I could find on Panama Reds


2 generations of Panama 74 x Panama Red Hair
1 generation of Panama 74 / Red Hair F2 x 3 males Panama Network of third line different
4 generations of this triad plus and voila (current seeds of Panama ACE for sale in regular and feminized)


Name: Panama RedHair
Type: Sativa Pure
Genotype Panama Red
Breeder: Breeders Choice

10 Seeds Per Pack


Panama Redhair is a unique, pure Sativa that is a delight to grow and smoke. A truly unique Sativa for the connoisseur grower.

This line was sourced by collectors in Colombia for BCO from a line originating in Panama, and is, believed to be true to type for many of the traits that helped to form the legends of the Panama Red imports to the North Americas. It is not related to any of the common Colombian Genepools we have encountered over many years of collecting and growing Pure Sativas from the region, and hence, our feeling is this is a authentic, Panama Red line.

Panama RedHair is a very easy line to grow, it requires no special maintenance and is both productive indoors, producing relatively high yields for a pure Sativa Cultivar. She is a quick line for pure Sativa, finishing in 16 weeks approximately during our tests indoors. She yields very high for a pure Sativa, forming long, quite dense colas of flowers with very high THC levels. Panama RedHair is extremely resistant to moulds, however, she is not resistant to mites at all, so this is not a line for gardens suffering from mites as they will be attracted to her. For outdoor growing, the Panama RedHair is a almost perfect pure Sativa, she requires a extremely small amount of water, survives droughts and needs really no fertilisation to produce high crop yields.

Plants grow to the typical Christmas tree Sativa profile, with a long central cola forming. Once in flower, you will immediately notice the very Red colouration of her pistils. Not Brown, but a very striking red colour. Some red colourations will also be seen in the stems, leaf and other areas of the plants. When dry, the finished flowers take on a very rust colouration from the long Red hairs, and are quite unique. Panama RedHairs finished flowers display a very high resin content for a pure Sativa Cultivar, forming resins over all flower areas and also on sugar leaf.

Panama RedHairs finished flowers deliver a wonderful mix of tropical taste and high THC effects. From the initial inhale a slightly overripe citrus taste is noticeable, the kind of Citrus notes you experience with the finest Red Hashish, on the exhale this changes to a slightly more earthy, tobacco, Hash flavour. She is totally smooth as silk, with no lung expansion, no cough or choke. Just thick smoke and delightful smoked pure as a joint.

Effects are immediate, the smoothness of the smoke does not prepare you for the very strong initial hit, once effects take place, you immediately know you are smoking a very high THC flower. It takes you very high, very quickly, greatly enhancing vision, hearing and all senses. Definite, pronounced psychedelic effects. She has no ceiling at all, so every draw from a joint sends you ever higher. It is not a perfectly clear high, it is slightly cloudy, but very, very strong. Once the initial strength of the high clears, you are left with a very calming, relaxed body, and very active mind. Wandering from thought to thought through various introspective to other perspective changes and stages, not able to totally focus on any one thing. The high appears to effect the front of the brain initially, moving to the back as effects wear off and lingering there for a very long time.

Panama RedHair has one of the longest lasting Highs I have come across and effects stay with you for hours, if not full days. I have spent full days out tending plants and spent 8 hours happily high from previous intake, despite having more, my body and mind was not crying out for it. A real rarity, and with the enhanced visual, audible and other senses, a absolute joy for those that enjoy the great outdoors, the perfect companion.

Panama RedHair is a easy Sativa to grow, she is extremely strong, productive and requires little maintenance. She can give a superb quality indoors and out but, she has no resistance to mites and is not recommended for any garden where they are present, as they will colonise and destroy plants.

Our initial release of the line is a very limited edition, with bulk stocks to follow in the fall.

Indica: 100% Sativa
Indoor/Greenhouse: 16 Weeks
Outdoor finish: November, 40 degrees latitude and South.
Odor level: Low
Mite resistance: Very Low
Mould Resistance: High
Stretch: 3x and greater
Yield: Very High

Breeding History and Notes.

BCO has worked on this line for some years now, it is a labour of love when working with pure Sativas in general, but this line has been also a battle to reproduce. Through fires, busts, thefts and moves we have just about managed to pull off reproduction of the line.

It is rare to acquire such a pure, non hybridised or molested true Sativa that comes to us as a fully finished line. Panama RedHair is so far, the only line I have come accross from such sources as requiring, or needing very little work from BCO in order to deliver viable plants for the cultivators of today. This line requires nothing other than improvements, if possible in mite and pest resistances to be fully finished work. She is totally intersex free, resistance to any stress imposed. Her production, her quality and traits need no improvement from me. This is a beautiful, artisan breeders work from a previous time, and a real credit to their skill.

Full preservation of the gene-pool of this line has not been possible due to the above problems encountered along the way. Ultimately, we came down to the last 10 seeds of this Cultivar available to us from the original collection. Of these, three plants where selected, two females and a single male used to reproduce this line. This means the total width of the original line is not preserved.

However, the three plants selected have given rise to a improved seed lot in this generation, a seed lot which displays more red colouration, improved quality of high from previously sampled test plants and when used in out-crosses, pronounced, unique traits pass which makes us confident that the core, key traits of the Panama Red line we collected have been retained, even if the total breadth of traits may not have, the most important have.

BCO will continue to work on the line now we have large numbers of seeds. A further in-cross is planned, and from this IX2 generation we believe we will find plants that will allow long term improvement of the line.



PANAMA RED: ( Sweet Berry pheno)

This is your chance to acquire a Pure Heirloom Landrace equatorial Central American cultivar from Panama. At one time Panama was part of Colombia, until it broke away and the United States built the Panama Canal in place where the French failed in their attempt. The Indigenous Kuna, Arawak and Taino tribes of the Isthmus of Panama and islands of the Caribbean were smoking firebrands called “tobacos” basically blunts with happy herb that made them laugh and finally sleep. The red varieties most likely came over during transatlantic voyage from Africa from the times before the last ice age, the Phoenicians and other travelers as recent as the slave trade and bringing in central Africans who brought seeds with them. West and Central African varietals which popped up later in Brazil as Aracaju Red, Manga Rosa, Colombian Red or Punto Rojo, was grown in the upper portion of Grand Colombia before Panama separated into its own country. The varieties which grew in the jungles adapted and created more resins to ward off pests and protect from the intense solar radiation. Some of these lines after many years growing produced roots with barbs for protection one would assume in the jungle environment. This phenotype is an heirloom Panamanian which has very good resin production, turns blue, red, green, purple and the leaves mature to a bright yellow which is really striking in contrast to the rest of the flowers. Being an equatorial line, flowering is induced with 13 & ½ hours of darkness at least if growing indoors. The aroma of this phenotype is a delicious berry candy gum aroma. The smoke is exotic and smooth, energetic at first with some power. The longer the cure the more profound the smells and tastes will become, though unlike some harsh landraces when first harvested its good with a light drying period. The intensity increases with the cure and the effects are profound and luxurious.

This is not a strain for beginners or for people that don’t have patience and even then one should freshen up on what it takes to grow a strain that can take 12-16 weeks of flowering at least, sometimes 20 weeks or more. Please read up in the SnowHigh forums on how to grow from seed to flower for guidance and germination protocol. If you want something fast and easy this is not the strain for you.

****** LIMITED RELEASE******

Flower time range 12-16 weeks+ with some going 20+ weeks

Stretch 1 to 4x

Resin production: moderate to high

Odor: 5

Aroma: Bubble Yum original and grape mixed with light sandalwood

Potency: 9

Pure Equatorial Landrace Heirloom

Panama Red Bco is kept by family in colombia and also panama red 73-81 peace corps part of preservation


I’ve been trying to follow along and ya’ll have lost this old man!! If choosing a Panama Red to grow I would pick the best sativa that I can grow start to finish in under 20 weeks. What say ye? Panama 74???


More Panama info from Snowhigh :

DOUBLE PANAMA RED: 4 females of 2 different Panama Red varieties making it 8 females and 4 males 2 from each variety. The Panama Red Hair variety derives from the BCO lineage originally collected by a collector from a family in Colombia who had preserved several heirloom Colombians and

this Panama Red which Panama used to be part of Colombia before it separated and became part of the United States to create the Panama Canal. The Panama Red Hair has red, purple, blue coloring as well as green. Pistils are red when dry and appear white and orange before turning color. The 74 Panama Red was acquired during a Peace Corp mission to help the peoples of Panama. While there this variety was collected. The variances are there and distinct as this Panama Reds leaves are more jagged, the stems are more of a green to brick red in appearance depending if a green or red phenotype, only red phenotypes were used in these pure hybrids. The roots at the base of each plant can produce what looks like thorns, the roots shoot up from the base of the stem and form barbs or thorns, an attribute noted from being grown in the Darien jungle and adapting to its environment. Some of the plants bleed red sap. The 74 Panama Red also turns red and shades but the whole plants seem to have color in the plants differently than the Panama Red Hair. The combination of these 2 original Panama Red lines is to collectively combine and preserve the best features of these rare and unique lines. Flowering is 18-24 weeks indoors and with some proper selection indoors one can finish growing the remaining plants to hopefully finish by December outdoors or with a greenhouse or covered area that can extend growing. They high is creeper, hypnotic and physical as well as trippy, affecting vision and auditory perceptions.

Panama Red Dark Blue 21-31%THC Panama Red pheno line breed for colors and resins, produces darker blue floral bracts, also purple and red

Panama Red 2012 Preservation BCO Panama Red x BCO Panama Red, open pollination to work further

Panama Red 2016 Preservation 21-31%THC 4th Generation using a mix of the line bred females as well as other males and females more reds, purples, blues and other shades then previous gens.


Panama thread by JahGreenLabel…


@lovedaautos looks like panama red is around 7 wks.
So close up of Oaxacan males

swazipulco uppotted to 3gal

Peshawar Afghani uppotted to 3 gal
Oaxacan x red snake

Peshawar Afghani


71 Panama is the one I’d try first. I’m sure SnowHigh has a good one, too. Cryptic Labs has another… The 74 red cross is more jungley, unruly, from what I saw, and not as potent, which makes sense, as it’s the original landrace and not a hybrid like the other Panama Red out there. I think what we are seeing is all the same original strain in various stages of hybridization. The more it is selected for the shorter flowering, bigger buds, etc, the more it behaves/ smokes like a hybrid.
I guarantee if I run the 74 Red Cross Panama that it’s a completely different animal to tame. There will be no mold, the buds will be looser, the flowering time will be over 20 weeks for the fastest plants, and I’ll have to use small containers to manage its vigor.
Check out the 74 from the above link

You can just tell by the look of the buds that this one is all Sativa. The plant had respectable stretch.
Here’s mine. Some plants finished at around fourteen inches tall, lol. No stretch. Buds molded on some phenos, too. Buds look different. It’s definitely not the same as the 74.
But I do believe this is the strain people raved about. Good chance people were getting both the hybrid and the original landrace back then.
The 74 Panama again. First time for me seeing these pictures… She’s a beauty! I might have to run another freaking panama, lol. This girl is all sativa! Case closed :grin:
I’ll say again, the 74 Red cross Panama is the only known pure Panama Red out there.


I can’t help myself. One last round of pictures for the Old Silversides 3 sisters edition. Plant number two was harvested this morning except for the lowers which were left for seed.

17 weeks flowering


I noticed Swami has the 1976 Peace Corps Panama Red. Is that the same as 1974 Panama Red or something different?


Must be a different one. Is it available?

Yeah he has the 1976 Peace Corps Panama Red and the 1976 Peace Corps Guerrero for sale on his website


Oh shit! There goes the paycheck, lol. Gotta link by chance? Thanks for the info @Chara


Man, that is gorgeous! My mouth is watering. I’d love to have a bowl of that! Nice work. peace :v:


Interesting someone back in two thousand eighteen came to the same conclusion I did about Guerrero genetics.

Lebanese. A possible or probable source of Mexico’s Red Hair phenos. The 76 Guerrero sounds too sleepy for my taste.
Thanks @GMan I can’t wait to smoke it! The smell of that plant overpowers five other strains in a closed room. When I open the door in the morning i’m blasted by a wave of incense. Then when I rub Sections of the plant i’m hit by the Cedar/ Pine smells along with the incense. Add some white grape juice/ piss from Vietnam Black and the musk of drying Durban plants, and it’s amazing I can place that Oaxaca smell, no problem.


@HumblePie420 You are in for a treat with those later plants buddy. It looks like Old Silversides is one of the least desirable plants out of this batch of seeds, believe it or not.


Really no reason to go expensive if your not rich haha. $12 pro mix at Wal-Mart and just add your own amendments has been working great for me. :grinning: