The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I just realized. Swami Is the person selling the Vibes Collective Lambsbread for $20/seed. That strain is supposed to remain free. I literally have thousands of Lambsbread seeds that will be free, as it should be. I couldn’t in good conscience give him any business.


Unfortunately those amendments can be expensive.
I agree though. It’s cheaper in the long run

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He’s definitely all about the $ & slow to do anything . Add to it that he’s not an easy person to deal with . Only redeeming feature is he did get a bunch of old classic BOEL genetics from Coot . $ 64,000 ? is what’s still left in unmolested form ? Not sayin’ there’s not gems to be found , but I’d expect to pop a bunch of seeds in the hunt .


Photo was taken in Lima, Peru


Now I’m super intrigued by this Guerrero…… time for a bean hunt, very VERY COOL! Sounds literally perfect for me, and perhaps a good foray into landrace stuff? I’m really trying to figure out where to start here personally


Very nice @mexcurandero420


I have zero Lebanese genetics in the stable so this is indeed intriguing. I’m not a landrace or die kind of guy so heirloom works for me. Here is a sneak peek of some young Highland Guerrero. Obviously I don’t know how they’ll develop, but thats most of the fun.

They mostly look similar with one fatter leafed speciman and one mutant/wierdmobile that looks to be the most narrow leafed specimen.


Awesome @Cbizzle hope they turn out epic for you!

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Thanks man! I’ve been trying to keep it hush hush until I’m much further along, but then I keep posting it up anytime someone mentions Guerrero. :laughing:


I think there are some very old (1830’s) Lebanese genetics centered in Guerrero and to the East, in the Yucatan, and spilling into other neighboring states. The two Oaxaca area landrace strains I grew both have those short phenos. One came from the Oaxaca/ Guerrero border ( Huixtepec), the other from Oaxaca, likely nearby. That Huixtepec seemed extremely similar to Cryptic Labs Oaxaca. Tall stretchies and short phenos without much stretch, but a uniform smell and flower time suggests its been that way a long time. Sounds like this Guerrero ( and others) has more of this potential Lebanese influence. So does Cryptic Labs though. I would give him the business any day of the week. He’s given his Guerrero out as freebies. Could be the same one. Same as this lovely Oaxaca I grow. Freebie. Good man.


Funny how panama`ians, consistently have this similar look, often Red hairs, but also a realtively deep blue, slightly yellow.
Also the Panama from Vibes collective looks so similar.
If there was hybridisation then it was quiet consistent is a thought i can spinn…


What do you think? Colombian ancestry?

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I’m pretty sure I know what Indica was used to make the hybrid. If I was a betting man I would put money on it.
I am starting to think that any landrace breeders that have been able to pull much faster flowering plants out of a supposed landrace line, have all along been a breeding a hybrid.
What i’m saying is some “landraces” never were. They were always hybrids. I’ve seen it again and again.
Panama Red and Durban Poison are the best two examples. Both strains have been widdled down to 8 weeks flowering time, And each of them starts out close to twenty weeks or more than twenty weeks flowering.
Of course, if I’m wrong, that would be perfect… I can take my 30+ week Meangreen and in 7 or 8 generations, I will have an 8.weeker​:rofl::sweat_smile::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:. Not!


Ace Panama is a great plant that Dubi has spent years continuing beyond the original CBG version to select for potency, terpene expression and yield. He uses it for many of his hybrids. It is excellent and easy to grow. Also worth trying any of the hybrids made with it. I’m currently smoking Oaxacan 79 x Panama which was a special R&D release.


i said if you go , and search for Panama74 from Snowhigh, then you have the longestflowering Line, that is a Favorite of my big Collector Colleague ! Its not difficult to find…


thats what i dont understand upstate. I told you there is
1) Panama74 - Snowhigh, and its just one line.
2) And there is the Double Panama Red - Snowhigh . and its made from Panama74 x another Panama Line.

I tried to tell you that im astonished you only talk about the Doublepanama, and barely mentioned the Panama74 on its own…

And then you say the Double-Panama is pure (becuase both lines used in it are pure, right ? ).
Im ok with that, but why would you then NOT call the panama74 pure aswell…
Why would you call the Doublepanama more pure ? lol Or as you say the only pure Panama out there.

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well, you discuss as if i discussed about that. i just said, you make a big bow in your Panamalistins around panama74 , as if its not pure… i think it flowers 16 weeks, and you tell the cross of panama74 with another panama is 100 percent puro… it makes no sense… thats all i was saying…

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I think there is some confusion as well there is a Peace Corp 73-81 And both snowhigh and gascanistan (swami organic seeds) got Panama Red seeds from someone on Breedbay named “HASHISH”

…The offer was made publicly and few people picked up on it

The Panama 74 that was used to make the panama strain and is that tropic beast you see there Was introduced by Rahan

I think Panama 74 is considered a part of vibes collective

The Panama 76 that year was chosen because its between 73-81 Its that simple

I dont know what snowhigh is talking when he says Peace Corp 74 you would have to ask him clarify

No, I dont think they are the same

Panama74 CBG used is different… I know who gave snowhigh and gas(swami) the "peacecorp panama"It was HASHISH

Maybe there’s more than one peace corp panama???

Hey, we have got more confusing things out here with lineage you can shake stick @ Its no surprise!


I believe the 74 was being sold by snowhigh as a hybrid because its vibes collective Rahan origin

And its done to be able to release the seeds and be able to distribute them with out major backlash

It cant be sold pure

Therefore the hybrid was made to best represent …


Panama Red and Guerrero Peace Corp seeds were from HASHISH on Breedbay

Both snowhigh and gas(swami) got batches of seeds and used them in hybrids or released them as seed lines

That’s where they come from

Panama74 was from Rahan

Panama74 from Rahan grown indoor by jahgreenlabel

If you look @ this thread about the Dr greenThumb Panama Red This is a truely Tropic plant and puts out like the Panama74…It may be S1 of the Panama74