The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Define legit. If you’re wanting pure landraces, I wouldn’t go for Exotic Alchemy as a first choice. His lamb’s bread is a hybrid, IIRC i think the panama red is also a relatively short flowering variety, don’t remember the CG. If you’re looking for pure lamb’s bread, @Roms from Atao Genetics is a great source for the vibes collective line that reflects an original pure sativa. You simply select a line from his catalogue to order and receive the lamb’s bread as a bonus freebie.

There is a thread that has different landrace links/sources to give you a sense of the choices you have across different seedbanks/suppliers.


I got the Exotic Alchemy Angola Red, hope that ones legit at least


I asked him about that 1 And it flowers twelve to fourteen weeks. I would Say that it is a hybrid but I would also say that It looks all sativa and has an excellent reputation. Same with his lambsbread.
@District_Flora The Angola is long flowering… Eighteen to twenty six weeks. Old BSC stock


IIRC a great deal of Exotic Alchemy’s gear is legit . His Chocolate Thai is from Drawoh’s work , Angola Red from LMN , Mango Haze , Neville’s Haze from Mr. Nice stock , CG is British Hempire’s it’s shorter flowering .


His Hawaiian is possibly legit too.
Yeah most of his stuff seems to be legit And he isn’t shy about letting you know if it has possibly been hybridized. I’ve dealt with him a few times. All good experiences except for the time I forgot to label my lambsbread and CG seeds from him lol. I’ll never grow them now. They are up for adoption if anyone would grow both.


Define legit? In this case, a Landrace without any modern hybrid influence. Can there be landraces that after extensive selection following multiple generations for earlier flowering lines end up flowering 12 to 14 weeks? I would honestly think so, but I have never made the experiment. I will do so with a certain Laos landrace that I have recently fallen in love with.

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Legit= no known Indica influence.
I’m still learning Whether or not flowering times can be drastically lowered from pure lines. I don’t know. I’d have to talk to a breeder I respect And have that person tell me they have done so with a pure line.
My suspicions are that many of the lines that have been worked over the years have been chosen because faster, more potent plants had been found in the line…a potential sign of outcrossing.
Ask me again in ten years😁. So far everything I have grown and bred seems to get longer flowering lol. I’ve never had fast plants pop up from any of the landraces I’ve grown and knew ( can rarely know for sure 100% of the time. ) to be pure stock.
Hybridization has been going on as long as there has been cultivated pot, no doubt. So for something pure. I am seeking that which only consists of the original ingredients that made it.


@Upstate not sure if this will help you identify them but here are what the lambsbread seeds look like


@deeez99 I had them out side by side one day and they looked absolutely the same lol. .I blew it. Thank you though, nice idea. I’ll look again now that I have grown Lambsbread. Maybe ill see somethingi didn’tsee before. Those do look like pure lambsbread seeds with those speckles. Exotic Alchemy called it " more of an heirloom" than a landrace… Although they could be the same thing. A landrace heirloom.


@Upstate They mention them being from the old “Wild Rose” line and after doing some research I had found a clipping form an old seed catalog over on ICMAG but also saw someone post it here on OG which does describe it as having been crossed with an “indica”. I assume after years and years of inbreeding it could be considered heirloom but just not pure.

Screen Shot 2022-04-06 at 9.37.44 PM


Is that by intentional selection?

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Ask me too in ten years. Cheers to your search for this answer too!

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That is from the Marc Emery seed catalog. I can spot that typeset/font anywhere.


What bro? About mexi type?

That prices are ridicuolus !
I can get many pure colombian almost for free


And I would trust your seeds more!


yep, exotic alchemys Lambsbred is from a Spanish Seecompany , cant remeber wich, but a spanish seedcompany , i think cannabiogen.
All i remeber relatively clear is that Its a hybrid. like mentioned with the Wild Rose Strain inside… Its a 3/4 Jamaican and 1/4 Indica (wild Rose)


The Wild Rose …youre thinking “Sugar Black Rose” that’s an indica by HeathRobinson

Its way before Cannabiogen…the marc emery seeds bank catalog

That was grown and I remember someone who grew it the Wild Rose -Jamaician Blue Mountain Its very sativa

Its hybrid with some sort of old Blueberry plant mixed in with they think…And Cannabiogen also came out with the Blue Mountain Jamaican 85

Yeah, sativa plants were in there …according to the guy that grew it He even had to cross it to control it more!

They are no doubt hybridized, but Wild Rose is not a strain… Its a company name

There is a strain now named 'Wild Rose" …using Bros Grimm Rosetta Stone but its newer

Yeah, If anything Cannabiogen got seeds for their Jamaican Blue Mountain in round about way from the WIld Rose seeds …that’s more likely

As far as Spanish seed company …you may be thinking of the Richard Williams description for Lambsbread

Richard Williams quote:

Jamaican Lambsbread regular

Very rare Pure sativa obtained from founder of Spanish seed bank as a personal gift years ago. The Legend has it that the original In-Bred Line (IBL) goes all the way back to King T Solomon, having made it’s way to Jamaica via seeds by non other than H.I.M. Haile Selassie himself.

This is the only description I could fin for Exotic Alchemy Lambsbread …

The Original Blue Mountain Jamaican Lambsbread from the old Wild Rose Seed Co stock. A great yielding heirloom with an amazing over ripe pineapple and sandalwood flavor. Very creativity inducing effects.

People have asked him about it but its like RSC’s Lambsbread x Blue mtn “double Jam” as far he knows it comes from so-n -so who doesnt know where it really comes from but they have it anyway…And here it is!

Double Jam…It really came from underground seed collective and jahgreenlabel

Sometimes they dont know themselves exact origin… but it gets traced back


Yeah, for sure, some is selections. I usually pick my favorite high and grow seeds from those plants and they typically have the longer flowering times.


I haven’t shown this plant much. It is very impressive though. It is Tom Hill Mexican that I got from Kushyman. Short, skunky, and very resinous.

This is @Hyp3 Zacatecas. Still kicking ass and filling out. A real old school Mexican sativa spear.

This pic is crap because the flash was on, and it made shadows on the wall behind it, but you can still see the height difference.

The ‘93 AllStar Mexican. Seeded up pretty heavy with Zacatecas pollen.