The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Oh so true, and becoming more relevant all the time

My experience getting high…is more valuable than any genetics I have

It is…even if we didnt have the names We had the actual weed

If you never smoked it…never got high on it How could you ever know whats the ‘real deal’

Value here is going to be people…Its hardly me…I just barely scratched the surface

But I know enough…People are seriously clueless

I was very surprised you guys even know SMCG or Oaxaca…Lambsbread

These float around my head like sugarplums!

Certainly have to encourage you…Live the Dream!!!


Yeah, that was what I was thinking…might work well together. Hope I don’t screw up the pollen but ya never know… One of the other two may also be a male as it is tall, but we shall see. I have been fooled many times at this stage. :smiley:


Great observations, from the his journal it looks like he believes that legit CG has afghani in it:

“Let’s discuss the Columbian Gold strain. There are many different stories and legends about the strain. Rreal columbian sativa is a long flowering period strain. Some of the strains I grew years ago could take up to 180 days to finish. A real pain for those with no patience. At some point in time, Afghan sas introduced to the Columbian. Crossing the two of course lowered the flowering time. It is my belief that once the first cross happened, they then crossed it back to the Columbian again to get a 75% sativa hybrid with still a shorter flowering time of 95-110 days. If what we are growing here is real Santa Marta, then I expect it to finish in that time frame. So we will see.”


Zero description makes it a tough sell.


Right, I read that too… How does he know???

Just too many red flags

Just wrong

Not that I know…Who could know?

You work in Colombia in a pot field …in the 70s ???

Sure you did! We just want to pay the money …Hook line sinker…We dont even care

I do it all the time…Gamblers

That’s what we do…Its True


Whatever it ends up being…

This is a good way to get stoked up about something…For the right reasons!

Growing it, Loving it, Share it with your friends…for the fun and Adventure



Cannabiogen’s Punto Rojo

(*fellow preservationist selecting for the thinnest, slowest to mature)


Is this the 20 member Colombian group that was collected a few months ago?
I ask because I did not see my name in that short-list.

Let me know if its a new adventure guys, alls good. I’m in if its “That-Time” though



Reeferman has released his pure SMCG

'to be determined" made a thread about…which very distinctively describes the charles scott situation To be determined…Its interesting @ very least…

This might best ways to contact him…

^^many interesting pics in his farm

Site is down

…reeferman is in Jamaica! That’s good place to grow weed…Whatever you think of reeferman He has many valuable genetics to share …:slight_smile:

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When I lived in Lima, it seemed like every single city park had a pot plant growing it. Nobody seemed to know or care what it was. For a while, I didn’t have to pay for weed; I could just find it growing. I made a mental note of which ones were where and ready to harvest. Good times.


dJ Shorts Description

Colombian Gold

Colombian Gold came from the highland Colombian valleys near the equator, as well as on the coast (the Caribbean and the Pacific).

This was specialty pot offered commercially in the mid-70’s, for about $60 to $100 per ounce. It was seeded, but most of the seeds were undeveloped, white and useless. A few rare, viable seeds were found that were dark, small-sized and roundish. The buds were leafy and the most beautiful golden blond color. Legend has it that upon maturity the plants were girdled, then left standing to die and cure in the mountain sun and mist.

The color and cure were unique, and the aroma, flavor and high were equally so. The smell was that of sandalwood incense, almost like frankincense. The flavor was that of a peppery cedar. It was some of the most unique tasting herb in the world, and the high was just as exciting. It was truly psychedelic, powerful and long lasting.

First came the great flavor, then the stupefying awe of the shift in consciousness followed by a giddy excitement and bursts of joyous laughter. Smile-lock and red-eye made it painfully obvious who was under the influence of this great psychedelic herb.

The plants from the seeds of the Gold were primarily of Sativa origin. They grew a medium to tall size outdoors at 45?N (Seattle), and were mostly symmetrical. On occasion the symmetry was interrupted by one side outgrowing the other, causing a rounded and bulging tipped bush look. The leaves were long and slender.

When grown in Washington state, the finished product was a sweet, spicy Sativa bud that matured around mid-November. The high was adequate but not as good as the Oaxaca Highland grown at the same latitude. The plants were also slightly hermaphroditic.

Highland Oaxaca

Highland Gold, somewhat similar to the Colombian Gold, lacked bright gold color but sported purple and red calyx tips on its blondish-brownish-green buds. It had larger buds surrounded by long, skinny leaves.

I smoked this variety during brief periods in the early 70’s and again in the late 70’s, paying anywhere between $40 and $120 per ounce. It was some of my all-time favorite because the aroma and flavor were of a super-spicy cedar incense with a slight fermented berry taste, in a very comfortable yet powerfully psychedelic pot. This herb contributed to many great parties, concerts and events of the era because it produced a very socially-conscious experience and mixed well with other psychedelics.

With a long lasting, creeper high that kept coming on in waves over the hours, this stuff had no ceiling. One phenomenon consistently reported from the Highland Oaxaca experience was that of peripheral visual distortions of primarily cartoon color images. This tended to increase the visual distortions caused by other psychedelics such as mushrooms or LSD.

The Oaxaca Highland Gold was a nearly pure Sativa which grew tall at 45?N, outdoors. It was also one of the most symmetrical Sativas I have encountered. The plants grew long side branches toward the bottom, and the even growth made these productive beauties look like Christmas trees when mature.

The finished product was a very sweet and spicy herb of the highest quality, with a hint of fruity pine aroma. The seeds for this variety were small, dark and round, and the plants exhibited slight signs of hermaphroditism and required surveillance to maintain seedlessness.


Man, that description of Oaxacan Gold is a dead on bullseye for this Upstate/Cryptic Labs plant that I am nursing along. I definitely will remain diligent with keeping clones going because it is really a special cut. Now I’m thinking maybe I need to pop another seed or two also and see what else is there, or at least increase my seed stock. :wink:


More seeds always sounds like a good idea.


Panama 74

Colombian 72 USC jahgreenlabel

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Some old photos of my Panama 1974


This is a new group buy. I just took the first 20 people to respond. I’m sure there will be extra seeds…


Understood and looking forward to what you guys dig-up.
Thanks for that, you know where I’m coming from.
Go get’m @Upstate & Co.


Hahaha ! This is awesome. The last one is judging


Yeah, hes givin’ you a real monocle stare down


The big colombian buds you see there Look just fine and its exciting prospect to say the least

Heres the Down Low as I see it …I had my bowl of chili:)

The plants you see finished are not the exact genetics in the seeds …The 12 week mid flower plants is where they pulled the seeds from…if you look carefully @ the dates…look @ the pics…encouraging plant structure is 110 %sativa

This one female is pulled @ 12 wks for the seeds…flower straight from seed 12wks

This is not the seed plant … full sized bud plants finished are pictured…

quote from koby:
“These are the Females they finished without seeds
The seed plant is most likely to have viable seeds in the very near future. And since it has been bred for that purpose, we will most likely harvest it a bit early as to not lose good seeds from the plant getting older and seed hulls wearing or drying up”

That’s the long and short of it…From what I can tell

I’m glad you knew the importance of getting these Colombian Gold.

I wonder how far past 12 wks the plants in the main picture is…probably 16-18 wks if not more

And thats all good for one of these sativa …That Canary forum really shines a light on things

I get a good vibe off the place…of course that’s how it works People with dollar signs in their eyes need people with stars in their eyes to buy their stuff… And that’s us

I think we would have much ‘less information’ if it was some sort of nefarious deal…right?

I have good feeling about…but that’s how they get you…LOL!