The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Oaxacan clone transplanted from solo to 5 gal and put into flower outside let’s see what happens!

Thinking my Peshawar Afghani 6 wks into flower might have to go outside as well.


It’s gonna go ham and grow to 9 feet tall, that’s what! Watching closely.


I want to transfer 1-2 of my long flowers outside. My lights come on at 10pm. Would my best bet be pull them into dark through the night then pit outside for the sunrise? That way they shouldn’t reveg right?


1970s pic Oaxacan (LaurenceCherniak)


Leave them in the dark all night and start them off outdoors in the morning it generally doesn’t bother them.


Damn if that Oaxaca plant doesn’t look EXACTLY like the one @HumblePie420 harvested a while back.
It takes a lot for Sativas in mid flower to reveg. It’s a slow process.


Yeah it does! That smoke has cured into some fantastic smelling, tasting stuff!


So got some nice flowering shots.
Oaxacan x red snake


Peshawar Afghani that wasn’t supercropped is a head of the one that was this wasn’t.


‘93 Mexican AllStar finishing up full of Zacatecas seeds.


I don’t know why, but I really love that plant


Love your style @420noob
fyi… I did fry one section of a plant, with “Taut foil” doh. I taped it Top AND Btm… was too shiny for the plant right next to it. Rattling in a breeze rocks !

Excuse the dexter room


It was foil on cardboard to cover paneling. Then panda plastic, and then hung mylar emergency blankets around bottom half. They get dirty and transparent quickly. $1 store style. It’s all tore up at bottom time to get a new blanket or just going have to use my panda maybe I can win a tent or something that would be nice.


yeah,I was about ready to berate you about the dollar store space blankets!:slight_smile: :grin:

When I remembered I did something similar …grabbed the space blanket out of the glove box!

Anyway, it reminds me of people sticking mylar to window roller shades

You roll them up and down so you can get to the plants they stay very close to the plants

Also helps with problems when you afix plastic or whatever to a wall there can be mold/condensation problems behind the plastic and can be w/change of season…

This roller shade method I need to try myself its great if you have an open space

Its also staying quite open @ the top like you have there…same idea

They use spray glue and mylar from the grow store just stick on to some roller shades

Total access and total coverage…Myar dont mean much a foot or two away…but up close I bet it does add energy back


Snowhigh’s Acapulco Gold (purp/gold mix ) samples @ ~75 days flower - don’t mind the rope fiber

has a very complex aroma but without tearing anything open it’s kind of giving me a cantaloupe scent

kind of reminds me of the ACE panama smell on the denser flower pheno and punto rojo wispy calyx braided wintergreen pheno - will need to give it more time to dry/cure - will probably take this another 30-45 days, for science


detailed smoke report forthcoming after proper dry/cure - but for now the .1-.2 chillum sampler (after 3-4 hours of drying in the dashboard of the car in the sun) - context: high tolerance >

taste: so obviously the taste is crap b.c it’s not properly dried/cured

effects: initially after exhale, i didn’t feel much - i thought, o man …i took this sample too early, what a waste - then within 2-5 minutes it hits me in the head, at first a warm and mellow euphoric glow starts to pick up on each side of my forehead, it was very pleasant experience that lasted for a few hours - next time i should write the recollection RIGHT after and not a day later - i recall being hungry and having some sort of cotton mouth at the time but i was probably dehydrated and also practice intermittent fasting so its possible i was naturally hungry at the time anyways since i normally skip breakfast and lunch


75 days? That looks done to me. What’s the plant look like?


I’m in if there is room

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Missed it @DainIronFoot , but keep an eye out, it’s not the first group buy and it won’t be the last.


I will survive. I recently received my HCG AG, CG, and 71 Panama Red. So I have plenty to do anyway. Be on the lookout for my Snowhigh Pablo’s Gold/Viet purple grow.


still seeing fresh white pistols on much of the flower, picked a few pieces that looked more mature/with mostly brown hairs - there are two girls, one of which is finishing faster than the other. will update with pics