The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Snowhigh Colombian Gold

Any other links to Snowhighs Colombian Gold or Exotic Alchemy’s or british hempires always welcome

Other than a few IG shots and that mr nice thread I have not seen much…

@US3RNAM3 do you know of any OGErs that grew that FBSC Colombian Gold?


We don’t use those definitions when it comes to weed.
That’s it.:grin:


@calman1955 Old Ron ran some seedless after his Freakers seedrun. He may still read Overgrow, but he doesn’t participate these days unfortunately. He is missed.
I don’t think anyone else has gotten into those or I would have seen it. Did you get a pack?


How are the Oaxaca?
@Chara are you popping those 5 Santa Marta beans to join in the fun?
@HumblePie420 my remaining 3 sisters males started making flowers a week ago. Sept 7th. Females should start around the solstice. How’s your Oaxaca doing? Should be making flowers any time now.


Well @Upstate let’s take a look:
Big Poppa is having trouble adjusting to life in a bigger pot. Eagle claws on young growth, droopy leaves; it’s gonna take a few days to see what happens. Touch and go at the moment. 5 full weeks 12/12

The arachno-pheno that was all laid down decided, all of a sudden, that it would stand fully erect! In 8 hours it went from horizontal, to 4 vertical branches, with a bunch of growth in between. Very happy and healthy, thriving in a 1 gallon still. Too vigorous to uppot yet. 4 full weeks 12/12

And the 2 plants at 3 full weeks of 12/12

Overhead of Big Poppa

Pretty good, not perfect, but pretty good.

Edit: no flowers yet, but starting to see preflower development nubs on Big Poppa. Might be a girl still…

Pictures 6 and 7 are of a plant I call tripod; it grew a lower branch on one side, but not the other! Normal split at the topped node though.

Edit: I gave Big Poppa and Arachno a closer inspection after Upstate said flowers may be visible. Arachno is definitely a lady!
Big Poppa I’m not 100% on, but I’m beginning to think it might actually be Big Momma!


@lefthandseeds Panama haze x Lebanese

Bud shot at 46 days from flip she’ll go 12 weeks


@Upstate … don’t think anyone else has gotten into those or I would have seen it. Did you get a pack?

No Sir and I’m waiting five years, for old hippie genetics ,thank you very much for Asking…later on…
I’m hipp for herbs when I’m smoking home grow…
Happy growing OGers ,peace

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Really nice @Papalag. That one looks like a really good pheno


Damn that looks good :blush:


No, I didnt get a pack…but Crunchberries responded hes coming back with some more pics

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How can you say it’s indisputable when the only example of somebody growing out his seeds showed that there was some sort of indica hybridization? Snowhigh has a good reputation for the genetics lining up with how he represents them so that seems to be hempire’s saving grace here. Look, I want them to be pure, i want kobyorganics CG to be pure, i’m all for moar sativa landraces but when there are discrepancies, I think it’s our job to raise the caution flags so that others can decide if they want to take a gamble with what may not be pure genetics. After I got shnookered by ACE in their marketing of “pure sativa” Panama, i have spent extra time doing research on lines.

To answer your other post, I have not seen any recent grows of the CG from snowhigh outside of the OldRon thread that Upstate pointed out. Please don’t take my response with any disrespect, only mean to save others the frustration that accompanies disappointment.


Hey, Im the first person to question things myself…but in regard to britsish hempire hes been around a long time and its good bet he says it like three times Why question ?

Thats why I posted the link to FBSC Colombian…thats the snow high Colombian

I figured we could compare what results people are getting out those seeds to what does come out of the Exotic Alchemy

And just ask britsh hempire he might be able to send you more pictures

yeah, I wanted to question it…It just seems like a very blatant declaration in that mr nice thread

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isnt there a columbian 72 thread on icmag? i recall a nice thread with smokereport of a 70s stoner that said he gets anxiety easy and found col72 pretty anxietyfree, bringing back the old weed with good vibes he didnt find for long time.

another guy called @funkyhorse grew it too… i think you should do research on icmag:

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Haven’t seen anything recently on icmag for snowhigh’s colombian either. Unfortunately I’m not seeing snowhigh mentioned anywhere in that thread.

well i recall there was another thread mentioning snowhigh. and it IS mentioned in the thread, anyway"snowhigh"+""snowhigh"+"


ok then more specifically yesums post at the site (yesum is critical experienced guy):


Thank you for your research/assistance. Looks like the search function isn’t working properly on the site for me. I have scoured the icmag threads for anything relating to the pure sativa landrace lines i’m interested in, as well as goin through the trip threads and frankincense threads. I’m not disputing the credibility of snowhigh’s colombian, I think he has done a good job of sourcing, in this instance i am more concerned with the purity of British hempire’s CG.

@Upstate y @Papalag

Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain ( Escobar repro) Seedheaven.

Three weeks from germ and they have grown out the pots…a hurried rush to transplant today…gave them a root feed before transplant to medium pots.

I had to go on a pumice hunt ( very hard to get perlite here) so that’s added to the mix with worm casting soil sourced locally.

Two different colours there…but a lot of growth on plant and roots for three weeks.



Great start I’ll tag along interested in seeing if the chocolate rain is dominant in that cross.
Should be some tasty smoke in your future.


There’s gonna be 150 tons of decomposed granite dropped off here in a couple weeks! I already told the super in taking a couple buckets. Should be great in a soil mix and for JADAM mineral solution

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