The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

@Upstate I’m like @HeadyBearAdventures where I starting to see the pre flowers on my remaining 3 ladies. They’re putting over a foot of stretch now on each plant so I know something’s happening.

The smoke on my version of Old Silversides has really smoothed out and started smelling like cedar and some kind of incense. So weird because it yielded so much I have the harvest in a 8 liter CVault stainless steel container and whenever its opened, it gives off a mild wet grass smell. BUT as soon as I pick off the tiny flowers and put them into a small jar the smell changes to such a nice smell. Now that its been curing for about a couple of months it has really smoothed out and not rough at all on my throat anymore. Extremely sticky just touching any stems and will grease up your fingers quick!


thanks, I still have some CBG from 2016 I have to grow, but I guess they are also contaminated, which lets me reevaluate my priorities and I will have to put them further down on my list.
Not bad, because now I have a good excuse to grow something else I wanted to anyway, but was reluctant because Panama was more important. Not anymore now…


Looking for a Legit Panama Red I would get into the snowhighs or this is BCO which is part of what he used to make a few of those Panamas released over the years

BCO panama red


I am growing the CBG panama as we speak. It is a very nice plant but leaves are not as narrow as the panama haze growing next to it. PH is ace panama x old timers haze. Little doubt the ace panama contains some wide leaf genes and CBG is related I hear. Nice plant, just not a nld variety.


thank you :slight_smile:

I would say SMCG is on dreamy side as is Panama Red

Its also super psychedelic

Its dreamy not sleepy…Dont confuse the dream effect with the knock-out of Indica

I dont know what it means…It doesnt mean it was crossed to Indica

These were grown for maximum yield but open pollinated…highly doubt its an indica as we know it introduced before 1972

Its not likely …Is it?

There are all sorts of plants…Nothing quite like the Lambsbread or Oaxaca effects that are going to be blazing right thru dreamy sativas

Colombians are dreamy…

The most sativa Colombians- very rare special things like in original haze which are very little known …which was used to make “Haze”

That’s silver, blue, and mauve(light purple)

Many of those are rare things that only pilots or boat captains saw…Its not average smoke and never was commercial weed

Colombian Gold has tremendous potential…I would look to jahgreenlabel Colombian 72 released by underground seed collective

Its been grown indoors many times and would be a stable very good plant

Even JGL says … if you are looking for more sativa smoke try the Lambsbread vs SMCG

Oaxaca, Lambsbread, Acapulco Gold, Original Haze, SMCG

There’s my list of 5

The Oaxaca with its durability and sativa traits you can manage to pull off @ 42N lattitude

Lambsbread is really the holy of holy weed…And vintage Acapulco Gold!!!

Its really Incredible… :grin: :slightly_smiling_face:


things like 13 or 12 weekers were in midamerica pre70s it seems, so im not specially happy if somebody insits its an outcross done by exporteur-dealers…
didnt coastalseeds show an alleged 1950s mexican fat like an afghani?
ive seen too many of them, and i think pre 70s they had those…

and these" tropical shortys" are quiet dreamy as you say. fairly psychedelic, dreamy, good vibe- atleast

This is a Santa Marta Colombian…here again…is this Colombian strain SUPPOSED to have Afghan in it to be legit? 12-14 weeks flowering time is listed for SnowHigh, British Hempire, Reeferman and now Koby’s.
I always thought Santa Marta was a very longflowering tropical Sativa. Is this a case where during the 60’s/ 70’s there was already a hybrid Santa Marta going around, like Panama Red, along with the longflowering landrace? By the early 70’s Brazil had hybridized both Manga Rosa and Bahia Blackhead aka cabeca de negro…


I think hippies were getting both landrace and hybrid weed in similar quantities with more and more hybrids coming about during the 70’s.
Known or suspected early hybrids according to Upstate…
Vietnam Black 1970
Durban Poison 1973
Panama Red 1971
Santa Marta 1968
Manga Rosa early 70’s


as i understand it no . As i undersdand it somebody else hybredized it, but Snowhigh /british hemphire did not alter anything… neither did they knowingly recieve a hybrid.
You see in british hemphyres post that he reasoned whether there was afghani in it, and he IS TO TRUST… longtime collector that was one of the earlyer guys to post Vietblack when few people had it… sativalover totally he is.
so he did not do anything beisdes he reasoned what happend beforehand, and probably another guy had an outcrossed version…
( you seem to be uncertain if he recieved an outcross, as i understand it british hemphyre knew relatively well that there is no know hybridisation, IF NOT MISTAKEN)

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I’m not saying they did. I’m saying it always was a hybrid, right out of the brick.
Not that there wasn’t or couldn’t have been a longer flowering landrace by the same name…but that keeper bagseed was a hybrid.
Finishing time for santa marta in seattle area was listed at mid november in the seventies. True columbian would finish in january or february


sorry i slightly missread your question.

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What a trip OG has been. I’ve learned so much, yet here I am on the cusp of knowing nothing correct lol.
The conclusion? The cannabis genepool is now and always has been a clusterfuck🤣. ( I say this mostly in.jest)
When you seek something from a particular era, you are just capturing a moment in time. The landraces always evolve.
@romanoweed I could be completely wrong, but my thinking is going in this direction.
This is why if you want to experience that seventies weed, you have to smoke seventies weed. It would have been different in the 60’s and different in the 80’s. I think there was just longer time frames in between genetic introductions long ago, with travel more difficult and less people at liberty to travel…more Isolated areas with cannabis that hadn’t been outcrossed in a long time…or maybe ever.


That 02 blueberry.

When time travel is a thing, I’m headed to 1968…and I’ll stay long enough to watch Hendrix play at Woodstock 69😁


I was 8 and when Woodstock happened and when the album came out, my neighbor was 18 got it and I sat in his living room listening to it with him. It’s where I learned the word ( gimme a F gimme a U gimme a C gimme a K what’s that spell) oh the memories.:peace_symbol:


:blush:thats all i say

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what i do think that even there were quiet some indicas in troipical areas at times pre70s, it was more rare than while the 70s . So im very very much swimming , not shure if the few Indica stuff already present was just spread further around the county than before , / or if more indicas were imported from overseas .
Im saying with it i cant recognise a clear pattern that i could connect to an event (like say hippie-dealers looking for profit) … the budsize increase is too unclear for me, when it really took place…


yeah, and for me nothing compares to a 20 weeker thin landrace… nothing… the 13 weekers are just interesting, i couldnt clearly tell if they are hybrid, i need more expereince to do that.
ust wanted to clarify they are ok, or nice… but perfect they are not… perfect is and can only be a 20 weeker (acording my experiences)

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So I can’t find much info on this but to try and make a long story short this guy at the farmers market asked my wife if I had some CBD seeds to share which I did and provided. The following week my wife comes home with the below package. I’m like :star_struck:

I won’t be able to get in touch with the guy until sometime next month possibly to actually get a chance to talk to the guy in more detail on the origins but thought I’d pose the question if anyone knew of any Dominican lines out there? I’ve only heard of the Haitian mother side of the Nanan Bouclou but nothing else really besides that.