The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

@deeez99 WHHHHAAAAAATTTT!!! :exploding_head:


lol that was my exact reaction upon receiving. just super eager to talk to the guy now.


Excited for your updates for all of us!



I been kinda wondering why my oaxacans aren’t farther along…and I realized I been leaving lights on in the shop next to my plants
The windos are right over my plants…dammit


Handsome fella.

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Will you grow them soon?

No Sir @ChongoBongo. I had not received snowhills version of Santa Marta Columbian Gold…
@THANKs @Upstate are you near tropical 28 latitude , outdoors grows for 6 7 month s growing sesson…
OVERGROW The World With Love Of herbs a better green plant, happy growing, Bee Friendly ,


I would like to get a bit more info first but I’d definitely like to see what’s in these within the next year. I have a few things already lined up and in the works currently as it always goes.


This is really interesting. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, the next door neighbor, and i have never heard of a Dominican line. I think we did not even get any Dominican cannabis, just Mexican and Colombian. I have seeds from all over the region. If you are ever interested in sharing or doing an Antillean Caribbean Project, let me know, specially if you pop these seeds and they turn out to be any good hahaha

Best of vibez,


Right. Pre 70’s!
I ALWAYS was led to believe thru my reading that 1979 was when things changed, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Surely sativa indica hybrids were rare, but not nonexistent.

For sure.

No way to know for sure I guess…but I have a theory I’ll share privately with you that might help us. :wink:


Noooooooooo! glad you caught it. They should trigger quickly…is there enough time for them to finish?
@deeez99 awesome! There has been nothing pure available from Dominica…ever…that I’m aware of. Seeds have interesting patterns on them. Maybe I see one striped, but the others don’t appear so. Looking forward to seeing what you find

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That’s the line that is reported to be contaminated. One of the cultivars BCO used was from the early 2000’s, and this one had Indica( a different indica I’d assume) in it.


A clandestine site on the hills behind Guajira coast of Colombia, where marijuana dealers put the marijuana into sacks, circa 1979



@mexcurandero420 Now if that photo is of what was called Panama red, I would say Panama Red was at one time a pure Sativa, and much of the 70’s Panama Red a hybrid made with it. Thanks for posting that one.
In case Y’all missed the chicken foot pipe up above in that Panama post…it’s pretty cool actually.


I saw the foot, i didn’t know what it was. It looked like a big ass seed in its clutches.


Thanks for the input @anon3323625 especially from someone that lived nearby. Your Antillean Caribbean Project sounds most interesting and I’d love to share and contribute if I can. I’ill keep you posted.

Here is a closer view with better lighting. I’m just going to wait to try and get more info and then probably OP them :smiley:


Revisiting the ApG - i’m detecting a minty note dominating with a slight dank spiciness. I had sampled a .5-.7 yesterday and was blasted for 3 hours, it took until 5 ish hours to wear off. This stuff is by far stronger than the terpless 25-30% THC stuff I can buy at the dispo, hands down. The effect was similar asthe previous chillum report but really amplified and with an energetic boost. EDIT:there was also a slightly trippy component, where it was difficult to want to interact with my smartphone or computer- hard to articulate in any other way.

In fact, i had rolled up two spliffs and as I was getting half way through the second one…i had to pause for a second and reconsider if i was getting too high since i had to take care of some thing shortly thereafter. But ofcourse, for science, I powered through to see what the potential was. Dam, this one is going to be pretty potent when it’s finally done, chopped, and cured. I’m thinking it could be all said and done around January-Feb.


@US3RNAM3 Sounds great! Gotta love a good landrace😁.


BCO and snowhigh…beedbreedbay may stil have the forum threads

I think this one was kept in Colombia

maybe it does have indica … these buds looks a bit like SSH or mango haze

What about dr greenthumb?

It mentions the BCO in this thread…