The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Yes, they are a month old and also from @Upstate as well. Okay, I’ll up-pot and top dress tonight when the lights pop back on since that does make sense to me AND since you reminded me that its been about a month in that little cup. I plan to grow them pretty big before I put them outside here in Southern California. I’ve noticed that whenever I put something outside no matter the time of year, it starts to flower. So strange and don’t understand why that happens. Thanks @GMan


I’m pulling up a chair @HumblePie420 !

Yes this time of year they will start to flower and likely won’t finish before trying to reveg as the days start to get progressively longer.

I’ve had decent winter bumper crops (So Cal) but they usually aren’t as dense, but not bad for what it is. Good for pollen chucking or edibles ect.

I’m going to wait until late March or early April myself before putting any outside.

Good luck with the grow!


Thanks man! I’m not going to put them outside until around March myself in the hopes or growing beasts! So I up-potted them last night and added just a bit of fertilizer dry amendments since I’m growing organically in soil. The one on the right with the blue tag was the runt.


If you’re using dry nutes, like I do, make sure to keep the microbes in your mix. I have been using Roots Organics and most of their new stuff has microbes in it. A small amount of molasses in your feed keeps them happy, too.


Christmas in February in my mail box today. So to start @Guitarzan thanks for the generously 4 ApG phenos and swazipulco gold holy shit. Ever since watching Hamilton’s pharmacopeia and showed swazi gold. I’ve wanted to grow this strain ever since. So a cross is good enough but crosses with ApG that is a winner.
Fyi they sell it by volume there not weight so it’s the size of the bag not the weight.
Also thanks to who sent me the oxacana from Spain.:call_me_hand:it might have been @George I’m gonna double check but thank so much. Ill edit if I’m wrong.


Yep! Looks like what @George was so kind to send me as well. Nice score form @Guitarzan @420noob !


What a bunch of cool dudes.


If You Use DR earth pure Gold dry amendments and most of thier bag ferts it has microbes added to it now.They make spectacular teas and you don’t have to use much they have a really good alfalfa in there so it’s a hotter mix smaller doses work wonders I have the recipie to a science now.6 heaping TBS to 15 gallons of soil Cook it for 2 weeks amended with some malted 2 row barley and 2 heaping cups of EWC that’s it after all you do is water and add Calmag if desired.If you add a teaspoon of molasses to a 5 gallon tea it starts your microbes off a a good pace and you won’t get that crusty molasses on the top.The ECW starts the dirt off with a concentrated form of microbes The barley facilitates a mycelium network in that soil when it’s in pots and settled.You’ll get a better root ball


This stuff right here.I’ve had a bag of this for a year now it lasts foreverand I pump out at least 12 plants per cycle in between flower and my cuttings and my seedlings to keep up with law requirements if you get the chance take a gander at the ingredients I think you will be impressed for something that costs less than 10 dollars.None of my plants go hungry or have any nute problems anymore with cooking that soil for 2 weeks.


I’ve heard great things about this product! I wanna give it a go


Try it out on a couple first get the hang of it this stuff is very hot don’t go off the instructions.I sat there the one day and added all my bottle nutrient’s up and saw everything I needed on that Bag and it saved me over 200$That mix can be used for veg and flower.I also use thier Bud and bloom booster it’s nice to have when you run out of that you can always substitute the one for the Pure Gold till you get more kind of like a back up plan in case your out.I do occasionally splurg for a bag of Nectar of the Gods One shot mix.You can stretch that stuff out too


That looks similar to Huixtepec short pheno. Neat!


Yes do that… to your current mix, Mix in 50% garden soil/ compost/ castings/ perlite and you’ll be set. I’d up pot to quart or half gallon/ gallon and by Sunday they’ll be stellar.
To the garden soil…add 25% perlite
25% castings/ compost blend. So its half soil and half perlite/ castings /compost blend. Add this 50% to your fox farm/ hap frog.
Use the same mix every transplant.


I should have kept reading lol.
Its not too late for adding that garden soil even if you have to dump them out.



Outta likes but thanks brother. I fed them last night and will up-pot them again in about a month or so. I want these to be trees when all is said and done, harvest and relive the 80’s!


If you are a light feeder, then always start off on the light side to begin, so you don’t shock them. Up your dosage as you see fit. Always better to err on the light side with plants.


Thanks so much. I have a great feeling about this grow.


Looks like my outdoor season is taking the initiative to start itself up. I knew I dropped some beans and we were blessed with rain followed by warm temps and Mother Nature is doing its thing. This is from snowhigh guerrero green x Michoacán gpb last year.

There are two seedlings and I’m not sure if one of them is a mutant or another plant species entirely.


thank you to @Guitarzan and @George I got the seeds today and yesterday, i shall put these to use here very soon, thank you and i appreciate both of you.


Mine from @Guitarzan and @Motaco showed up a few days ago. I’ve been sick with a stomach bug and feel like crap. I’m excited about them all!