The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

That looks like sedum to me.


Thanks, Iā€™ll keep an eye on it!

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The chicken is in the oven!

Many MANY thanks @Guitarzan !!!

Happy growings!!


What you having with the chicken, beans?


So I mentioned :point_up:t2:that in a earlier post.
Today I go to mailbox and

This what I found. Mind you that is all that I said didnā€™t ask wasnā€™t offered wasnā€™t even told it was happening. Dreams come true I kid you not. I love this community and how everyone works with each other not a bunch of b.s. @Guitarzan took being an OG OGā€™er to the next level in my book! Thank you kindly Sir! Iā€™ve been hugging the bathroom toilet all weekend but between Saturdays big land and todays have to say this is the bestbive felt all year.


Now that is a big surprise. Nice giftā€¦ OGhas the best members of any site @420noob


Hahhaā€¦ For sure not these beans! Nor is the chicken! :rofl:

Happy growings.


Nothing too exciting yet but I decided to soak these; snowhighs el primo smoking mirrors or Mexican punto rojo. I may be getting a little ambitious with my space but I usually figure it out :joy:

Here is the description:

MEXICAN PUNTA ROJA (Heirloom) El Primo: Possibly from Oaxaca but found in several Pacific Coastal States * Mexican Punta Roja line great for breeding work.

Mexican Punta Roja: El Primo Mexicano: Smoking Mirror: El Primo means the best and a tribute to the Mexican god, Smoking Mirror. A rare variety of Western Mexican Punta Roja with an astringent aroma and taste, simple yet elegant. I believe Mexicans like this may have been the source material in eventual hybrids that formed the gassy strains we know and love but without the interference from modern breeding. Growing heirloom and landrace strains gives one the palette to discern quality and learn what they like about modern cannabis strains. Plants grow upright, tall and form buds along the upright stems forming larger flowers at the tips, Resin is good to great depending on phenotype, some reek and others more, subtle. Great strain for breeding as this is a unique line. Flowering times finish outdoors in early November to early December outdoors, flowering indoors is roughly 16-18 weeks.



Hope all sprout well and be aware of size!.

Happy growings!


Oooh man! Could this be the legendary Mexican Red Hair? Cryptic Labs Oaxaca has Red Hair Phenos too.

Could be from Oaxacaā€¦
They have just started soaking? If you want to stop the process immediately I will send you some fresh earthworm casting to improve your oddsšŸ˜


I hope you feel better soon. I hear popping swazi gold seed helpsšŸ˜


Definitely looks like some sort of other plant growing along with that little cannabis sprout. Are you popping more seeds?
@HumblePie420 hows the old silversideā€™s plants?


Yeah bud I just started soaking yesterday. Thanks for the offer but I think im ok, I have some castings I can try here.

The line sounds cool to me too, they had me at oaxaca and pure Mexican heirloomā€¦

I figure Iā€™ll get them going earlier this year and hopefully be able to share some cuts locally, and do a small increase :blush:


Thanks bud; yeah Iā€™ll likely veg these a while then restart from clone and flower in small pots. I have a small space to work with now and that worked well last year with the Guerrero green x MichoacĆ”n.

An added benefit is one of my friends with a yard will get the seed moms


I feel like they are looking pretty good and starting to green up again after a light feeding @Upstate


I think Iā€™m gonna take clones off the tops of these and make them the moms/dads and keep up-potting these for another couple of months then take them outside to do there thing until completion.


They are definitely liking the new soil/ up pot.

Good idea. You will definately have those trees you wanted outdoors lol. You might have to prune a bunch of sucker shoots. These get wide with no topping.
What water do you use?


I dechlorinate my water in home depot buckets with a bubbler and fish tank heater in my shed for inside plants. I find it strange that when Iā€™m growing inside, I MUST ph my tap water or face nutrient deficiency. BUT when I take the plants outside, they no longer need that treatment. So thats how it goes down around here brother.

I forgot to mention that after they go into any pot 2 gallons and up, I also have to ph the soil. Iā€™ve lost plants having to figure that out.


Most water sources contain chloramine instead of or in addition to chlorine and it cannot be removed. Have you looked into whether or not your town uses this? itā€™s very bad for micro life/ organics. Only reverse osmosis works to remove chloramine.
I know you have a dry climate and probably not adequate rainfall to collect it But when I switched from town water to rainwater my plants looked completely different. I think thatā€™s the difference you are seeing with plants that are outdoorsā€¦but of course the sun helps too.
Sounds like by the time you have up potted into a 2 gallon container the salts( chloramine or other) have built up in the soil and begin causing issues, like ph problems. A good flush every couple weeks might help.


@HumblePie420 Try to find some of that coop poop. I throw a tiny little scattering of the stuff on the surface of the soil every couple or few weeks and sativaā€™s love it