The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

@Upstate sort for your loss

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My Heart goes out to ya @Upstate.

Knowing how your day was planned, is the hardest one of all. And a Best Friend is always the hardest one to lose.

~ rip carson

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Condolences @Upstate

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So.sorry. I have been there too often as my pets are close friends.

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I’m with you. I’m not a joiner and was never to interested in being a Freaker for a couple of reasons.
I typically get my feels hurt and take things wrong…don’t trust…and don’t like getting disappointed by people.
I send seeds to those who send them to me and try to out give when I give.
I recently sent numerous packs out with only one thank you…but that’s ok.
I grow outdoors open pollination and have many many more seeds than I need.
I find by the time the landrace sativa has amber trichomes its too late for the good effects. This year I’m harvesting in stages as I am busy and have many large plants.
@GregOG I’m staying with my daughter in the Ozarks this week.
I grew up here and love the place but it sure has its moments. YESTERDAY some one broke into my daughter’s rent house and stole a TV. A small TV…not the big one. They apparently disnt see an envelope of cash laying on the coffee table and l3ft lots of muddy footprints through the house.


A bit of cedar pine and an undertone I can’t place.
Oaxacan clone


Damn brother, sorry for your loss. Like losing a family member for sure. I dread those days as I’ve got two senior citizens dogs myself. I rarely drink but will pop open a beer for Carson tonight. Take it easy brochacho.


My condolences for your loss @Upstate. Carson looks like a great friend and companion. Much love


Oh my goodness! 2 1968 Colombian came up( of 5) so far! This is the scary/ racey one😁
I decapitated one taking off the bin lid. Hoping for a replacement. I need a bigger space between boxes.
Also a mid 70’s seed came up. This one is extremely special and i’m not allowed to talk about it. Hopefully it lives! Need a few more for some baby making!


Thanks again to all of you for helping to make me feel like I’m not alone losing my furry buddy.
2 or 3 special Mexican varieties are being soaked in his honor starting tonight.


If it could be done, you can do it.!
Love your and the Freaker’s collective work with landraces.

Have a nice weekend!


Hiding in a corner this morning. Beautiful

One of the biggest moths ,if that’s what it is? I’ve seen. Rey beautiful and at least six inches across…

Maybe @George our resident Entamologist might have a name.





Beautiful specimen … :kissing_heart:


Ha @george beat me! Lol


Sorry to hear that brother.

He looks like a great dog.

I know this is super tough; time will help and we’re thinking of you man.

I’ll roll one in his honor. All the best and cheers to the good times! :beers: :dash:


Sorry to hear that :disappointed:, they are part of the family …

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this here is a #colombiangold #archetype

  • #huge #sticky #calyxes
  • #limegreen #gold
  • dense clusters
  • #catpiss #skunk funk

I knew on my trip to peru that the flowers I bought and saw were one of the ancestors of #roadkillskunk

the plants and smell up stream from my friends ayahuasca ceremony site spoke to me “cross me with the most pungent afghani hindu kush hashplant you can find”

so without hesitation I brought a tiny bag of mature seeds back to Canada to complete my mission in life

there are 2 green phenos. I call this one the “mexican” due too a stronger cat piss skunk and the other the “green” pheno that has 0 purple
both have that cali-0 structure. long reaching side branches that compete with the main stalk.

becuase these plants took the longest to finish. I feel very fortunate that they actually produced some seeds



Very nice and those few really help open the door for a pheno hunt!

Those seed pods still have pistils sticking out I thought the pistils fell off of pollenated calyxes. How can I tell the difference between seeded and not seeded? I have a few plants that I think got waaaay more pollenated then I expected or one if my neighbors is a dick.


It’s more like the pods grow around the pitsils. But there are always exceptions to the rule.

You can usually tell when a calyx is 2x bigger or more then it’s neighboring unpolluted seed pods
