The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Unbelievable but the Oaxaca Peshawar still lives. It has seen twenty seven degrees twice, twenty five degrees once and between twenty one and twenty three degrees once, just two days ago, along with numerous other frosts. The buds have actually grown in the meantime. Definitely has the resin and smell of Peshawar. Tough watch it die


Peace and Love to my fellow Ozarkian grower from the 70’s. I remember Ozark Gold. Used to grow it behind the pig barn.


@Upstate whats the effects do you find in the Peshawar?

Reminds me a little how the old hash pants behave with that stretch…or a Lao plant !!!LOL


@Upstate yeah It’s Snowhigh’s Mexican punto rojo.

It’s starting to smell nice and some decent resin on some of them.

@mexcurandero420 thanks hermano!


Peshawar is typical Sativa smoke. Uppity and active, clear head. The buzz will the bulk of what I tried( not many)is rather short. An hr or so. My favorite has a 2 hr buzz, and its stronger than the others. Not as strong as Oaxaca, but better than many other sativas…
@drgreensleeves is MIA, but last I heard his Peshawar “Jo bx” plants were nearly 15 feet tall and hadn’t started to make flowers yet. Nice and bushy too. Flowered from seed they are mostly branches. I recommend 2 toppings or training early to keep height down and yield up.
@Elpolloloco how long til harvest?


Interesting. That’s the conclusion I have come to. The columbians people experienced in the seventies were hybrids. I don’t know for sure when they were made… But I think possibly parke davis did it. Mid November finish for you? Early November maybe? I read reports of late November harvest in Seattle( 70’s Colombian)


Still has a few white pistils. What exactly am I looking for to know she is done?


Oh wow that’s sounding great to me! Looking forward to the effects.

Looks like there was quite a few Oaxacan pearl phenos out there this season. Took mine down 10-14 days ago can’t recall for sure as I forgot to label it.

The great part is that it’s going to be a breeze to trim since the whole thing looks smokable.

And naturally I had to add a little pollen.



She was looking really great before we had a pretty hard frost last week. These pics were from a couple weeks ago.

The following pics were from earlier this week. She’s hanging in there and I did start harvesting some branches to test. Up close the smell is a pretty fragrant sweet citrus, very enjoyable.


Beautiful plants wow. Your string of pearls came out really nice and has some nicely grouped up calyxes. I only have multiple calyxes at the tops of each branch the rest is just calyxes and bracts.
Here are some pics of my indoor Oaxacan

Peshawar Afghani


I think a couple weeks for most phenos but it looks like a couple are further behind.


Red Snake is really close to ripening. I think she accidentally got a few stray pollen grains from my New Caledonia which is heavily seeded. So I will take her down in stages and try to leave the lowers awhile in case they are still developing. She smells delicious, although more melon, clay and vegetal aromas on this one. Bud rub leaves a nice citrus floral scent, but not as sweet and intensely honeysuckle as the best phenos have.


Upstate Oaxacan in a big pot…also another O’79 x Panama cut are both looking good. I just transplanted another UO cut this morning now that I am sure my latest cuttings rooted.


Great job brother. That Huixtepec is so close. Fingers crossed you get 2 more weeks!
The Oaxaca came out nice. How’s the nose? Pine smell on that one?
@420noob there’s no clear time to harvest, but if you want more uppity and less psychedelic it’s time for the Pearl now. :wink: I’m sure with a bigger pot or in the ground your pearl Oaxaca would behave similar to deeez99 plant. Truly, us small container growers are just getting a taste of the potential. The bigger the space, the better the plant, the bigger the yield. Pearls become strings of pearls. But a taste is better than none at all. I’m 50 years old and I haven’t had anybody offer me any mexican grass since the crappy brown brick weed of the nineties. If you want it, you have to grow it yourself. My first plants didn’t look as good as your first plants, which I’m sure are the first of many​:grin:. It’s like driving a fast car. Once you grasp It’s power and learn how to tame it, It’s much smoother driving and you can do more with it without getting out of control.


@TexasTea I plan on putting mine in dirt today. Thankfully, I have been too busy to move anything in my mini room into my main room, which is entirely fucked right now. Even when bad stuff happens to me I realize I am being looked out for at the same time.


I had 6 out of 6 root up this time which is record for me. Three of them are a bit yellowed out and scraggly though so might get the kibosh or might give them away if my buddy wants them.


Ok thanks so to harvest and dry I have some questions. The fan leaves need to be trimmed but then hang the whole plant? When dry take of branches and put in Walmart bag to make your football for about a month. Is this right @Upstate
I also got guidance from many who have grown these that’s the only way these came through. Thanks all!


What the heck is that?!
One of the most beautiful plants that i ever seen!


Wow! I’m really impressed!
I upload some of your photos on Instagram and People start to ask for seeds again lol
What a plant!


Sorry about you losing your dog buddy, terrible day in life.

No question the original Colombian Gold was sprayed and targeted by force by the Colombian government to end its production, so it would be impossible for the natives to grow the original CG again. And it was gone fast under Reagan.

Street Colombian Gold was trash to the best 4 hour buzz there was and perhaps ever was. We smoked Colombian Gold for 10 years, never got burned out either. I think that’s why we loved it so much. Besides the beautiful black, brown and gold colors.

The inhale draw was smoooooth. Soon as you pulled the joint from your lips a huge explosion in your lungs occurred. The taste was toffee, caramel, earthy the good Colombian Gold.
Especially the toffee taste.

We was breeding Acapulco Gold and Colombian Gold together too. The best part of CG was the pics you took standing with the biggest leaves you ever seen in life lol. I’ll throw a couple outside next year and I’ll let them reach their full potential.

They brought Colombian Gold into Colombia, they probably created the modern-day strain after 1980 and started planting it. Baalbek Lebanese plants were also sourced into the Guerrero mountains for beeeding.

It’s documentation is out there, many say its how Acapulco Gold was made crossing them into Guerrero gentics. The Wild Lebanese plants were 30% THC and extremely resinous. I’m looking for them. This is why you saw Lebanese hash everywhere in the 70s. They made hash with the breeders in Guerrero.

The US government ordered Lebanon to hide their plants from the world after getting busted working with the Guerrero genetics. They considered then a threat to the world. Lol

Couple screenshots from my video. Just took the pics. I video mainly my stuff I do. I’ll get some pics soon. Growing them in a colder environment until I get my indoor room set up.

Shame I’ll be topping for clones and have to break it down soon. The Acapulco Gold i habe going is showing strong Sativa genetics. I’ll be crossing them soon to Colombian Gold.

I think I’m gonna cross Afghani into it first and try and create a Skunk. Especially since my male Afghani breeder is a Skunk/Afghani smell. Skunk hits you first with the Afghani bite lol.

One strain I created I rubbed in early flowring then got a killer Skunk followed by a Skunk burn. One of my new Afghani crosses did it. I’m testing all those now the new seeds. I’m crossing a Male Acapulco Gold x Bandaid Haze into it.

I forgot which plant it was. Early seeds I drop in containers, I’m not sure which new seed it was.

It may be:
Copalita village Oaxacan x Afghani
Garlic Bud x Afghani
PNW HP x Afghani
Or the (Mexican Death Sativa x Hoper Valley Gilgit) x Afghani

One of the breeding plots it come from. The Skunk Afghani pollinated them all. :100::dove: