The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

@Papalag y @Upstate

Pheno 2

This is the tallest of the three sisters…nearly six foot…she has some beautiful wispy type buds…and I see a nice crown forming at the top in the future…

Totally different from Pheno 1…the leaves are similar …I thought this was a male when I vegged as it was getting so big…now she is a nice slender chica. ( glad I flipped at 45 days ,I usually go longer)



Cut half my sop Oaxacan

Inside Oaxacan

Could this be ready soon or should the pistils all brown and curl? I know some strains can look like this. I know it’s not ready yet just wondering if soon.
@upstate I found the pollen vial you sent and it had a smidge of pollen in bottom and sides so I tried applying to inside Oaxacan just in case earlier attempt didn’t take cause of light leak.


She’s still got 3± weeks left I think. There will.still be fresh stigmas when it’s done, but it will be the inverse ratio of what you have now, with more reds and less whites. Right now you’re 75/25 red/ white. I’d go 3:2 or 4:1 ratio, red to white, but each plant is unique. The first day it doesn’t look as good as the day before, pull it. She’s going to put out more resin soon. Next couple weeks.
Light cycle or in your case a light leak, won’t effect pollination with longflowers to my knowledge. The only issue I ever had was when heavily pollinating a lone remaining branch very late in flower after harvest and then switching to a long light cycle. In that case the plant can and likely will abort some or even all seeds and instead favor leaf formation with some or all its energy.
Congratulations on your first Oaxaca harvest😁.
Yes you can leave the other half. It’ll kind of hang out looking just about the same for a couple more weeks, then slowly fade away for a few weeks more. I’ve had them put out fresh stigmas well after week 20, but the buzz loses its special quality after a while. Once that last clump of calyxes at the tip swell up, it’s the end. Past that and you lose quicker than you gain


Great open structure on those but with nicely spaced buds. ( not too far apart. Just right.Pretty plants.
Picture 5 shows an extra frosty lady that’s currently my favorite :heart_eyes:


Thanks I was thinking about 3 weeks but I can see more. I remember from her clone the calyxes took on a blueish hue then resin kicked up and her calyxes are blueing. Yay can’t wait to try some!

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Criss cross posting so y’all can see my Arachno Oaxacan!


Kudos on taming that chaos indoors! Lots of resin on that one?


String of pearls is down can’t wait to see if a made seeds!

She smells like hash with a bit of lemon.


@deeez99 yessir!
The stems where the calyces are present have a good amount of capitate stalks, and then the next stem size up has a kind of greasy, laid down resin coating.


One thing that’s nice is that it doesn’t block light, no matter where I put it! :rofl::crazy_face::bear:


So based on what @upstate said I cut the rest of my sog pheno Oaxacan.


Lol. I really think you could grow another plant underneath Spiderman. I’ve considered it. :sweat_smile:


She’s close! Looks like a crazy woman! :crazy_face:
@420noob I think you’ll be surprised about the amount of seeds… I hope so.


@Papalag y @Upstate

Am/haze x choc rain ( escobar repro

Pheno 3…@ 5 weeks from flip

Smallest of the sisters…buds forming slowly, and darker in color.

Ye like the other two doing well…hopefully the flower will improve in time.

Nice steady grow…touch wood no probs so far.


EDIT. This plant has been outside for a week…bug free so far LOL


Very nice

Sterling grow there.


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Nice. It has been forever since I’ve encountered anything with a menthol smell.

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Thanks @deeez99 I can’t wait to get these into the ground!


Highland Guerrero @ 10 weeks. This is the longest flowering female of the pack.


That looks great I’m getting hooked up with some snowhigh f2s of Guerrero green x Michoacan Green purple brown. excited to grow out a Mexican variety heard so much good about them @Cbizzle


@deeez99 that Oaxacan x red snake has changed a bunch with 2 weeks cure. No more sour berry smell can’t put my finger on it and the taste has smoothed way out and has a cedar, incense flavor now.:+1:
@upstate One mini football is curing my my cabinet!:crossed_fingers: