The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

We need to get Podcasts …Be some great folks on OG t interview.

Podcast OG

@Upstate be great to interview.

Just my thoughts



I believe there was one in the works and got put on hold until the new year. I think @Heliosphear said February he already has the equipment. Over grow the world woohoo!


30 years. The first 20 was all magazines and your basic Jorge Cervantes type books. Then icmag and Instagram, and mainly learning from people more knowledgeable than i am. I got into landraces seriously maybe 7 years ago, but remember rsc website when there was 5 strains maybe 16-18 years ago. . Anyone recall a n China weed listing? Plants that creep along the ground like a vine? Sounded interesting…but Angus’ description of Mazar had me fascinated. “Plants turn blood red at
harvest time and the growers often have to shake snow off the plants, which are left til December in some cases” Plants can reach 5 meters+. I wanted that ! . It gave me my initial interest in landraces, but 2015/2016 I started learning for hours every day.



Necessary plan your grows…

Ta for reply

P J……look 4ward to your podcast


Thank You for that, Go Jorge ! Lol

Finding Panama Red once again, was what finally got me interested in growing… well, and maybe 45 years of puffing…

Growing for the last 6-7 years has opened my eyes to how much info there is out there.

Cheers and Thanks


That would be fun.


Yeah, for the extra effort with longflowers it’s nice to get something you don’t normally find…like weed that gets you off your ass instead of putting you on it. What did the resin look like at harvest? ( as in clear, cloudy or amber?)
Here’s the Guadalajara I decapitated just after the sprout popped up. Stuck the top with a 1/4 " of root left on it back in the dirt and covered the cup with cellophane. It lives!

There was only cotyledons when I did it, so she’s growing. Took a month.


I did that last summer. Chickens ate everything but the two cotyledons. I left it out in the sun and kept watering it. It stayed alive for a couple of weeks but never grew new leaves until I gave up.

Guess I should have waited.


I don’t think they’ll come back after those original shoots are eaten. I don’t know if I can recall a time that I had success with just cotyledons actually. Usually a slug has been the culprit.


My chickens have also eaten many seedlings and have dug up many seedbeds over the years of farming. It is part of having chickens, because of these events several times I have thought about not raising more chickens, but I have been trying for years to restore the Mapuche chicken, which are the ancestors of the Araucana and Ameraucana chicken, the Mapuche chicken is what gives the component of blue eggs, earrings and rummples from those chickens.


@Arbac Don’t give up! Heritage breeds are truly special and represent ( as you surely know more than i)many many years of breeding effort. I can’t think of a more worthy endeavor than trying to bring back a Heritage.Breed of anything to your country. Plus “Mapuche” is fun to say😁. My wife and I just got chickens last may, and I haven’t had to deal with them outdoors in the summer yet. They absolutely love cannabis leaves. They come running for them. Probably wasn’t the brightest thing I’ve ever done, turning them on to the one thing they aren’t allowed to eat without permission. 🤷 Hot pepper sprays work to keep some animals away, but birds love hot pepper… So I would guess chickens do, too. Find any way to keep them off the plants other than just to keep them away?
P.S. Fifteen years ago a dozen blue eggs went for eleven dollars a dozen locally here.
Coyacan from @George. Coyote Candy x Oaxaca. First hybrid made with my own heirloom that I’ve ever grown. Hope you are well, George. Hope mom is OK too. Near 100 years old.


Merry Christmas everyone!

Upstate Oaxacan is a superstar. I should have hit this with pollen sooner, but maybe I will still be able to selectively harvest and leave some branches for a few more weeks. This cut seemed to finish quicker than others.


O79 x Panama is coming down in stages…pollinated with O79 x Malawi.


I’m looking forward to trying it. Beautiful bud. :heart_eyes: looks shockingly high end.
Sounds like a nice hybrid ( Oaxaca, mulange Panama) There’s going to be some kick ass sativa smoke within reach of everyone before too much longer. Landrace Fever is infectious!


Winter garden …plenty of salad greens and overwintering a cute little flowering pot from my outdoor garden.


I have been restoring a small farm of Mapuche chickens for 20 years. Five centuries of pollution means many contaminating breeds. Mapuche chickens receive their name from the Mapuche people, the only native people in South America that were never subdued by the European conquerors. The Mapuche chicken is very contaminated so that it does not exist in its pure state. In Chile, many believe they breed Mapuche chickens, but they only breed crossbreeds of many breeds, trying to make them look like Araucanian chickens. Araucano is the name that the Spanish conquerors gave to the indigenous Mapuches. and the Araucanian breed of chickens, was an invention of a Spanish poultry farmer and a Chilean army veterinarian. who created a breed to sell to Europeans, Ameraucana (American) chickens are chickens created in the USA from Mapuche chickens brought from Chile and Peru, where there were genetic pools of Mapuche chickens and Chinese chickens. Mapuche chickens are one of the oldest chicken breeds in the world and are directly descended from the first hybridizations of wild chickens. Don’t worry, I won’t give up, I’ve been doing this for a long time and I committed to the Mapuche people to return their ancestral chickens.


That is a noble adventure! Also sounds like a passion so it’s a win win!


Sad they’ve been contaminated. Here’s a picture for everyone.

Keep up the great work


Here’s the 2 new Oaxaca straddling @TexasTea cryptic labs Oaxaca

I’m hoping these are NOT araucana Oaxaca😁and that they are pure bred.
Oaxaca can start with wider leaves like you see. As a cutting, the middle Oaxaca plant will never have those wider leaves.



AM/Haze x Choc rain (escobar repro.

Pheno 2

85 days from flip. 12 weeks in flower….in the Zone now …will chop soon.

Nice plant nice grow.