The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Your plants will be much happier with a different water source :call_me_hand:


Ooooops. Used that all last winter.
I definitely recall The reverend from skunk magazine mentioning that he had to bring his PP mā€™s up after using a reverse osmosis machine. I thought he used only cal mag? Rainwater is definitely the best But I think itā€™s prohibited out West?


RO water will need calcium & magnesium supplementing . It strips dissolved solids . Gypsum & epsom if in dirt , calmag for soiless .


Just follow the instructions on the bag or do you use another method of measurement? How much epsom salts per gallon of water for example?


1 gram per gal.


Ha! Well its been kinda rainyā€¦kinda. Expecting rain next week. Maybe I should just get a rain barrel. Iā€™ll have to install a gutter then. My home doesnā€™t even have gutters it rain so little around here.


As @Wuachuma stated if in dirt youā€™ll also have to remineralize . Got so many bugs , pests etc plus gardening is verboten in Fla Iā€™d forgotten it strips all minerals . Iā€™m indoors & hydro so itā€™s covered every feed / watering .


Iā€™m with you on that one. I used it for years and again last year. Never an issue. You do have to clean out the Pan or algae will eventually form.
@HumblePie420 yeah looks similar here. My mom and sister are up that way. The mountains are shorter and are broken into individual hills and short ridges in the Southern portion of Washington County where Jackson is. Here the bigger mts are a couple thousand feet higher. Nice farm country up that way. Maintained farms. Here its much more heavily wooded on average with old overgrown dairy farms mixed in. Most farms went under and the farmland is now young woods and brush, but lately there is a small farm movement ā€œcleaning the dust offā€. Until the 70ā€™s there were Dairy farms everywhere. Woods on the hills and cleared on the lower slopes and bottomland.


Get that rain water! Its worth the effort. Put a bubbler in it to oxygenate the water so it doesnā€™t go anaerobic and collect mosquitoes on you if its not raining. In lieu of that, a small fish will eat mosquito larvae. I toss a few minnows from a pond in mine during summer.


Yeah, I think thats what is gonna happen. Maybe Iā€™ll just add a gutter to my sheds and have two rain barrels. Iā€™ve got a bunch of bonsai trees around my yard that would benefit from that as well.


I have two large food grade water barrels and they last a couple weeks with no rain and using it exclusively.
Hereā€™s some pics from nearby.


Damn thats beautiful. Iā€™d be freaked to drive on snowy roads as Iā€™ve never had to. Iā€™m like a sativa


:rofl::joy::joy::rofl::rofl:thatā€™s great! Good one.
Yeah driving in snow is stressful if youā€™re not used to it. I drive in it nearly everyday so it doesnā€™t bother me anymore. Wellā€¦first snow is always a slower drive.
It really is beautiful here. The bigger mts pictured are in the Catskill Park.


Yeah, it is beautiful. I remember editing that show thinking man, I wish. On that show they went around building these cabins for free if you could provide the space and at least some of the materials. Imagine a show doing that for grow rooms. If you could provide the space and at least some of the materials some experts come set you up large!


This is prob why you wonderful folks are fine! My dehimidifierā€™s catch basin is a pain in the butt to clean fully which is why Iā€™d never do it but clearly itā€™s okay to do if you are on top of things :ok_hand:



@Pigeonman thanks for looking out. Itā€™s always good to be aware of potentially negative outcomesšŸ˜. I for one will keep up on my dehumidifier cleaning when in use. Iā€™d be lying if i said it didnā€™t let it get gross a couple times. I have a cheap wal mart version ( and a better one) that has a filter that sits in the water and it gets blackā€¦probably sporesā€¦
Lucky for me I eat sawdust and old dust, bugs and who knows what else fo a living. I could eat a spore sandwich for lunch( and likely have lol) and I would be absolutely fineā€‹:grin::innocent:

As soon as they pop you can plant them, but i wait til tails are almost an inch. Iā€™ve had Peshawar sprouts in my worm bin for over a MONTH. The sprouts were( i just pulled them yesterday to feed them to the worms) all 4 inches long and completely fine and healthy in the dark in my basement and half covered in used coffee grounds, chopped weed and old food scraps. The worms must somehow prevent any bad bacteria or fungus from killing the sprouts. Seems impossible but there you go. For this reason i couldnā€™t think that leaving sprouts on top of castings could at all bother the sprouts.



:rofl: / :face_vomiting:


Whenever I empty my dehumidifier, I add a couple tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the empty reservoir and slosh it around real good before I put it back in the machine. I forget who told me that here but it works real well to keep the biofilm from forming.


This is a great idea. I do this with my nute bottles when soaking before cleaningā€¦ it kills of the foot funk.


Reading about chloramines, it seems like the easiest and cheapest way to neutralize them is to treat a reservoir with ascorbic acid then correct the PH. Itā€™s also interesting that humic acids can neutralize chloramines, which would explain why a bunch of us donā€™t experience any issues with using untreated tap water. I use straight tap but also lots of humic supplements and also grow in living soil, which would make sense why I donā€™t really see the issues some people do.

Thereā€™s also sodium metabisulfide or Campden tablets, which homebrewers use to remove chlorine and chloramines from wort water since chloramines donā€™t boil off and theyā€™ll screw with the yeast pitching and fermentation.

And this stuff gets mentioned a lot in forum posts Iā€™ve read about this as a recommended aquarium product for dechlorination: